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Mollusca (Phylum) > Gastropoda (Class)
Patelloidea Rafinesque, 1815
PATELLIDAE Rafinesque, 1815
Scutellastra H. & A. Adams, 1854 (Patella plicata Born, 1778) =Ancistromesus Dall, 1871, =Patella (Ancistromesus) Dall, 1871, =Patella (Scutellastra) H. & A. Adams, 1854, =Patellanax Iredale, 1924, =Patellidea Thiele, 1891, =Penepatella Iredale, 1929
kermadecensis (Pilsbry, 1894) =pilsbryi Brazier K. photo
Lottioidea Gray, 1840
NACELLIDAE Thiele, 1891
Cellana H. Adams, 1869 (Nacella cernica H. Adams, 1869) =Bertinia Jousseaume, 1883, =Granopatella Pallary, 1920, =Helcion (Helcioniscus) Dall, 1871, =Helcioniscus Dall, 1871, =Nacella (Cellana) H. Adams, 1869
craticulata (Suter, 1905) =corrugata W.R.B. Oliver, =craticulatus Suter, =hedleyi W.R.B. Oliver, =prolixa W.R.B. Oliver, =scopulina W.R.B. Oliver, =vulcanicus W.R.B. Oliver K. photo
denticulata (Martyn, 1784) =imbricata Reeve, =reevei Hutton A.C. photo
flava (Hutton, 1873) C.F. photo
oliveri Powell, 1955 =bollonsi Powell, =chathamensis of authors not Pilsbry M.An. photo
ornata (Dillwyn, 1817) =luctuosa Gould, =margaritaria Reeve, =nodosa Hombron & Jacquinot A.C.F. photo
radians (Gmelin, 1791) =antipodum E.A. Smith, =argentea Quoy & Gaimard, =argyropsis Lesson, =decora Philippi, =earlii Reeve, =flexuosa Hutton, =morio Noodt, =novemradiata Fischer von Waldheim, =olivacea Hutton, =orichalcea Philippi, =perana Iredale, =pholidota Lesson, =radiatilis Hombron & Jacquinot A.C.F.R.Fo. photo
stellifera (Gmelin, 1791) =phymatius Suter, =stelliferus Gmelin, =stellularia Quoy & Gaimard A.C.F. photo
strigilis (Hombron & Jacquinot, 1841) =flemingi Powell, =illuminata Suter, =illuminata Gould, =pottsi Hutton, =redimiculum Reeve C.F.An. photo
Nacella Schumacher, 1817 (N. mytiloides Schumacher, 1817) =Nacella (Patinigera) Dall, 1905, =Patella (Patinella) Dall, 1871, =Patinella Dall, 1871, =Patinigera Dall, 1905
kerguelenensis (E.A. Smith, 1879) An.
macquariensis Finlay, 1926 An. photo
terroris (Filhol, 1880) An. photo
LOTTIIDAE Gray, 1840
Actinoleuca W.R.B. Oliver, 1926 (Patella campbelli Filhol, 1880)
campbelli (Filhol, 1880) An.
campbelli bountyensis Powell, 1955 An. photo
macquariensis (Hedley, 1916) An.
Asteracmea W.R.B. Oliver, 1926 (Helcioniscus illibrata Verco, 1906)
suteri (Iredale, 1915) =roseoradiata Suter A.C.F.An. photo
Atalacmea Iredale, 1915 (Patella unguisalmae Lesson, 1830)
fragilis (G.B. Sowerby I, 1823) =solandri Colenso, =unguisalmae Lesson A.C.F. photo
multilinea Powell, 1934 F. photo
Notoacmea Iredale, 1915 (Patelloida pileopsis Quoy & Gaimard, 1834) =Conacmea W.R.B. Oliver, 1926, =Notoacmea (Conacmea) W.R.B. Oliver, 1926, =Notoacmea (Notoacmea) Iredale, 1915, =Notoacmea (Parvacmea) Iredale, 1915, =Notoacmea (Subacmea) W.R.B. Oliver, 1926, =Parvacmea Iredale, 1915, =Subacmea W.R.B. Oliver, 1926, =Thalassacmea W.R.B. Oliver, 1926
badia W.R.B. Oliver, 1926 F. photo
cellanoides W.R.B. Oliver, 1926 A.C.F. photo
daedala (Suter, 1907) A.C.F. photo
elongata Quoy & Gaimard, 1834 =helmsi E.A. Smith, =virescens W.R.B. Oliver A.C.F. photo
parviconoidea (Suter, 1907) =nigrostella Suter A.C.F.M. photo
pileopsis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1834) A.C. photo
potae Nakano, Marshall, Kennedy & Spencer,2009 A.C.F. photo
rapida Nakano, Marshall, Kennedy & Spencer,2009 A.C.F. photo
scapha (Suter, 1907) =helmsi of authors, =leucoma Suter A.C.F. photo
scopulina W.R.B. Oliver, 1926 A.C. photo
sturnus (Hombron & Jacquinot, 1841) =antarctica Hombron & Jacquinot, =cantharus Reeve F.An. photo
subantarctica W.R.B. Oliver, 1926 An. photo
subtilis (Suter, 1907) A.C.
turbatrix Nakano, Marshall, Kennedy & Spencer,2009 A.C.F. photo
Patelloida Quoy & Gaimard, 1834 (P. rugosa Quoy & Gaimard, 1834)
corticata (Hutton, 1880) =corallina W.R.B. Oliver, =pseudocorticata Iredale A.C.F. photo
Radiacmea Iredale, 1915 (Acmaea cingulata Hutton, 1883)
inconspicua (Gray, 1843) =cingulata Hutton, =rubiginosa Hutton A.C.F.M. photo
intermedia (Suter, 1907) An.
Pectinodonta Dall, 1882 (P. arcuata Dall, 1882)
aupouria B.A. Marshall, 1985 =explorata Powell, 1979, in part, not Dell A.C.M. photo
marinovichi B.A. Marshall, 1998 A.C.F. photo
morioria B.A. Marshall, 1985 A.C.F. photo
LEPETIDAE Gray, 1850
Maoricrater Dell, 1956 (Notoacmea explorata Dell, 1953)
exploratus (Dell, 1953) =explorata Dell A.C.F.M.An. photo
Lepetelloidea Dall, 1882
Lepetella Verrill, 1880 (L. tubicola Verrill & S. Smith, 1880) =Tectisumen Finlay, 1926
clypidellaeformis (Suter, 1908) A.C.F.M.An.
Tecticrater Dell, 1956 (Cocculina compressa Suter, 1908)
compressus (Suter, 1908) =compressa Suter A.C.F.M. photo
finlayi (Powell, 1937) A.
grandis Crozier, 1966 A. photo
subcompressus (Powell, 1937) =subcompressa Powell A.
CHORISTELLIDAE Bouchet & Warén, 1979
Choristella Bush, 1987 (C. leptalea Bush, 1897)
marshalli McLean, 1992 A.C.M. photo
Amphiplica Haszprunar, 1988 (A. venezuelensis McLean, 1988) =Amphiplica (Gordabyssia) McLean, 1991
knudseni McLean, 1988 C.
Caymanabyssia Moskalev, 1976 (C. spina Moskalev, 1976) =Caymanabyssia (Caymanabyssia) Moskalev, 1976, =Caymanabyssia (Dictyabyssia) McLean, 1991
rhina B.A. Marshall, 1985 A. photo
sinespina B.A. Marshall, 1985 A.C.M. photo
Colotrachelus B.A. Marshall, 1985 (C. hestica B.A. Marshall, 1986)
hestica B.A. Marshall, 1985 C. photo
Copulabyssia Haszprunar, 1988 (Cocculina corrugata Jeffreys, 1883)
gradata (B.A. Marshall, 1985) A. photo
Kurilabyssia Moskalev, 1976 (K. squamosa Moskalev, 1976)
antipodensis B.A. Marshall, 1985 F.
Mesopelex B.A. Marshall, 1985 (M. zelandica B.A. Marshall, 1986)
zelandica B.A. Marshall, 1985 A. photo
Notocrater Finlay, 1927 (Cocculina craticulata Suter, 1908) =Punctolepeta Habe, 1958
craticulatus (Suter, 1908) =craticulata Suter F. photo
gracilis B.A. Marshall, 1985 A.
Pseudococculina Schepman, 1908 (P. rugosoplicata Schepman, 1908)
gregaria B.A. Marshall, 1985 F.M. photo
Tentaoculus Moskalev, 1976 (T. perlucidus Moskalev, 1976)
balantiophaga B.A. Marshall, 1996 C.M. photo
haptricola B.A. Marshall, 1985 C. photo
lithodicola B.A. Marshall, 1985 C. photo
neolithodicola B.A. Marshall, 1985 C. photo
OSTEOPELTIDAE B.A. Marshall, 1987
Baleenopelta (B. rotunda B.A. Marshall & K. Walton, 2021)
rotunda B.A. Marshall & K. Walton, 2021 A.C.F.M.An.
Osteopelta B.A. Marshall, 1987 (O. mirabilis B.A. Marshall, 1987)
mirabilis B.A. Marshall, 1987 C.F. photo
praeceps B.A. Marshall, 1994 C. photo
Cocculinella Thiele, 1909 (Acmaea minutissima E.A. Smith, 1904)
kopua B.A. Marshall, 1983 A. photo
osteophila B.A. Marshall, 1983 A. photo
Scissurelloidea Gray, 1847
Incisura Hedley, 1904 (Scissurella lyttleltonensis E.A. Smith, 1894) =Scissurona Iredale, 1924
lytteltonensis (E.A. Smith, 1894) =lyttleltonensis E.A. Smith A.C.F.M.An.
rosea (Hedley, 1904) A.C.F.M.An. photo
Satondella Bandel, 1998 (S. minuta Bandel, 1998)
azonata Geiger & Marshall, 2012 A.
bicristata Geiger & Marshall, 2012 K.
cachoi Luque, Geiger & Rolán, 2011 K.
dantarti Luque, Geiger & Rolán, 2011 A.
Scissurella d'Orbigny, 1824 (S. laevigata d'Orbigny, 1824) =Maxwellella Bandel, 1998, =Praescissurella Lozouet, 1998, =Reussella Bandel, 1998, =Schismope Jeffreys, 1856, =Woodwardia Crosse & P. Fischer, 1861
bountyensis Powell, 1933 An. photo
manawatawhia Powell, 1937 A. photo
prendrevillei Powell, 1933 =fairchildi Powell, =marshalli Bandel, =stellae C.A. Fleming A.C.F.M.An. photo
regalis Geiger & Marshall, 2012 A.
skeneoides Geiger, 2012 A.
Sinezona Finlay, 1927 (Schismope brevis Hedley, 1904) =Ariella Bandel, 1998, =Daizona Bandel, 1998
bandeli B.A. Marshall, 2002 K.A.C.F. photo
brevis (Hedley, 1904) A.C.M.An. photo
brucei Geiger, 2012 K.A.
calumnior Geiger, 2012 K.A.
enigmatica Geiger & Marshall, 2012 A.
iota (Finlay, 1926) A.C.F.M.An. photo
laqueus (Finlay, 1926) A.C.F.M.An. photo
levigata (Iredale, 1908) =campbelli Bandel C.F.M.An. photo
macleani Geiger, 2006 K.A.
mechanica Geiger & Marshall, 2012 C.F.M.
pacifica (W.R.B. Oliver, 1915) K.A.An. photo
pauperata Powell, 1933 M.
platyspira Geiger & Marshall, 2012 A.
subantarctica (Hedley, 1916) An.
wanganellica Geiger & Marshall, 2012 A.
Sukashitrochus Habe & Kosuge, 1964 (Scissurella carinata A. Adams, 1862)
lyallensis (Finlay, 1926) K.A.C.F.M.An. photo
LAROCHEIDAE Finlay, 1927
Bathyxylophila B.A. Marshall, 1988 (B. excelsa B.A. Marshall, 1988)
excelsa B.A. Marshall, 1988 A.C.M. photo
iota B.A. Marshall, 1988 C.M. photo
pusilla B.A. Marshall, 1988 A. photo
Larochea Finlay, 1927 (L. miranda Finlay, 1927)
miranda Finlay, 1927 A. photo
scitula B.A. Marshall, 1993 A.C. photo
secunda Powell, 1937 A. photo
spirata Geiger & Marshall, 2012 A.
Larocheopsis B.A. Marshall, 1993 (L. amplexa B.A. Marshall, 1993)
amplexa B.A. Marshall, 1993 A. photo
macrostoma Geiger & Marshall, 2012 K.
Trogloconcha Kase & Kano, 2002 (T. ohashii Kase & Kano, 2002)
tesselata Kase & Kano, 2002 K.
Anatoma Woodward, 1859 (Scissurella crispata J. Fleming, 1828) =Anatomus H. Adams, 1862, =Hainella Bandel, 1998, =Schizotrochus Monterosato, 1877, =Scissurella (Anatoma) Woodward, 1859, =Thieleella Bandel, 1998
amydra Geiger & Marshall, 2012 A.C.
aupouria (Powell, 1937) A. photo
equatoria (Hedley, 1899) =nanshaensis W.M. Feng K.
finlayi (Powell, 1937) =herberti Geiger & Sasaki A.M. photo
flemingi (B.A. Marshall, 2002) =mantelli Woodward A.C.F.M.An. photo
globulus Geiger, 2012 K.
indonesica Bandel, 1998 K.
japonica (A. Adams, 1862) =aetheria Melvill & Standen, =exquisita Schepman, =jansenae Geiger, =japonicus A. Adams A.
kopua Geiger & Marshall, 2012 A.
maxima (Schepman, 1908) A.
megascutula Geiger & Marshall, 2012 A.
pseudoequatoria (Kay, 1979) =funiculata Geiger & Jansen, =paucispiralia Bandel, =pulchella Bandel K.
regia (Mestayer, 1916) A.C.F. photo
tangaroa Geiger & Marshall, 2012 A.
zancliformis Geiger, 2012 C.F.
Haliotoidea Rafinesque, 1815
HALIOTIDAE Rafinesque, 1815
Haliotis Fleming, 1952 (H. asinina Linnaeus, 1758) =Haliotis (Padollus) Montfort, 1810, =Haliotis (Paua) Fleming, 1952, =Haliotis (Sulculus) H. & A. Adams, 1854
australis Gmelin, 1791 =aleata Röding, =costata Swainson, =rugosoplicata Schumacher A.C.F.M.An. photo
pirimoana Walton, Marshall, Rawlence & Spencer, 2024 A. photo
iris Gmelin, 1791 A.C.F.M. photo
virginea Gmelin, 1791 =crispata Gould, =gibba Philippi, =huttoni Filhol, =marmorata Reeve, =morioria Powell, =stewartae Jones & Owen, =subvirginea Weinkauff A.C.F.M.An. photo
Fissurelloidea J. Fleming, 1822
FISSURELLIDAE J. Fleming, 1822
Diodora Gray, 1821 (Patella apertura Montagu, 1803)
bollonsi (W.R.B. Oliver, 1915) K. photo
Monodilepas Finlay, 1927 (Lucapina monilifera Hutton, 1873)
diemenensis Finlay, 1930 A.C. photo
monilifera (Hutton, 1873) F. photo
otagoensis Finlay, 1930 F. photo
skinneri Finlay, 1928 M. photo
Cornisepta McLean & Geiger, 1998 (Fissurisepta antarctica Egorova, 1972)
festiva Crozier, 1966 A. photo
Emarginula Lamarck, 1801 (E. conica Lamarck, 1801) =Emarginula (Subzeidora) Iredale, 1924
connectens Thiele, 1915 K.
striatula Quoy & Gaimard, 1834 =lophelia Beu, =valentior Finlay A.C.F.M.An. photo
Fissurisepta Seguenza, 1863 (F. papillosa Seguenza, 1863) =Puncturella (Fissurisepta) Seguenza, 1863
manawatawhia (Powell, 1937) A.
Scutus Montfort, 1810 (S. antipodes Montfort, 1810) =Aviscutum Iredale, 1940, =Nannoscutum Iredale, 1937, =Parmophorus Blainville, 1817, =Scutum P. Fischer, 1885
breviculus (Blainville, 1817) A.C.F. photo
Tugali Gray in Dieffenbach, 1843 (T. elegans Gray, 1843) =Emarginula (Tugali) Gray, 1843, =Subemarginula (Tugalia) Gray, 1843, =Tugalia Gray, 1857
colvillensis Finlay, 1926 A.C.F. photo
elegans Gray, 1843 A.C.F.M. photo
stewartiana Powell, 1939 F. photo
suteri (Thiele, 1917) =bascauda Hedley A.C.M. photo
suteri sutherlandi Fleming, 1948 F.
Vacerrena Iredale, 1958 (Puncturella demissa Hedley, 1904) =Puncturella (Vacerrena) Iredale, 1958, =Vacerra Iredale, 1924
kesteveni (Hedley, 1900) =demissa Hedley, =menda Iredale F.M.An. photo
Montfortula Iredale, 1915 (Emarginula rugosa Quoy & Gaimard, 1834) =Plagiorhytis P. Fischer, 1885, =Variegemarginula McLean, 2011
chathamensis Finlay, 1928 =rugosa of authors not Quoy & Gaimard C.M. photo
Puncturella Lowe, 1827 (Patella noachina Linnaeus, 1771) =Cemoria Risso, 1826, =Cranopsis A. Adams, 1860, =Puncturella (Cranopsis) A. Adams, 1860, =Sipho T. Brown, 1827
cf. analoga Martens, 1902 M.
pseudanaloga Powell, 1957 An.
Zeidora A. Adams, 1860 (Z. calceolina A. Adams, 1860) =Crepiemarginula Seguenza, 1880, =Emarginula (Nesta) H. Adams, 1870, =Nesta H. Adams, 1870, =Zidora P. Fischer, 1885
antarctica Aldea, Zelaya & Troncoso, 2011 =renkeri Engl An.
maoria Powell, 1937 A. photo
Pleurotomarioidea Swainson, 1840
Bayerotrochus Bayer, 1965 (Perotrochus midas Bayer, 1965)
tangaroanus (Bouchet & Métivier, 1982) K.A. photo
Trochoidea Rafinesque, 1815
TROCHIDAE Rafinesque, 1815
Cantharidus Montfort, 1810 (Trochus iris Gmelin, 1791) =Cantharidus (Cantharidus) Montfort, 1810, =Cantharidus (Plumbelenchus) Finlay, 1926, =Cantharidus (Pseudomargarella) Donald & Spencer, 2016, =Micrelenchus (Plumbelenchus) Finlay, 1926, =Trochus (Cantharidus) Montfort, 1810
antipodum (Hombron & Jacquinot, 1854) =1873 Hutton, =antipoda Hombron & Jacquinot, =decepta Iredale, =hinemoa Powell, =rosea Hutton, =roseus Hutton F.An. photo
capillaceus (Philippi, 1848) =coruscans Hedley, =episcopus Hombron & Jacquinot, =minor E.A. Smith, =perobtusa Pilsbry, =pruininus Gould, =pruninus Gould, =zealandicus A. Adams An. photo
dilatatus (G.B. Sowerby II, 1870) =simulata Hutton, =suteri E.A. Smith A.C.F.M. photo
festivus (B.A. Marshall, 1998) A. photo
fulminatus (Hutton, 1873) =fulminata Hutton M. photo
opalus (Martyn, 1784) =acuminatus Perry, =biangulatus Suter, =cannoni Powell, =iris Gmelin A.C.F.M. photo
puysegurensis (Powell, 1939) C.F. photo
turneri (Powell, 1939) F.An. photo
Micrelenchus Finlay, 1926 (Trochus (Gibbium) sanguineus Gray, 1843) =Cantharidus (Mawhero) B.A. Marshall, 1998, =Mawhero B.A. Marshall, 1998, =Micrelenchus (Mawhero) B.A. Marshall, 1998, =Micrelenchus (Micrelenchus) Finlay, 1926, =Trochus (Gibbium) Gray, 1843 (invalid, junior homonym of Gibbium Scopoli, 1777)
burchorum B.A. Marshall, 1998 A. photo
huttonii (E.A. Smith, 1876) =plumbea Hutton A.C.F. photo
purpureus (Gmelin, 1791) =elegans Gmelin, =pallidus Hombron & Jacquinot, =purpurea Gmelin, =rostratus Gmelin, =rubella Menke, =texturatus Gould, =torosus Kiener A.C. photo
sanguineus (Gray, 1843) =cryptus Powell, =oliveri Iredale A.C.F. photo
tenebrosus A. Adams, 1853 =dolorosa Tenison-Woods, =parcipictus Powell, =scamnatus P. Fischer A.C.F. photo
tessellatus (A. Adams, 1851) =inconspicua Hutton, =nitida A. Adams & Angas, =sublaevis Finlay, =tesselata A. Adams, =tesselatus A. Adams A.C.F. photo
Roseaplagis Donald & Spencer, 2016 (Canthiridus rufozona A. Adams, 1853)
artizona A. Adams, 1853 =bakeri C.A. Fleming, =elongata Suter, =micans Suter C.F. photo
caelatus Hutton, 1884 F. photo
mortenseni (Odhner, 1924) =archibenthicola Dell, =morioria Powell C.F.M.An. photo
rufozona A. Adams, 1853 A.C. photo
Fossarina A. Adams & Angas, 1864 (F. patula (A. Adams & Angas, 1864))
rimata (Hutton, 1884) A.C. photo
Diloma Philippi, 1845 (Turbo nigerrimus Gmelin, 1791) =Anisodiloma Finlay, 1926, =Cavodiloma Finlay, 1926, =Fractarmilla Finlay, 1926, =Melagraphia Gray, 1847, =Monodonta (Neodiloma) P. Fischer, 1885, =Neodiloma P. Fischer, 1885, =Trochus (Diloma) Philippi, 1845, =Zediloma Finlay, 1926, =Zediloma (Fractarmilla) Finlay, 1926
aethiops (Gmelin, 1791) =concolor A. Adams, =lugubris Gmelin, =reticularis W. Wood A.C.F.M. photo
aridum (Finlay, 1926) =arida Finlay A.C.F.M.An. photo
bicanaliculatum (Dunker, 1845) =albina Mestayer, =bernardii RĂ©cluz, =bicanaliculatus Dunker, =cingulatus Quoy & Gaimard, =gaimardi Philippi, =lenior Finlay, =sulcatus W. Wood A.C.F. photo
coracinum (Philippi, 1851) =coracinus Troschel, =excavata A. Adams & Angas A.C.F. photo
durvillaea Spencer, Marshall & Waters, 2009 C.F.An. photo
nigerrimum (Gmelin, 1791) =crusoeana Pilsbry, =digna Finlay, =nigerrima Gmelin, =nigerrimus Gmelin A.C.F.M.An. photo
subrostratum (Gray, 1835) =attritus Hombron & Jacquinot, =corrosa A. Adams, =hectori Hutton, =novaezelandiae Anton, =pica A. Adams, =plumbea Hutton, =subrostrata Gray, =undulosum A. Adams, =zebrina Powell A.C.F. photo
zelandicum (Quoy & Gaimard, 1834) =atrovirens Philippi, =guttata Hutton, =zelandicus Quoy & Gaimard A.C.F. photo
Stomatella Lamarck, 1816 (S. auricula Lamarck, 1816)
oliveri (Iredale, 1912) K.
Clanculus Montfort, 1810 (Trochus pharaonius Linnaeus, 1758) =Clanculopsis Monterosato, 1880, =Clanculus (Clanculopsis) Monterosato, 1880, =Clanculus (Euclanculus) Cotton & Godfrey, 1934, =Clanculus (Euriclanculus) Cotton & Godfrey, 1934, =Clanculus (Paraclanculus) Finlay, 1926, =Fragella Swainson, 1840, =Macroclanculus Cotton & Godfrey, 1934, =Otavia Risso, 1826, =Trochus (Belangeria) P. Fischer, 1879, =Trochus (Clanculus) Montfort, 1810
atypicus Iredale, 1912 K.
peccatus (Finlay, 1926) A. photo
persicus Habe & Shikama, 1964 =persica Habe & Shikama K.
Coelotrochus Fischer, 1880 (Trochus tiaratus Quoy & Gaimard, 1834) =Anthora Gray, 1857, =Chlorostoma (Neozelandia) Cossmann, 1918, =Thorista Iredale, 1915, =Thoristella Iredale, 1915, =Trochus (Anthora) Gray, 1857, =Trochus (Coelotrochus) P. Fischer, 1879, =Trochus (Thorista) Iredale, 1915
carinatus (B.A. Marshall, 1998) =carinata B.A. Marshall A. photo
carmesinus (Webster, 1908) =carmesina Webster A. photo
chathamensis (Hutton, 1873) =aucklandicum E.A. Smith, =benthicola Finlay, =cookiana Powell, =dunedinensis Suter C.F.M.An. photo
davegibbsi B.A. Marshall, 1998 A. photo
oppressus (Hutton, 1878) =oppressa Hutton A.C. photo
polychromus B.A. Marshall, 1998 =polychroma B.A. Marshall A. photo
rex (B.A. Marshall, 1998) A. photo
tiaratus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1834) =conica Hutton, =delicatulus Philippi, =elegans Gray, =huttoni Cossmann A.C.F.R.Fo. photo
viridis (Gmelin, 1791) =acinosus Gould, =fulvolabris Hombron & Jacquinot, =tritonis A. Adams, =tuberculata Gray, =viridescens A. Adams A.C.F.M.R.Fo. photo
Tectus Montfort, 1810 (T. pagodalis Montfort, 1810)
royanus (Iredale, 1912) K. photo
Trochus Linnaeus, 1758 =Camelotrochus B.A. Marshall, 1998, =Trochus (Camelotrochus) B.A. Marshall, 1998 accepted, alternate representation
camelophorus Webster, 1906 A. photo
Antisolarium Finlay, 1927 (Solarium egenum Gould, 1849)
egenum (Gould, 1849) =dilecta A. Adams, =zealandica Hutton A.C.F.M.R.Fo. photo
Talopena Swainson, 1840 (Monilea incerta Iredale, 1912)
incerta Iredale, 1912 K.
Zethalia Finlay, 1926 (Umbonium zelandicum A. Adams, 1854) =Umbonium Link, 1807, =Ethaliopsis Cossmann, 1918
zelandica (Hombron & Jacquinot, 1855) =anguliferus Philippi, =zelandicum A. Adams A.C.F.M. photo
Kaiparathina Laws, 1941 (K. praecellens Laws, 1941)
fasciata B.A. Marshall, 1993 A. photo
Archiminolia Iredale, 1929 (Monilea oleacea Hedley & Petterd, 1906)
episcopalis B.A. Marshall, 1999 A.
hurleyi (B.A. Marshall, 1979) K.
regalis B.A. Marshall, 1999 A.
Bathymophila Dall, 1881 (Margarita euspira Dall, 1881) =Ethaliopsis Schepman, 1908, =Margarita (Bathymophila) Dall, 1881, =Solariella (Ethaliopsis) Schepman, 1908
asphala B.A. Marshall, 1999 A.
dawsoni (B.A. Marshall, 1979) K.
gravida B.A. Marshall, 1999 A. photo
valentia B.A. Marshall, 1999 A.
wanganellica (B.A. Marshall, 1999) K. photo
Elaphriella Vilvens & S.T. Williams, 2016 (E. cantharos Vilvens & S.T. Williams, 2016)
diplax (B.A. Marshall, 1999) A. photo
meridiana (Dell, 1953) A.C.F.M. photo
Halystes B.A. Marshall, 1988 (H. chimaera B.A. Marshall, 1988)
chimaera B.A. Marshall, 1988 C.F.
Phragmomphalina Herbert & S.T. Williams, 2020 (P. vilvensi Herbert & S.T. Williams, 2020)
alabida (B.A. Marshall, 1979) K.A. photo
diadema B.A. Marshall, 1999 K.
tenuiseptum (B.A. Marshall, 1999) K.A.
Solariella S.V. Wood, 1842 (S. maculata S.V. Wood, 1842) =Machaeroplax Friele, 1877, =Margarita (Solariella) S.V. Wood, 1842, =Minolia (Machaeroplax) Friele, 1877, =Solariella (Periaulax) Cossmann, 1888, =Trochus (Solariella) S.V. Wood, 1842
peristicta B.A. Marshall, 1999 A.
Spectamen Iredale, 1924
basilicum B.A. Marshall, 1999 =basilica B.A. Marshall A. photo
benthicola (Powell, 1937) A.
exiguum (B.A. Marshall, 1999) =exigua B.A. Marshall A. photo
flavidum (B.A. Marshall, 1999) =flavida B.A. Marshall A. photo
luteolum (Powell, 1937) =luteola Powell A.
plicatulum (Murdoch & Suter, 1906) =plicatula Murdoch & Suter A.C. photo
semireticulatum (Suter, 1908) =semireticulata Suter C.F.M.An. photo
tryphenense (Powell, 1930) =tryphenensis Powell A. photo
verum (Powell, 1937) =vera Powell A.
Zetela Finlay, 1927 (Minolia textilis Murdoch & Suter, 1906)
annectens B.A. Marshall, 1999 A. photo
kopua B.A. Marshall, 1999 A.C.F.
tangaroa B.A. Marshall, 1999 C.F.An.
textilis (Murdoch & Suter, 1906) A.C. photo
variabilis (Dell, 1956) C.M. photo
Bathyfautor B.A. Marshall, 1995 (B. rapuhia B.A. Marshall, 1995)
rapuhia B.A. Marshall, 1995 A.
Calliostoma Swainson, 1840 (Trochus conulus Linnaeus, 1758) =Ampullotrochus Monterosato, 1890, =Calliostoma (Ampullotrochus) Monterosato, 1890, =Calliostoma (Calliostoma) Swainson, 1840, =Callistoma Herrmannsen, 1846, =Trochus (Ziziphinus) Gray, 1842, =Trochus (Zizyphinus) Gray, 1847
peregrinum B.A. Marshall, 1995 A.
xanthos B.A. Marshall, 1995 =heros B.A. Marshall K.
Fautor Iredale, 1924 (Ziziphinus comptus A. Adams, 1855) =Calliostoma (Fautor) Iredale, 1924
consobrinus Powell, 1958 =consobrinum Powell K.
Maurea W.R.B. Oliver, 1926 (Trochus tigris Gmelin, 1791) =Alertalex Dell, 1956, =Calliostoma (Calliotropis) W.R.B. Oliver, 1926, =Calliostoma (Maurea) W.R.B. Oliver, 1926, =Calliostoma (Mauriella) W.R.B. Oliver, 1926, =Calliotropis W.R.B. Oliver, 1926, =Calotropis Thiele, 1929, =Maurea (Alertalex) Dell, 1956, =Maurea (Mucrinops) Finlay, 1926, =Mauriella W.R.B. Oliver, 1926, =Mucrinops Finlay, 1926, =Venustas Finlay, 1926, =Venustas (Mucrinops) Finlay, 1926
alertae (B.A. Marshall, 1995) =blacki Dell A.C.F.M.An. photo
antipodensis (B.A. Marshall, 1995) =antipodense B.A. Marshall An. photo
aupouriana (B.A. Marshall, 1995) =aupourianum B.A. Marshall A. photo
benthicola (Dell, 1950) C. photo
blacki (Powell, 1950) =couperi Vella, =profunda Dell C.F.M.An. photo
eltanini (Dell, 1990) M. photo
eminens B.A. Marshall, 1995 An. photo
foveauxana (Dell, 1950) =foveauxanum Dell F. photo
gibbsorum (B.A. Marshall, 1995) A. photo
granti Powell, 1931 =ampla Powell, =multigemmata Powell C.F.M.An. photo
jamiesoni (B.A. Marshall, 1995) A. photo
maui (B.A. Marshall, 1995) C.M. photo
megaloprepes Tomlin, 1948 An. photo
osbornei Powell, 1926 A.C. photo
pellucida (Valenciennes, 1846) =pellucidum Valenciennes, =pellucidus Valenciennes, =spiratum W.R.B. Oliver, =torquatus Anton, =undulatum Finlay A.C.F. photo
penniketi (B.A. Marshall, 1995) A. photo
punctulata (Martyn, 1784) =diaphanus Gmelin, =grandineus Valenciennes, =pulcherrimus Noodt, =pulcherrimus Röding, =punctulatum Martyn, =punctulatus Martyn, =stewartianum W.R.B. Oliver, =urbanior Finlay, =wanganuicum W.R.B. Oliver A.C.F. photo
regalis (B.A. Marshall, 1995) =regale B.A. Marshall A. photo
selecta (Dillwyn, 1817) =carnicolor Preston, =cunninghami Gray, =cunninghamii Gray, =hodgei Hutton, =pagoda W.R.B. Oliver, =ponderosus Hutton, =regifica Finlay, =selectum Dillwyn, =selectus Dillwyn A.C.F.M. photo
simulans (B.A. Marshall, 1994) C.F.M.An. photo
spectabilis (A. Adams, 1855) =spectabile A. Adams An. photo
tigris (Gmelin, 1791) =chathamensis Dell, =granatum Gmelin A.C.F.M. photo
turnerarum Powell, 1964 A. photo
waikanae (W.R.B. Oliver, 1926) =forsteriana Dell, =haurakiensis Dell, =morioria Powell A.C.F.M. photo
Tristichotrochus Ikebe, 1942 (Calliostoma aculeatum G.B. Sowerby III, 1912)
gendalli (B.A. Marshall, 1979) K. photo
tosaensis Kuroda & Habe, 1961 =tosaense Kuroda & Habe K.
Venustatrochus Powell, 1951 (V. georgianus Powell, 1951)
eclectus B.A. Marshall, 2016 K.A. photo
galateae B.A. Marshall, 2016 K. photo
youngi B.A. Marshall, 2016 M. photo
Falsimargarita Powell, 1951 (Margarites gemma E.A. Smith, 1915)
callista B.A. Marshall, 2016 An. photo
challengerica B.A. Marshall, 2016 photo
eximia B.A. Marshall, 2016 An.
tangaroa B.A. Marshall, 2016 A.
Fautrix B.A. Marshall, 1995 (F. candida B.A. Marshall, 1995)
candida B.A. Marshall, 1995 A.
Phenacomargarites B.A. Marshall, 2016 (P. williamsae B.A. Marshall, 2016)
incomptus B.A. Marshall, 2016 K.M.
titan B.A. Marshall, 2016 K. photo
Selastele B.A. Marshall, 1995 (Calliostoma onustum Odhner, 1924)
kopua (B.A. Marshall, 1995) C.F. photo
limatulum (B.A. Marshall, 1995) A. photo
onustum (Odhner, 1924) A. photo
Margarella Thiele, 1893 (Margarita expansa G.B. Sowerby I, 1838)
expansa (G. B. Sowerby I, 1838) =hillii Forbes An. photo
macquariensis Hedley, 1916 An. photo
Carinastele B.A. Marshall, 1988 (C. kristelleae B.A. Marshall, 1988)
coronata B.A. Marshall, 1988 A. photo
jugosa B.A. Marshall, 1988 An. photo
kristelleae B.A. Marshall, 1988 C.An. photo
Thysanodonta B.A. Marshall, 1988 (T. aucklandica B.A. Marshall, 1988)
aucklandica B.A. Marshall, 1988 An.
wairua B.A. Marshall, 1988 A. photo
LIOTIIDAE Gray, 1850
Dentarene Iredale, 1929 (D. sarcina Iredale, 1929)
suteri (Mestayer, 1919) An. photo
Munditia Finlay, 1927 (Liotina tryphenensis Powell, 1926)
anomala Powell, 1940 A. photo
aupouria Powell, 1937 A.
delicatula Powell, 1940 A.
echinata Powell, 1937 A.
manawatawhia Powell, 1937 A.
owengaensis Powell, 1933 M.
serrata (Suter, 1908) A.
tryphenensis (Powell, 1926) A. photo
Antimargarita Powell, 1951 (Valvatella dulcis E.A. Smith, 1907)
maoria Dell, 1995 An.
TURBINIDAE Rafinesque, 1815
Astraea Röding, 1784 (Trochus imperialis Gmelin, 1791) =Canthorbis Swainson, 1840, =Imperator Montfort, 1810
heliotropium (Martyn, 1784) =anthropophagus Marwick, =aureolatus Montfort, =imperialis Gmelin, =radiatum Fischer von Waldheim, =solitaria Suter A.C.F.M. photo
Bolma Risso, 1826 (Turbo rugosus Linnaeus, 1767) =Incilaster Finlay, 1926
kermadecensis Beau & Ponder, 1979 K.
recens Dell, 1967 A. photo
Cookia Lesson, 1832 (C. novaezelandiae Lesson, 1832)
sulcata (Lightfoot, 1786) =cookii Gmelin, =davisii Stowe, =novaezelandiae Lesson, =pyramidale Webster, =sulcatus Martyn, =sulcatus Lightfoot, =sulcatus Gmelin A.C.F.M. photo
Lunella Röding, 1798 (Turbo versicolor Gmelin, 1791) =Lunella (Lunella) Röding, 1798, =Lunella (Ninella) Gray, 1850, =Lunella (Subninella) Thiele, 1929, =Ninella Gray, 1850, =Subninella Thiele, 1929, =Turbo (Lunella) Röding, 1798
smaragda (Gmelin, 1791) =radina Webster, =smaragdus Gmelin, =tricostatus Hutton A.C.F.M. photo
Modelia Gray, 1850 (Trochus granosus Martyn, 1784) =Turbo Linnaeus, 1758
granosa (Martyn, 1784) =granosus Martyn, =shandi Hutton A.C.F.M. photo
CONRADIIDAE Golikov & Starobogatov, 1987
Conjectura Finlay, 1926 (Crossea glabella R. Murdoch, 1905)
glabella (R. Murdoch, 1905) F.An. photo
Crossea A. Adams, 1865 (C. miranda A. Adams, 1865) =Crosseia P. Fischer, 1885
sp. cf. miranda A. Adams, 1865 K.
Crosseola Iredale, 1924 (Crossea concinna Angas, 1868)
bollonsi Dell, 1956 A. photo
cuvieriana (Mestayer, 1919) A. photo
errata Finlay, 1926 A. photo
favosa Powell, 1937 A.M.
intertexta Powell, 1937 A.F.
SKENEIDAE W. Clark, 1851
Bruceiella Warén & Bouchet, 1993 (B. globulus Warén & Bouchet, 1993)
laevigata B.A. Marshall, 1994 M. photo
pruinosa B.A. Marshall, 1994 C. photo
Cirsonella Angas, 1877 (C. australis Angas, 1877) =Porcupinia Cossmann, 1900, =Tharsiella Bush, 1897, =Tharsis Jeffreys, 1883
consobrina Powell, 1930 A. photo
densilirata Suter, 1908 C.F.An.
laxa Powell, 1937 A.C.An.
maoria (Powell, 1937) A.
paradoxa Powell, 1937 A.
parvula Powell, 1926 C.F.An.
pisiformis Powell, 1937 A.
propelaxa Dell, 1956 F.M. photo
variecostata Powell, 1940 =accelerans C.A. Fleming A.F.
waikukuensis Powell, 1937 A.
Dillwynella Dall, 1889 (Teinostoma (D.) modesta Dall, 1889) =Teinostoma (Dillwynella) Dall, 1889
haptricola B.A. Marshall, 1988 C.M. photo
ingens B.A. Marshall, 1988 A.C.M. photo
lignicola B.A. Marshall, 1988 A.C.M. photo
Liotella Iredale, 1915 (Liotia polypleura Hedley, 1904) =Brookula (Liotella) Iredale, 1915
aupouria Powell, 1937 A.
indigens Finlay, 1926 A. photo
mackenae Dell, 1956 M. photo
polypleura (Hedley, 1904) A.C.F.M.An.
rotula (Suter, 1908) =neozelanica Suter, =rotuloides Powell A.C.F.An.
Lodderia Tate, 1899 (Liotia lodderae Petterd, 1884)
eumorpha (Suter, 1908) F.An.
eumorpha cookiana (Dell, 1952) C.M. photo
iota Powell, 1940 A.
waitemata Powell, 1940 A.
Philorene W.R.B. Oliver, 1915 (P. texturata W.R.B. Oliver, 1915)
texturata W.R.B. Oliver, 1915 K.
Tasmocrossea Dell, 1952 (T. benthicola Dell, 1952)
benthicola Dell, 1952 C. photo
Zalipais Iredale, 1915 (Cyclostrema lissum Suter, 1908)
benthicola Powell, 1927 F.An.
lissa (Suter, 1908) =lissum Suter A.C.F.M.An.
turneri Powell, 1939 F. photo
Angaria Röding, 1798 (Turbo delphinus Linnaeus, 1758)
delphinus (Linnaeus, 1758) =distorta Linnaeus K. photo
COLLONIIDAE Cossmann, 1917
Argalista Iredale, 1915 (Cyclostrema fluctuatum Hutton, 1883) =Homalopoma Carpenter, 1864, =Homalopoma (Argalista) Iredale, 1915
crassicostata (R. Murdoch, 1905) F.An. photo
fluctuata (Hutton, 1883) =fluctuatum Hutton, =immaculata Suter A.C.F.M.An. photo
imperforata (Suter, 1908) =foveauxana Ponder A.C.F. photo
micans (Powell, 1931) An.
nana Finlay, 1930 A. photo
rotella (Powell, 1937) A.
umbilicata Powell, 1926 C.F.M.An.
variecostata Powell, 1937 A. photo
Cantrainea Jeffreys, 1883 (Turbo peloritanus Cantraine, 1835)
inexpectata B.A. Marshall, 1979 K.
Leptothyra Pease, 1869 (L. costata Pease, 1869)
benthicola B.A. Marshall, 1979 K. photo
kermadecensis B.A. Marshall, 1979 K. photo
Lodderena Iredale, 1924 (Liotia minima Tenison-Woods, 1878) =Cyclostremiscus (Pachystremiscus) Olsson & McGinty, 1958
formosa Powell, 1930 A. photo
nana Powell, 1930 A. photo
nana pooki Fleming, 1948 F.
EUCYCLIDAE Koken, 1896
Calliotropis Seguenza, 1903 (Trochus ottoi Philippi, 1844)
acherontis B.A. Marshall, 1979 K. photo
blacki B.A. Marshall, 1979 K. photo
crystalophora B.A. Marshall, 1979 =crystalophorus B.A. Marshall K. photo
delli B.A. Marshall, 1979 K. photo
eucheloides B.A. Marshall, 1979 K. photo
infundibulum (R.B. Watson, 1879) =diomedeae A.E. Verrill A.
powelli B.A. Marshall, 1979 K. photo
Danilia Brusina, 1865 (Monodonta limbata Philippi, 1844) =Craspedotus Philippi, 1847, =Heliciella O.G. Costa, 1861, =Olivia Cantraine, 1835
insperata Beu & Climo, 1974 C. photo
Herpetopoma Pilsbry, 1890 (Euchelus scabriusculus A. Adams & Angas, 1867)
alacerrimum Dell, 1956 =alacerrima Dell C. photo
bellum (Hutton, 1873) =bellus Hutton, =iricolor Kirk A.C.M. photo
benthicola Powell, 1937 A.
larochei (Powell, 1926) A.C. photo
mariae Finlay, 1930 A. photo
pruinosum (B.A. Marshall, 1979) =pruinosus B.A. Marshall K. photo
Vaceuchelus Iredale, 1929 (Euchelus angulatus Pease, 1868)
foveolatus (A. Adams, 1853) =angulatus Pease, =foveolata A. Adams, =foveolatum A. Adams K. photo
SEGUENZIIDAE A.E. Verrill, 1884
Asthelys Quinn, 1987 (Basilissa munda R.B. Watson, 1879)
cf. simplex (R.B. Watson, 1879) C.
Thelyssina B.A. Marshall, 1983 (T. sterrha B.A. Marshall, 1983)
sterrha B.A. Marshall, 1983 A. photo
Guttula Schepman, 1908 (G. sibogae Schepman, 1908)
galatheae Knudsen, 1964 K.A.
Sericogyra B.A. Marshall, 1988 (S. metallica B.A. Marshall, 1988)
metallica B.A. Marshall, 1988 C.
periglenes B.A. Marshall, 1988 C.
Carenzia Quinn, 1983 (Seguenzia carinata Jeffreys, 1877)
fastigiata B.A. Marshall, 1983 C.
venusta B.A. Marshall, 1983 C.
Hadroconus Quinn, 1987 (Basilissa alta R.B. Watson, 1879)
diadematus B.A. Marshall, 1988 C.
Seguenzia Jeffreys, 1876 (S. formosa Jeffreys, 1876)
chelina B.A. Marshall, 1983 A.C.
compta B.A. Marshall, 1983 C.F.
conopia B.A. Marshall, 1983 C.F.
fulgida B.A. Marshall, 1983 C.
matara B.A. Marshall, 1988 C.
textilis B.A. Marshall, 1983 A.C.
transenna B.A. Marshall, 1983 C.
Seguenziopsis B.A. Marshall, 1983 (S. bicorona B.A. Marshall, 1983)
bicorona B.A. Marshall, 1983 A. photo
Fluxinellini B.A. Marshall, 1991
Ancistrobasis Dall, 1889 (Basilissa costulata R.B. Watson, 1879)
dilecta B.A. Marshall, 1983 K.A. photo
Basilissopsis Dautzenburg & Fischer, 1897 (B. watsoni Dautzenberg & H. Fischer, 1897)
regina (B.A. Marshall, 1983) A. photo
Calliobasis B.A. Marshall, 1983 (Basilissa bombax Cotton & Godfrey, 1938)
miranda B.A. Marshall, 1983 A. photo
Fluxinella B.A. Marshall, 1983 (F. lepida B.A. Marshall, 1983)
lenticulosa B.A. Marshall, 1983 A.C. photo
lepida B.A. Marshall, 1983 C.
Quinnia B.A. Marshall, 1988 (Seguenziella patula B.A. Marshall, 1983) =Seguenziella B.A. Marshall, 1983
patula (B.A. Marshall, 1983) C.
Acremodonta B.A. Marshall, 1983 (Thoristella crassicosta Powell, 1937)
crassicosta (Powell, 1937) A. photo
Acremodontina B.A. Marshall, 1995 (Conjectura carinata Powell, 1940)
atypica (Powell, 1937) A.
carinata (Powell, 1940) A.
kermadecensis B.A. Marshall, 1995 K. photo
magna B.A. Marshall, 1995 A. photo
poutama (E.C. Smith, 1962) F. photo
simplex (Powell, 1937) A.
varicosa B.A. Marshall, 1995 A.R.Fo. photo
Trochaclis Thiele, 1912 (T. antarctica Thiele, 1912)
attenuata B.A. Marshall, 1995 A. photo
calva B.A. Marshall, 1995 A. photo
cristata B.A. Marshall, 1995 A. photo
elata B.A. Marshall, 1995 A. photo
regalis B.A. Marshall, 1995 A.
Adeuomphalus Seguenza, 1876 (A. ammoniformis Seguenza, 1876)
crenulata (Powell, 1937) A.
Aequispirella Finlay, 1924 (Scalaria corulum Hutton, 1885) =Brookula (Aequispirella) Finlay, 1924
corula (Hutton, 1885) =corulum Hutton A.C.R.Fo.
enderbyensis (Powell, 1931) An.
finlayi (Powell, 1933) A.M.
Brookula Iredale, 1912 (B. stibarochila Iredale, 1912) =Benthobrookula A.H. Clarke, 1961, =Brookula (Brookula) Iredale, 1912
annectens Powell, 1937 A.
benthicola Dell, 1956 C.F. photo
contigua Powell, 1940 A. photo
prognata Finlay, 1926 =lincta Powell, =rexensis Mestayer A.
Lissotesta Iredale, 1915 (Cyclostrema micra Tenison-Woods, 1877) =Intortia Egorova, 1972, =Lapidicola Egorova, 1972, =Submargarita Strebel, 1908
ambigua Dell, 1956 F.M. photo
aupouria Powell, 1937 A.
benthicola Powell, 1927 F.An.
bicarinata Powell, 1940 A. photo
conoidea Powell, 1937 A.
decipiens Powell, 1940 A.C.F.M. photo
errata Finlay, 1926 F.M.An. photo
granum (Murdoch & Suter, 1906) A. photo
oblata Powell, 1940 A. photo
otagoensis Dell, 1956 F. photo
Lissotestella Powell, 1946 (Lissotesta tenuilirata Powell, 1931)
caelata (Powell, 1937) A.
consobrina (Powell, 1940) A. photo
cookiana Dell, 1956 C. photo
rissoaformis (Powell, 1931) F.An.
tenuilirata (Powell, 1931) F.M.An. photo
tryphenensis (Powell, 1931) A. photo
Notosetia Iredale, 1915 (Barleeia neozelanica Suter, 1898)
aoteana (Powell, 1937) A.
neozelanica (Suter, 1898) C.F.M.An. photo
Palazzia Warén, 1991 (Omalogyra ausonia Palazzi, 1988)
nautiliformis (Powell, 1927) F.
ramosa (Powell, 1940) A. photo
Trenchia Knudsen, 1964 (T. wolffi Knudsen, 1964)
wolffi Knudsen, 1964 K.
Xyloskenea B.A. Marshall, 1988 (X. costulifera B.A. Marshall, 1988)
consors B.A. Marshall, 1988 A.C.F.M. photo
costulifera B.A. Marshall, 1988 A.C.F.M. photo
depressa B.A. Marshall, 1988 A. photo
Coccopigya B.A. Marshall, 1985 (Cocculina spinigera Jeffreys, 1883)
crebrilamina B.A. Marshall, 1986 A.C. photo
crinita B.A. Marshall, 1985 A.C.F. photo
hispida B.A. Marshall, 1985 A.C.F. photo
oculifera B.A. Marshall, 1986 A.C.F. photo
Pedococculina Haszprunar, Wendler, Jöst, Ruthensteiner & HeĂŸ, 2022 (Cocculina cervae Fleming, 1948)
cervae (Fleming, 1948) A.C.F.An.
MELANODRYMIIDAE Salvini-Plawen & Steiner, 1995
Leptogyra Bush, 1897 (L. verrilli Bush, 1897)
constricta B.A. Marshall, 1988 A.M. photo
patula B.A. Marshall, 1988 A.C.M. photo
Leptogyropsis B.A. Marshall, 1988 (L. kalinovoae B.A. Marshall, 1988)
kalinovoae B.A. Marshall, 1988 A.C.F.M. photo
kaltanae B.A. Marshall, 1988 A.C.M. photo
NERITIDAE Rafinesque, 1815
Nerita Linnaeus, 1758 (N. peloronta Linnaeus, 1758)
melanotragus E.A. Smith, 1884 =atramentosa of authors not Reeve, =atrata Reeve, =saturata Hutton K.A.C. photo
plicata Linnaeus, 1758 =eburnea Röding, =lactaria Linnaeus, =otaitensis Lesson, =ringens Reeve, =tautirana Curtiss, =torva Menke K.
HYDROCENIDAE Troschel, 1857
Georissa W.T. Blanford, 1864 (Hydrocena pyxis Benson, 1856) =Chondrella Pease, 1871, =Georissa (Chondrella) Pease, 1871, =Georissa (Georissa) W.T. Blanford, 1864, =Georissa (Georissopsis) Pilsbry & Hirase, 1908, =Omphalorissa Wenz, 1938, =Petrorissa Habe, 1958
purchasi (L. Pfeiffer, 1862) L.N.S. photo
Cyclophoroidea Gray, 1847
PUPINIDAE L. Pfeiffer, 1853
Cytora Kobelt & Möllendorff, 1897 (Cyclophorus cytora Gray, 1850) =Japonia (Cytora) Kobelt & Möllendorff, 1897, =Murdochia Powell, 1941
annectens (Powell, 1948) L.
aranea (Powell, 1928) L.N. photo
brooki Marshall & Barker, 2007 =Cytora sp. 16 L.N. photo
calva (Hutton, 1882) L.S. photo
chiltoni (Suter, 1896) L.S. photo
climoi Marshall & Barker, 2007 =Cytora sp. 9 L.S. photo
cytora (Gray, 1850) L.N. photo
depressa Gardner, 1968 L.S. photo
fasciata (Suter, 1894) =fasciatum Suter L.N. photo
filicosta (Powell, 1948) L.
gardneri Marshall & Barker, 2007 =Cytora sp. 11 L.N. photo
goulstonei Marshall & Barker, 2007 =Cytora sp. 8 L.N. photo
hazelwoodi Marshall & Barker, 2007 =Cytora sp. 12 L.N. photo
hedleyi (Suter, 1894) L.N. photo
hirsutissima (Powell, 1951) L. photo
hispida Gardner, 1967 L.N. photo
houhora Marshall & Barker, 2007 L.N. photo
jamiesoni Marshall & Barker, 2007 =Cytora sp. 15 L.S. photo
kahurangi Marshall & Barker, 2007 L.S. photo
kakano Marshall & Barker, 2007 =Cytora sp. 3 L.S. photo
kamura Marshall & Barker, 2007 =Cytora sp. 1 , =lignaria of authors L.N.S. photo
kerrana Gardner, 1968 =Cytora sp. 5 L.N. photo
lignaria (L. Pfeiffer, 1857) =ampla Powell, =lignarium L. Pfeiffer L.N. photo
malleata Marshall & Barker, 2007 L.N. photo
maui Marshall & Barker, 2007 =Cytora sp. 10 L.N. photo
mayhillae Marshall & Barker, 2007 L.S. photo
minor Marshall & Barker, 2007 L.N. photo
motu Marshall & Barker, 2007 L.N. photo
pakotai Marshall & Barker, 2007 L.N. photo
pallida (Hutton, 1883) L.N. photo
pannosa (Hutton, 1882) L.S. photo
paparoa Marshall & Barker, 2007 L.S. photo
parrishi Marshall & Barker, 2007 =Cytora sp. 14 L. photo
rakiura Marshall & Barker, 2007 =Cytora sp. 4 L. photo
septentrionalis (Suter, 1907) L.N. photo
solitaria (Powell, 1935) =kiama Climo L. photo
taipa Marshall & Barker, 2007 L.N. photo
tawhiti Marshall & Barker, 2007 =Cytora sp. 13 L. photo
tepakiensis Gardner, 1967 L.N. photo
tokerau Marshall & Barker, 2007 =Cytora sp. 7 L.N. photo
torquillum (Suter, 1894) L.N. photo
tuarua Marshall & Barker, 2007 L.S. photo
Liarea L. Pfeiffer, 1853 (Realia egea Gray, 1850) =Omphalotropis (Realia) Gray, 1850, =Realia Gray, 1850
aupouria Powell, 1954 L.N. photo
aupouria tara Powell, 1954 L.N. photo
bicarinata (Suter, 1907) =bicarinatus Suter L.N. photo
egea (Gray, 1850) L.N. photo
egea tessellata Powell, 1954 L.N. photo
hochstetteri (L. Pfeiffer, 1861) L.N. photo
hochstetteri alta Powell, 1954 L.N. photo
hochstetteri carinella (L. Pfeiffer, 1861) L.N. photo
lepida (Suter, 1904) L.N. photo
ornata Powell, 1954 L.N. photo
turriculata (L. Pfeiffer, 1855) L.N. photo
turriculata partula Powell, 1954 L.N. photo
turriculata waipoua Powell, 1954 L.N. photo
[unassigned] Caenogastropoda
Zeacumantus Finlay, 1927 (Cerithium subcarinatum G.B. Sowerby II, 1855)
lutulentus (Kiener, 1841) =bicarinatum Gray, =lutulentum Kiener, =perplexum P. Marshall & Murdoch A.C. photo
subcarinatus (G.B. Sowerby II, 1855) =subcarinatum G.B. Sowerby II, =tricarinata Hutton A.C.F.M. photo
CERITHIIDAE J. Fleming, 1822
Zebittium Finlay, 1926 (Cerithium exile Hutton, 1873) =Bittium Gray, 1847
editum Powell, 1930 A. photo
exile (Hutton, 1873) A.C.F. photo
laevicordatum Powell, 1937 A.
Cerithium Bruguière, 1789 (C. adansonii Bruguière, 1792)
abditum Houbrick, 1992 K.
atromarginatum Dautzenberg & Bouge, 1933 =maculosum Mighels, =minor Couturier, =nassoides G.B. Sowerby II K.
citrinum (G.B. Sowerby II, 1855) K.
columna (G.B. Sowerby I, 1834) K.
echinatum Lamarck, 1822 K.
matukense R.B. Watson, 1880 =turritellaeforme Wissema K.
nesioticum Pilsbry & Vanatta, 1906 K.
ophioderma (Habe, 1968) K.
sp. cf. interstriatum G.B. Sowerby II, 1855 K.
Pseudovertagus Vignal, 1904 (Murex aluco Linnaeus, 1758) =Cerithium (Aluco) Link, 1807, =Cerithium (Pseudovertagus) Vignal, 1904, =Clava (Pseudovertagus) Vignal, 1904, =Pseudovertagus (Pseudovertagus) Vignal, 1904, =Rhinoclavis (Aluco) Link, 1807
clava (Gmelin, 1791) K.
Royella Iredale, 1912 (Cerithium sinon Bayle, 1880)
sinon (Bayle, 1880) =clathratum A. Adams K.
Litiopa Rang, 1829
MELANOPSIDAE H. & A. Adams, 1854
Zemelanopsis Finlay, 1926 (Melanopsis trifasciata Gray, 1843) =Melanopsis strangei Reeve, 1860, =Melanopsis trifasciata Gray, 1843, =Melanopsis zelandica Gould, 1847
trifasciata Gray in Dieffenbach, 1843 =strangei Reeve, =zelandica Gould Fw.N.S. photo
Hinea Gray, 1847 (Planaxis mollis G.B. Sowerby I, 1823)
brasiliana (Lamarck, 1822) =brasilianum Lamarck, =mollis G.B. Sowerby I, =pigra Forbes K.A. photo
Stephopoma Mörch, 1860 (Vermetus roseus Quoy & Gaimard, 1834) =Lilax Finlay, 1926
roseum (Quoy & Gaimard, 1834) =roseus Quoy & Gaimard A.C. photo
Tenagodus Guettard, 1770 (Serpula anguina Linnaeus, 1758) =Agathirses Montfort, 1808, =Anguinaria Schumacher, 1817, =Pyxipoma Mörch, 1861, =Siliquaria Bruguière, 1789, =Tenagodes P. Fischer, 1885, =Tenagodus (Tenagodus) Guettard, 1770
maoria (Powell, 1940) A.C. photo
weldii (Tenison-Woods, 1876) A.C.M. photo
THIARIDAE Gill, 1871
Melanoides Olivier, 1804 (M. fasciolata Olivier, 1804)
tuberculata (O.F. Müller, 1774) =tuberculatus O.F. MĂ¼ller Fw.N. photo
Maoricolpus Finlay, 1926 (Turritella rosea Quoy & Gaimard, 1834) =Turritella (Maoricolpus) Finlay, 1926
finlayi Powell, 1940 A. photo
roseus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1834) =difficilis Suter, =lineolata Kiener, =manukauensis Powell, =proroseus Marwick, =rosea Quoy & Gaimard A.C.F.M. photo
Stiracolpus Finlay, 1927 (Turritella symmetrica Hutton, 1873) =Zeacolpus (Stiracolpus) Finlay, 1926
ahiparanus (Powell, 1927) =ahiparana Powell, =vigilax Marwick A.C. photo
pagoda (Reeve, 1849) =ascensus Marwick, =blacki Marwick, =delli Marwick, =fulminata Hutton, =fulminatus Hutton, =granti Marwick, =knoxi Marwick, =maoria Powell, =maorius Powell, =mixtus Finlay, =murdochi Marwick, =ohopeus Marwick, =powelli Marwick, =ruahinensis Marwick, =tardior Marwick, =uttleyi Marwick, =vellai Marwick, =waikopiroensis Suter A.C.F.M. photo
symmetricus (Hutton, 1873) =chordata Suter, =granti Marwick, =murdochi Marwick, =nanulus Marwick, =patagonica G. B. Sowerby I, =robinae Marwick, =shepherdi Marwick, =symmetrica Hutton, =vellae Marwick, =vellai Marwick F. photo
Zeacolpus Finlay, 1926 (Turritella vittata Hutton, 1873) =Zeacolpus (Leptocolpus) Finlay & Marwick, 1937, =Zeacolpus (Zeacolpus) Finlay, 1926
vittatus (Hutton, 1873) =carlottae R.B. Watson, =vittata Hutton A.C. photo
Vermicularia Lamarck, 1799 (Serpula lumbricalis Linnaeus, 1758) =Vermiculus Mörch, 1859
maoriana Powell, 1937 A.
CERITHIOPSIDAE H. & A. Adams, 1853
Alipta Finlay, 1927 (Cerithiopsis crenistria Suter, 1907)
crenistria (Suter, 1907) A.C.F.M.An. photo
Aliptina B.A. Marshall, 1978 (A. acheronae B.A. Marshall, 1978)
acheronae B.A. Marshall, 1978 A. photo
Cerithiopsidella Bartsch, 1911 (Cerithiopsis cosmia Bartsch, 1907)
blacki B.A. Marshall, 1978 A. photo
Cerithiopsis Forbes & Hanley, 1850 (Murex tubercularis Montagu, 1803)
powelli B.A. Marshall, 1978 K.A.C.
Horologica Laseron, 1956 (H. bicolor Laseron, 1956)
cowei B.A. Marshall, 1978 A. photo
dirempta (Odhner, 1924) =paradoxa Powell A.
Joculator Hedley, 1909 (Cerithiopsis ridicula R.B. Watson, 1886) =Cerithiopsis (Joculator) Hedley, 1909, =Cyrbasia (Joculator) Hedley, 1909
sublima B.A. Marshall, 1978 A. photo
Mendax Finlay, 1927 (Cerithiopsis trizonalis Odhner, 1924)
hebetatus B.A. Marshall, 1978 A. photo
marginatus (Suter, 1908) =marginata Suter A.An.
seilaformis B.A. Marshall, 1978 A. photo
subapicinus (Dell, 1956) =subapicina Dell F.M. photo
trizonalis (Odhner, 1924) A.
odhneri (Powell, 1927) F.An. photo
trizonaloides B.A. Marshall, 1978 A. photo
Prolixodens B.A. Marshall, 1978 (Cerithiopsis infracolor Laseron, 1951)
benthica B.A. Marshall, 1978 A. photo
crassa B.A. Marshall, 1978 A.
infracolor (Laseron, 1951) A.C.
Retilaskeya B.A. Marshall, 1978 (R. zelandica B.A. Marshall, 1978) =Marshallaskeya GrĂ¼ndel, 1980, =Retilaskeya (Marshallaskeya) GrĂ¼ndel, 1980
elegantula (Powell, 1930) A. photo
zelandica B.A. Marshall, 1978 A.C.F.An. photo
Seila A. Adams, 1861 (Triphoris dextroversus Adams & Reeve, 1850)
bulbosa Suter, 1908 F.M.An.
cincta (Hutton, 1866) =chathamensis Suter, =cinctum Hutton, =cochleata Suter, =huttoni Suter A.C.M.
dilecta B.A. Marshall, 1978 A.
elegantissima B.A. Marshall, 1978 A. photo
maoria B.A. Marshall, 1978 A.
regia B.A. Marshall, 1978 A. photo
terebelloides (Hutton, 1873) =cinctum Hutton A.C.F.An. photo
Socienna Finlay, 1927 (Cerithiopsis apicicosta May, 1920)
cracens B.A. Marshall, 1979 A.C. photo
cracens regia B.A. Marshall, 1979 A. photo
Specula Finlay, 1927 (Cerithiopsis styliformis Suter, 1908)
campbellica (Powell, 1955) An. photo
retifera (Suter, 1908) =canaliculata Suter, =retiferum Suter F.An.
styliformis (Suter, 1908) =dissimilis Suter A.C.F.An. photo
Sundaya W.R.B. Oliver, 1915 (S. exquisita W.R.B. Oliver, 1915)
exquisita W.R.B. Oliver, 1915 K.
tuberculata Powell, 1927 K.A.F.
Synthopsis Laseron, 1956 (S. cylindrica Laseron, 1956)
acuminata B.A. Marshall, 1978 A.C. photo
caelata (Powell, 1930) =caelatus Powell A.C. photo
regia B.A. Marshall, 1978 A. photo
Tasmalira Dell, 1956 (T. wellingtonensis Dell, 1956)
vitrea (Suter, 1908) =vitreum Suter, =wellingtonensis Dell C.F. photo
Zaclys Finlay, 1927 (Cerithiopsis sarissa R. Murdoch, 1905)
murdochi B.A. Marshall, 1978 A.C.F.M.
sarissa (R. Murdoch, 1905) =acies Suter, =subantarctica Suter A.F.An. photo
Adelacerithium Ludbrook, 1941 (A. merultum Ludbrook, 1941)
mirabile B.A. Marshall, 1984 A. photo
Ataxocerithium Tate, 1893 (Cerithium serotinum A. Adams, 1855)
huttoni (Crossmann, 1895) =cancellatum Hutton, =invaricosum Odhner A.C.F.R.Fo. photo
Eumetula Thiele, 1912 (Eumeta dilecta Thiele, 1912) =Altispecula Powell, 1930, =Eumeta Mörch, 1868, =Eumetula (Altispecula) Powell, 1930, =Laskeya Iredale, 1918, =Laskeya (Altispecula) Powell, 1930
aureola (Powell, 1933) An.
macquariensis Tomlin, 1948 An.
Cerithiella Verrill, 1882 (Cerithium metula Lovén, 1846) =Mendax Finlay, 1926
nucleoproducta Dell, 1956 F.M. photo
stiria (Webster, 1906) K.A. photo
Trituba Jousseaume, 1884 (Triforis bitubulatus Baudon, 1856) =Granulotriforis Kosuge, 1967, =Paramendax Powell, 1937, =Tauroforis Sacco, 1895, =Triforis (Granulotriforis) Kosuge, 1967, =Triforis (Paramendax) Powell, 1937, =Trituba (Granulotriforis) Kosuge, 1967, =Trituba (Paramendax) Powell, 1937
antepallaxa (B.A. Marshall, 1977) A.
apicina (Powell, 1937) A.
attenuatispira (Powell, 1937) A.
blacki (B.A. Marshall, 1977) A.
cf. epallaxa (Verco, 1909) A.
tui B.A. Marshall, 1977 A.
TRIPHORIDAE =Metaxiinae B.A. Marshall, 1977 accepted, alternate representation, =Triphorinae Gray, 1847 accepted, alternate representation
Bouchetriphora B.A. Marshall, 1983 (Triphoris pallidus Pease, 1871)
pallida (Pease, 1871) =albomicra Laseron, =candefacta Kosuge, =candefactum Kosuge, =candefactus Kosuge, =glaciala Laseron, =infelix Webster, =leuca Verco, =pallidus Pease K.A.C. photo
Cautor Finlay, 1927 (Triphora lutea Suter, 1908)
luteus (Suter, 1908) =lutea Suter F.An. photo
Coriophora Laseron, 1958 (C. negrita Laseron, 1958) =Mesophora Laseron, 1958
granosa (Pease, 1871) =aegle Jousseaume, =granosus Pease, =queenslandica Laseron K.A.
Iniforis Jousseaume, 1884 (I. malvacea Jousseaume, 1884)
sp. cf. chaperi (Jousseaume, 1884) K.
Mastonia Hinds, 1843 (Triphoris (M.) vulpinus Hinds, 1843) =Triphoris (Mastonia) Hinds, 1843
sp. cf. evanida Laseron, 1958 K.
Metaxia Monterosato, 1884 (Murex metaxa Delle Chiaje, 1828) =Cerithiopsis (Metaxia) Monterosato, 1884
duplicarinata (Powell, 1940) A. photo
exaltata (Powell, 1930) =exaltatus Powell K.A.C. photo
kermadecensis B.A. Marshall, 1977 K. photo
maoria (Finlay, 1930) A.C. photo
solitaria B.A. Marshall, 1979 A. photo
Monophorus Grillo, 1877 (Trochus perversus Linnaeus, 1758)
fascelinus (Suter, 1908) =fascelina Suter A.C.F.An. photo
Nototriphora B.A. Marshall, 1983 (Notosinister aupouria Powell, 1937)
aupouria (Powell, 1937) K.A.
Sagenotriphora B.A. Marshall, 1983 (Triphora ampulla Hedley, 1903)
ampulla (Hedley, 1903) K.A.C.
Subulophora Laseron, 1958 (S. exporrecta Laseron, 1958)
rutilans (Hervier, 1898) =exporrecta Laseron, =stramentia Laseron K. photo
Teretriphora Finlay, 1927 (Triphora huttoni Suter, 1908)
huttoni (Suter, 1908) =minimus Hutton F.M.An. photo
Viriola Jousseaume, 1884 (V. bayani Jousseaume, 1884)
cancellata (Hinds, 1843) K.
sp. cf. intergranosa (Hervier, 1897) K.
sp. cf. vulpina (Hinds, 1843) K.
EPITONIIDAE Berry, 1910 =Cirsotrematinae Jousseaume, 1912, =Gyroscalinae Jousseaume, 1912, =Janthinidae Lamarck, 1822, =Nystiellidae Clench & R. D. Turner, 1952, =Opaliinae Cossmann, 1912, =Papyriscalinae Jousseaume, 1912, =Recluziidae Iredale & McMichael, 1962
Acirsa Mörch, 1857 (Scalaria borealis Lyell, 1841)
cookiana (Dell, 1956) A.C. photo
Amaea H. & A. Adams, 1853 (Scalaria magnifica G.B. Sowerby II, 1844)
thielei (Boury, 1913) =picturata Yokoyama K. photo
Cirsotrema Mörch, 1852 (Scalaria varicosa Lamarck, 1822) =Cirsotrema (Tioria) Marwick, 1928, =Scala (Cirsotrema) Mörch, 1852, =Scalaria (Cirsotrema) Mörch, 1852, =Tioria Marwick, 1928
forresti Dell, 1956 C.F.M. photo
zelebori (Dunker, 1866) =forresti Dell, =intermedia Hutton, =reevei Clessin A.C.F.M. photo
Claviscala de Boury, 1909 (Scalaria richardi Dautzenberg & de Boury, 1897) =Opalia (Claviscala) de Boury, 1909, =Scala (Claviscala) de Boury, 1909
kuroharai Kuroda & Habe, 1961 =terebralioides Kilburn A.
Cycloscala Dall, 1889 (Scala dunkeriana Dall, 1889)
sp. cf. hyalina (G.B. Sowerby II, 1844) K.
Epidendrium A. & E. Gittenberger, 2005 (E. sordidum A. & E. Gittenberger, 2005)
billeeanum (Du Shane & Bratcher, 1965) =billeeana Du Shane & Bratcher K. photo
Epitonium Röding, 1798 (Turbo scalaris Linnaeus, 1758)
bucknilli Powell, 1924 A.C. photo
jukesianum (Forbes, 1852) =ampacta Iredale, =ampactum Iredale, =delicatula Crosse & Fischer, =delicatulum Crosse & Fischer, =fabia Iredale, =jukesiana Forbes, =wellingtonensis T.W. Kirk A.C. photo
minorum (Iredale, 1936) =minora Iredale A.C. photo
tenellum (Hutton, 1885) =helicornua Iredale, =helicornuum Iredale, =novoseelandiae Clessin, =tenella Hutton A.C. photo
Gyroscala de Boury, 1887 (Scalaria commutata Monterosato, 1877) =Cirsotrema (Gyroscala) de Boury, 1887, =Epitonium (Gyroscala) de Boury, 1887, =Gyroscala (Pomiscala) Iredale, 1936, =Pictoscala Dall, 1917, =Pomiscala Iredale, 1936
commutata (Monterosato, 1877) =lamellosa Lamarck, =lamellosum Lamarck, =perplexa Pease, =perplexum Pease K.A. photo
sp. aff. lamellosa (Lamarck, 1822) F.
Iphitus Jeffreys, 1883 (I. tuberatus Jeffreys, 1883) =Iphitella Thiele, 1925, =Sculptifer Beu & Climo, 1974, =Stylotrochus Seguenza, 1876 (Invalid: junior homonym of Stylotrochus Haeckel, 1862)
neozelanicus (Dell, 1956) =neozelanica Dell K.A.C.F.M.An. photo
Janthina Röding, 1798 (Helix janthina Linnaeus, 1758)
exigua (Lamarck, 1822) =bifida Reeve, =capreolata Montrouzier, =courcellei Rochebrune & Mabille, =incisa Philippi, =nana Gray, =striata Montrouzier, =vinsoni Deshayes A.C.F.M. photo
globosa Swainson, 1826 =prolongata Blainville A. photo
janthina (Linnaeus, 1758) =violacea Röding A.C.F.M. photo
umbilicata d'Orbigny, 1840 =globosa Blainville, =megastoma A. Adams, =nitida A. Adams K.A. photo
Murdochella Finlay, 1926 (Scala levifoliata Murdoch & Suter, 1906)
alacer Finlay, 1926 =tertia Finlay A. photo
levifoliata (Murdoch & Suter, 1906) A.C.M.An. photo
Opalia de Boury, 1890 (Scalaria australis Lamarck, 1822) =Opalia (Nodiscala) de Boury, 1890, =Pliciscala (Nodiscala) de Boury, 1890, =Scala (Nodiscala) de Boury, 1890
ahiparana (Powell, 1930) A. photo
maxwelli (Finlay, 1930) F. photo
zelandica (Finlay, 1930) A. photo
Papuliscala Boury, 1911 (Acirsa praelonga Jeffreys, 1877)
superlata Finlay, 1930 A. photo
Recluzia Petit de la Saussaye, 1853 (R. jehennei Petit de la Saussaye, 1853)
lutea (Bennett, 1840) =annamitica Wattebled, =bensoni A. Adams, =effusa Thiele, =globosa E.A. Smith, =jehennei Petit de la Saussaye, =montrouzieri Souverbie, =palmeri Dall, =rollandiana Petit de la Saussaye, =turrita von dem Busch K.A. photo
Trilirata Warén & Hain, 1996 (Sublacuna trilirata Thiele, 1912)
triregis Warén & Hain, 1996 A. photo
Zerotula Finlay, 1927 (Discohelix hedleyi Mestayer, 1916)
bicarinata (Suter, 1908) A.F.An.
coronata Warén & Hain, 1996 A. photo
hedleyi (Mestayer, 1916) A. photo
nummaria Powell, 1940 A.M. photo
triangulata Powell, 1937 A.
LITTORINIDAE Children, 1834
Risellopsis Kesteven, 1902 (Adeorbis varius Hutton, 1873)
varia (Hutton, 1873) =carinata Kesteven, =varius Hutton A.C.F.M. photo
Laevilitorina Pfeiffer in Martens & Pfeiffer, 1886 (Littorina caliginosa Gould, 1849) =Laevilitorina (Macquariella) Finlay, 1926 accepted, alternate representation, =Laevilitorina (Rissolittorina) Ponder, 1966 accepted, alternate representation
alta (Powell, 1940) A. photo
antipodum (Filhol, 1880) An.
aucklandica (Powell, 1933) C.An. photo
bifasciata Suter, 1913 An.
caliginosa (Gould, 1849) =coriacea Melvill & Standen, =elongata Pelseneer An.
delli (Powell, 1955) An. photo
hamiltoni (E.A. Smith, 1898)
macphersonae (Dell, 1964) An.
Austrolittorina Martens, 1897 (Littorina unifasciata Gray, 1826) =Littorina (Austrolittorina) Rosewater, 1970, =Nodilittorina Martens, 1897
antipodum (Philippi, 1847) =oliveri Finlay K.A.C.F.M. photo
cincta (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833) =luctuosa Reeve, =zelandiae Finlay A.C.F.M.An. photo
Echinolittorina Habe, 1956 (Litorina tuberculata Menke, 1828) =Granulilittorina Habe & Kosuge, 1966, =Nodilittorina (Granulilittorina) Habe & Kosuge, 1966
cinerea (Pease, 1869) K.
feejeensis (Reeve, 1857) =fijiensis Nevill, =vitensis Dunker, =vitiensis Martens & Langkavel K.
Crassitoniella Ponder, 1965 (C. carinata Ponder, 1965)
carinata Ponder, 1965 A. photo
thola (Ponder, 1965) A.
Eatoniella Dall, 1876 (Eatonia kerguelenensis E.A. Smith, 1875) =Cerostraca W.R.B. Oliver, 1915, =Dardania Hutton, 1882, =Dardanula Iredale, 1915, =Eatonia E.A. Smith, 1875, =Eatoniella (Abscindostoma) Ponder, 1965, =Eatoniella (Albitoniella) Ponder, 1965, =Eatoniella (Albosabula) Ponder, 1965, =Eatoniella (Caveatoniella) Ponder, 1965, =Eatoniella (Cerostraca) W.R.B. Oliver, 1915, =Eatoniella (Dardaniopsis) Ponder, 1965, =Eatoniella (Dardanula) Iredale, 1915, =Eatoniella (Eatoniella) Dall, 1876, =Eatoniella (Pellax) Finlay, 1926, =Pellax Finlay, 1926, =Rissoina (Eatoniella) Dall, 1876
ainsworthi (Hedley, 1916) An.
albocolumella Ponder, 1965 A.C.M. photo
atervisceralis Ponder, 1965 A.C.F.M. photo
atropurpurea (Frauenfeld, 1876) =minutocrassa Ponder A.C.F.M. photo
bathamae Ponder, 1965 F.An. photo
cf. deserta (E.A.Smith, 1907) An.
delli Ponder, 1965 A.C.M. photo
dilatata (Powell, 1955) A.C.F.M.An.
flammulata (Hutton, 1878) =flamulata Hutton, =huttoni Pilsbry A.C. photo
fossa Ponder, 1965 A. photo
fuscosubucula Ponder, 1965 F.An. photo
globosa Ponder, 1965 A. photo
iredalei (W.R.B. Oliver, 1915) K.
kerguelenensis (E.A. Smith, 1875) =inflata Dall An.
kerguelenensis chiltoni (Suter, 1909) F.M.An.
lampra (Suter, 1908) C.F.M.
latebricola Ponder, 1965 A. photo
limbata (Hutton, 1883) A.C.F.M.
lutea (Suter, 1908) A.C.
mortoni Ponder, 1965 A.C.M. photo
notalabia Ponder, 1965 A.C.F.M.An. photo
notata Ponder & Yoo, 1978 =maculosa Ponder A. photo
obtusispira Powell, 1955 F.An. photo
olivacea (Hutton, 1882) =annulata Hutton, =minor Suter A.C.F.M.An. photo
pallida (Powell, 1937) A.
perforata Ponder, 1965 A. photo
pfefferi Suter, 1909 A.C.F.M.An.
poutama (E.C. Smith, 1962) F.An. photo
pullmitra Ponder, 1965 A.C.F.M. photo
puniceomacer Ponder, 1965 A. photo
rakiura Ponder, 1965 F.M. photo
roseocincta (Suter, 1908) C.
roseola (Iredale, 1915) =lacteola Powell, =rosea Hutton A.C.F.M.An. photo
roseospira (Powell, 1937) A.C.
smithae Ponder, 1965 F.M.An. photo
stewartiana Ponder, 1965 F. photo
tenella (Powell, 1937) A.
varicolor Ponder, 1965 A.C.F. photo
verecunda (Suter, 1908) =bollonsi Powell F.An. photo
Liratoniella Ponder, 1965 (L. bicarinata Ponder, 1965)
bicarinata Ponder, 1965 A.
Pupatonia Ponder, 1965 (Estea minutula Powell, 1933)
atoma Ponder, 1965 F.M.An.
gracilispira (Powell, 1933) F.M. photo
minutula (Powell, 1933) F.An.
pupinella (Finlay, 1927) F.An. photo
Eatonina Thiele, 1912 (Eatoniella pusilla Thiele, 1912) =Cingulopsis Fretter & Patil, 1958, =Coriandria Tomlin, 1917, =Eatonina (Captitonia) Ponder & Yoo, 1981, =Eatonina (Mistostigma) Berry, 1947, =Eatonina (Otatara) Ponder, 1965, =Eatonina (Saginofusca) Ponder, 1965, =Microsetia Monterosato, 1884
atomaria (Powell, 1933) A.C.F.M.An. photo
crassicarinata (Powell, 1937) A.
maculosa Ponder, 1965 A. photo
micans (Webster, 1905) A.C. photo
subflavescens (Iredale, 1915) =atomus Suter A.C.An.
Skenella Pfeffer, 1886 (S. georgiana Pfeffer, 1886) =Eatoniopsis (Rufodardanula) Ponder, 1965, =Rufodardanula Ponder, 1965, =Skenella (Rufodardanula) Ponder, 1965 accepted, alternate representation
spadix (Ponder, 1965) A. photo
Tubbreva Ponder, 1965 (Rufodardanula exigua Ponder, 1965)
exaltata (Powell, 1933) F.M.An. photo
exaltata sorenseni (Powell, 1955) F.An.
exigua (Ponder, 1965) A.C.F.M. photo
minutula (Powell, 1937) A.
Rastodens Ponder, 1966 (R. puerilis Ponder, 1966)
electra (W.R.B. Oliver, 1915) K.
pseudomarginata Ponder, 1966 F.An.
puerilis Ponder, 1966 A.C.F.
Tridentifera Ponder, 1966 (Estea crassicordata Powell, 1937)
crassicordata (Powell, 1937) A.
roseoculma Ponder, 1966 A.
Fictonoba Ponder, 1967 (Rissoa carnosa Webster, 1905)
carnosa (Webster, 1905) A.C.M. photo
carnosa martini (Finlay, 1928) M. photo
oliveri (Powell, 1927) K.
rufolactea (Suter, 1908) A.C.
Alvania Risso, 1826 (A. europea Risso, 1826) =Alvania (Linemera) Finlay, 1924 accepted, alternate representation
abrupta (Dell, 1956) F. photo
aupouria (Powell, 1937) A.
bountyensis (Dell, 1950) An. photo
exserta (Suter, 1908) F.An.
gallinacea (Finlay, 1930) A. photo
gradatoides (Finlay, 1930) F. photo
kermadecensis (W.R.B. Oliver, 1915) K.
maclurgi (Powell, 1933) M.An. photo
pinguis (Webster, 1906) =pingue Webster A. photo
pinguoides (Powell, 1940) A. photo
solitaria (Dell, 1956) M. photo
venusta (Powell, 1926) C.M.
Haurakia Iredale, 1915 (Rissoa hamiltoni Suter, 1898)
crassicosta Powell, 1955 F.An. photo
finlayi Powell, 1937 A.
hamiltoni (Suter, 1898) A.C.F.M.
huttoni (Suter, 1898) =nana Hutton F.An.
infecta (Suter, 1908) A.C.F.M.
latiambita (Ponder, 1967) A. photo
minuscula Powell, 1955 F.An. photo
mobilicosta (Ponder, 1967) =mobilicostata Ponder A.C. photo
otagoensis (Dell, 1956) F. photo
pellucida (Powell, 1937) A.
semireticulata (Murdoch & Suter, 1906) A. photo
sinuastoma (Ponder, 1967) A. photo
subsuturalis Dell, 1956 F. photo
wallacei (W.R.B. Oliver, 1915) K.
Onoba H. & A. Adams, 1852 (Turbo striatus J. Adams, 1797) =Austronoba Powell, 1927, =Badenia Finlay, 1930, =Manawatawhia Powell, 1937, =Onoba (Manawatawhia) Powell, 1937, =Onoba (Onoba) H. & A. Adams, 1852, =Onoba (Ovirissoa) Hedley, 1916, =Ovirissoa Hedley, 1916, =Powellia Finlay, 1926, =Putilla (Ovirissoa) Hedley, 1916, =Rissoa (Onoba) H. & A. Adams, 1852, =Subonoba Iredale, 1915
analoga (Powell, 1937) A.
delli (Ponder, 1968) C. photo
duplicata (Powell, 1937) A.
elegans (Ponder, 1965) A. photo
exuta (Powell, 1937) A.
lubrica (Suter, 1898) =benthicola Powell, =pupa Finlay F.M.An.
paupereques (Finlay, 1926) A. photo
simplex (Powell, 1927) F.
Powellisetia Ponder, 1965 (P. porcellana (Suter, 1908))
australis (R.B. Watson, 1886) =nivosa of authors not Powell An.
bilirata Ponder, 1965 A. photo
crassilabrum (Powell, 1940) A.
gradata (Suter, 1908) =fairchildi Powell, =gradatum Suter F.An.
lineata (E.C. Smith, 1962) F. photo
microstriata (R. Murdoch, 1905) =antipoda Powell F.An. photo
porcellana (Suter, 1908) =convexispira Powell, =stewartiana Suter F.An. photo
porcellanoides (Powell, 1937) A.
retusa (Powell, 1927) F.M.An.
subgradata (Powell, 1937) A.
subtenuis (Powell, 1937) =foveauxana E.C. Smith, =multilirata Powell, =subcarinata Powell A.C.F.M.An. photo
tenuisculpta (Powell, 1933) F.An.
unicarinata (Powell, 1930) A. photo
Rissoa Desmarest, 1814 (R. ventricosa Desmarest, 1814)
cylindrella Odhner, 1924 A.
Simulamerelina Ponder, 1985 (Merelina corruga Laseron, 1956)
gemmata Powell, 1927 A. photo
sp. aff. longinqua (Rehder, 1980) K.
Striatestea Powell, 1927 (S. bountyensis Powell, 1927)
bountyensis Powell, 1927 An. photo
eulima Powell, 1940 A.
poutama Ponder, 1967 F. photo
Subonoba Iredale, 1915 (Rissoia fumata Suter, 1898) =Subonoba (Austronoba) Powell, 1927
alpha Powell, 1955 F.An. photo
aupouria Powell, 1940 A. photo
beta Powell, 1955 F. photo
candidissima (Webster, 1905) A.C. photo
delicatula Powell, 1933 An. photo
delta Powell, 1955 An. photo
edita Powell, 1939 F. photo
fallai Powell, 1955 An. photo
foveauxiana (Suter, 1898) F.An.
fumata (Suter, 1898) A.C.F.M.An. photo
gamma Powell, 1955 F.An. photo
inornata Powell, 1933 C.F.M.An. photo
insculpta (R. Murdoch, 1905) C.F.An. photo
iredalei (Powell, 1937) A.
kermadecensis (Powell, 1927) K.
morioria Powell, 1933 M. photo
obliquata (Powell, 1940) A. photo
oliveri Powell, 1955 An. photo
parvula Powell, 1931 A. photo
paucicostata Powell, 1931 An.
sorenseni Powell, 1955 An. photo
tenuistriata Powell, 1933 An. photo
Attenuata Hedley, 1918 (Rissoa integella Hedley, 1904) =Adolphinoba Powell, 1930, =Nobolira Finlay, 1926, =Nobolira (Adolphinoba) Powell, 1930
affinis (Powell, 1940) A. photo
affinis orientalis (Dell, 1956) M. photo
bollonsi (Powell, 1930) A. photo
cochlearella (Powell, 1937) A.
contigua (Powell, 1940) A.
finlayi (Powell, 1930) A.C. photo
hinemoa (Fleming, 1948) F.
manawatawhia (Powell, 1937) A.
merelina (Dell, 1956) F. photo
regis (Powell, 1940) A. photo
Lironoba Iredale, 1915 (L. suteri (Hedley, 1904))
anomala Powell, 1940 A.
elegans E.C. Smith, 1962 F. photo
matai Dell, 1952 C. photo
suteri (Hedley, 1904) F.An.
Merelina Iredale, 1915 (Rissoa cheilostoma Tenison-Woods, 1877) =Merelina (Mereliniopsis) Ponder, 1967, =Merelina (Promerelina) Powell, 1926, =Mereliniopsis Ponder, 1967, =Promerelina Powell, 1926
cochleata Powell, 1937 A.
compacta Powell, 1927 A. photo
coronata (Powell, 1926) A. photo
crassissima Powell, 1937 A.
crispulata Powell, 1937 A.
crosseaformis (Powell, 1926) A. photo
foliata (Suter, 1908) F.M.An. photo
harrisonae Powell, 1939 C.F. photo
lacunosa (Powell, 1940) A. photo
lyalliana (Suter, 1898) A.C. photo
manawatawhia Powell, 1937 A.
maoriana Powell, 1939 =plicata Hutton A.C.F.M. photo
paupereques Powell, 1937 A. photo
plaga Finlay, 1926 =plicata Hutton F.M.An. photo
rubiginosa Ponder, 1967 A.
superba Powell, 1927 A. photo
taupoensis Powell, 1939 A.C. photo
tricarinata (Powell, 1937) A.
waitangiensis Powell, 1933 M. photo
Apataxia Laseron, 1956 (A. erecta Laseron, 1956)
cerithiiformis (Tryon, 1887) =costulata Pease, =erecta Laseron, =harperi Dautzenberg & Bouge, =miltozona Tomlin K.
Rissoina d'Orbigny, 1840 (R. inca (d'Orbigny, 1841))
achatina Odhner, 1924 A.
achatinoides Powell, 1937 A.
anguina Finlay, 1926 A.C. photo
aupouria Powell, 1937 A.
chathamensis (Hutton, 1873) =rugulosa Hutton A.C.F.M. photo
costata A. Adams, 1853 =turricula Pease K.
fictor Finlay, 1930 A. photo
fucosa Finlay, 1930 A. photo
larochei Finlay, 1930 A. photo
manawatawhia Powell, 1937 A.
powelli Finlay, 1930 A. photo
zonata Suter, 1909 A. photo
Pandalosia Laseron, 1956 (P. excelsis Laseron, 1956)
ephamilla (R.B. Watson, 1886) =jordanica Bandel, =mizunamiensis Itoigawa & Nishimoto, =porteri F. Baker, Hanna & A. M. Strong, =scalariformis R.B. Watson K.
Stosicia Brusina, 1871 (Rissoa buccinalis Grateloup, 1828) =Stossichia Boettger, 1887, =Stossicia Cossmann, 1921
chiltoni (W.R.B. Oliver, 1915) K.
mirabilis (Weinkauff, 1881) =augerea Laseron, =concinna Sowerby, =polytropa Hedley, =pseudoconcinna Nevill K.
Zebina H. & A. Adams, 1854 (Rissoina semiglabrata A. Adams, 1854)
bidentata (Philippi, 1845) =mixa W.M. Feng K.
Aclis Lovén, 1846 (Alvania supranitida S.V. Wood, 1842) =Aclis (Aclis) LovĂ©n, 1846, =Eusetia Cotton, 1944, =Marteliella Dautzenberg & Durouchoux, 1914, =Menippe Jeffreys, 1867, =Pherusa Jeffreys, 1869, =Pherusina Norman, 1888, =Schwengelia Bartsch, 1947
expansa (Powell, 1930) A. photo
maoria Powell, 1937 A. photo
pseudopareora Powell, 1940 A.C. photo
subcarinata (Murdoch & Suter, 1906) A. photo
terebra (Powell, 1930) A. photo
Annulobalcis Habe, 1965 (A. shimazui Habe, 1965)
marshalli Warén, 1981 A. photo
Asterophila Randall & Heath, 1912 (A. japonica Randall & Heath, 1912)
sp. Warén & Lewis, 1994 K.
Awanuia Powell, 1927 (A. dilatata Powell, 1927)
dilatata Powell, 1927 A. photo
porcellana Ponder, 1967 A.C. photo
Chileutomia Tate & Cossmann, 1898 (C. subvaricosa Tate & Cossmann, 1898)
neozelanica Powell, 1940 A. photo
Curveulima Laseron, 1955 (C. cornuta Laseron, 1955)
aupouria (Powell, 1937) A.C.
bollonsi (Powell, 1937) A. photo
otakauica (Dell, 1956) F.An. photo
titahica (Suter, 1908) A.C.
Eulima Risso, 1826 (Turbo subulatus Donovan, 1804)
perspicua (W.R.B. Oliver, 1915) K.A.C.
Fuscapex Warén, 1981 (F. ophioacanthicola Warén, 1981)
ophioacanthicola Warén, 1981 K. photo
Fusceulima Laseron, 1955 (F. jacksonensis Laseron, 1955)
goodingi Warén, 1981 A. photo
mangonuica (Powell, 1940) A. photo
murdochi (Hedley, 1904) C.F.
Hypermastus Pilsbry, 1899 (Eulima coxi Pilsbry, 1899)
bulbulus (Murdoch & Suter, 1906) =bulbula Murdoch & Suter, =pervegrandis Powell A.R.Fo. photo
Larochella Powell, 1927 (L. toreuma Powell, 1927)
alta Powell, 1927 A.C.F.M.
toreuma Powell, 1927 A.C.F.M. photo
Melanella Bowdich, 1822 (M. dufresnii Bowdich, 1822) =Balcis Leach in Gray, 1847, =Eulimaustra Laseron, 1955, =Melanella (Melanella) Bowdich, 1822
alertae (Dell, 1956) F. photo
archeyi (Finlay, 1928) F.M. photo
aucklandica (Suter, 1909) M.An.
hadalis Knudsen, 1964 K.
kermadecensis W.R.B. Oliver, 1915 K.
luminosa B.A. Marshall, 1997 F. photo
maoria (Powell, 1940) A. photo
maui (Dell, 1952) C. photo
otagoensis (Powell, 1927) F. photo
oxyacme (Suter, 1908) A.
paxillus (Hedley, 1904) F.
perplexa W.R.B. Oliver, 1915 K.
puhana Dell, 1956 F.M. photo
spinosa W.R.B. Oliver, 1915 K.
truncata (Suter, 1908) A.
vegrandis (Murdoch & Suter, 1906) A. photo
Ophieulima Warén & Sibuet, 1981 (Stilifer minima Dall, 1927)
fuscoapicata Warén, 1981 K. photo
Pelseneeria Köhler & Vaney, 1908 (P. profunda Koehler & Vaney, 1908) =Parastilifer A.V. Ivanov, 1952, =Rosenia Nierstrasz, 1913, =Stylina J. Fleming, 1828, =Turtonia RosĂ©n, 1910, =Venustilifer Powell, 1939
bountyensis (Powell, 1933) F.An. photo
secunda (Powell, 1940) =secundus Powell A.
Pictobalcis Laseron, 1955 (Eulima articulata G.B. Sowerby I, 1834)
articulata (G.B. Sowerby I, 1834) A. photo
Punctifera Warén, 1981 (P. ophiomoerae Warén, 1981)
ophiomoerae Warén, 1981 K. photo
Pyramidelloides Nevill, 1885 (Rissoa miranda A. Adams, 1861)
pagoda (Powell, 1926) A. photo
suteri (W.R.B. Oliver, 1915) K.
Ruapukea Dell, 1952 (R. carolus Dell, 1952)
allanae E.C. Smith, 1962 F. photo
carolus Dell, 1952 F.
Sabinella Monterosato, 1890 (S. piriformis (Brugnone, 1873))
infrapatula (Murdoch & Suter, 1906) A. photo
Scalaronoba Powell, 1927 (S. costata Powell, 1927)
costata Powell, 1927 F.
secunda Powell, 1940 A.C. photo
Naricava Hedley, 1913 (Adeorbis angasi A. Adams, 1864)
neozelanica Powell, 1940 A.
Nilsia Finlay, 1927 (Fossarus conicus Odhner, 1924)
cuvieriana (Suter, 1908) =conica Odhner, =conicus Odhner A.C.
Radinista Finlay, 1926 (Couthouyia corrugata Hedley, 1904)
corrugata (Hedley, 1904) F.An. photo
scalarina Powell, 1940 A. photo
Vanikoro Quoy & Gaimard, 1832 (Sigaretus cancellatus Lamarck, 1822)
wallacei Iredale, 1912 K.
Zeradina Finlay, 1927 (Fossarus ovatus Odhner, 1924)
odhneri Powell, 1927 A. photo
ovata (Odhner, 1924) =ovatus Odhner A.C.
producta (Odhner, 1924) =productus Odhner A. photo
Zygoceras Warén & Bouchet, 1991 (Z. tropidophorum Warén & Bouchet, 1991)
tropidophorum Warén & Bouchet, 1991 =tropidophora WarĂ©n & Bouchet K.
Antisabia Wenz, 1940 (Hipponix foliacea Quoy & Gaimard, 1835)
sp. cf. foliacea (Quoy & Gaimard, 1834) K.
Hipponix Defrance, 1819 (Patella cornucopiae Röding, 1798) =Hipponix (Hipponix) Defrance, 1819, =Hipponix (Krebsia) Mörch, 1877, =Krebsia Mörch, 1877, =Krebsia (Tenpetasus) Iredale, 1929, =Tenpetasus Iredale, 1929
liberatus (Pease, 1868) =liberata Pease A. photo
Leptonotis Conrad, 1886 (Velutina expansa Whitfield, 1865) =Neojanacus Suter, 1907
perplexus (Suter, 1907) =wharekuriensis Laws A.C.F.M.An. photo
Malluvium Melvill, 1906 (Capulus lissus E.A. Smith, 1894)
calcareum (Suter, 1909) =calcareus Suter K.A.C.M. photo
Sabia Gray, 1841 (Amalthea conica Schumacher, 1817) =Amalthea Schumacher, 1817, =Hipponix Defrance, 1819
australis (Lamarck, 1819) A. photo
conica (Schumacher, 1817) =acutus Quoy & Gaimard, =australis Lamarck, =conicus Schumacher, =wyattae Powell K.
Amphithalamus Carpenter, 1864 (A. inclusus Carpenter, 1864) =Amphitalamus Carpenter, 1864 (misspelling), =Amphithalamus (Amphithalamus) Carpenter, 1864, =Amphithalamus (Notoscrobs) Powell, 1927, =Amphithalimus Carpenter, 1864 (misspelling), =Amphithalmus Carpenter, 1864 (misspelling), =Microfossa Laseron, 1950, =Notoscrobs Powell, 1927, =Notoscrobs (Microfossa) Laseron, 1950, =Obescrobs Iredale, 1955, =Rissoa (Amphithalamus) Carpenter, 1864
erosus (Odhner, 1924) =erosa Odhner A.
falsestea (Ponder, 1968) A.C. photo
incidatus maoria (Ponder, 1968) A.C. photo
latisulcus (Ponder, 1968) A.C. photo
ornatus (Powell, 1927) A. photo
semen (Odhner, 1924) A.C.M.
sundayensis W.R.B. Oliver, 1915 K.
Anabathron Frauenfeld, 1867 (A. contabulatum Frauenfeld, 1867) =Anabathron (Scrobs) R.B. Watson, 1886, =Nannoscrobs Finlay, 1926, =Scrobs R.B. Watson, 1886, =Scrobs (Nannoscrobs) Finlay, 1926, =Ultiscrobs Iredale, 1955
angulatum (Powell, 1927) =angulata Powell A. photo
elongatum (Powell, 1927) =elongata Powell A.C. photo
excelsum (Powell, 1933) =excelsus Powell A. photo
hedleyi (Suter, 1908) A.C.F.M. photo
ovatum (Powell, 1927) =ovata Powell A.C. photo
rugulosum (Powell, 1930) =rugulosa Powell A. photo
trailli (Powell, 1939) F.An. photo
Microdryas Laseron, 1950 (Rissoa iravadioides Gatliff & Gabriel, 1913)
striatus (Powell, 1927) A. photo
Pisinna Monterosato, 1878 (Rissoa punctulum Philippi, 1836) =Estea Iredale, 1915, =Estea (Microestea) Ponder, 1965, =Feldestea Iredale, 1955, =Hagenmulleria Bourguignat, 1881, =Microestea Ponder, 1965, =Nodulestea Iredale, 1955, =Pisanna Monterosato, 1878 (misspelling)
angustata Powell, 1927 A. photo
asymmetrica (Laws, 1941) A.R.Fo.
hipkinsi (Ponder, 1965) A. photo
insulana porrecta (Powell, 1933) M. photo
insulana porrectoides (Powell, 1937) A.
juddi (Ponder, 1968) A.C. photo
manawatawhia (Powell, 1937) A.
micronema (Suter, 1898) =morioria Powell, =purpurea Hutton, =sculpturata Dell F.An. photo
micronema morioria (Powell, 1933) M.
minor (Suter, 1898) =kohllarseni David F.M.An.
impressa (Hutton, 1885) =agrestis Webster, =mixta Finlay, =verticostata Powell & Bartrum A.C.M. photo
praecidecosta (Ponder, 1965) A.
rekohuana (Powell, 1933) C.F.M.An. photo
rekohuana lactorubra (Ponder, 1965) A. photo
rufoapicata (Suter, 1908) =latior Dell C.F.M.An. photo
rugosa recens (Ponder, 1968) A. photo
semiplicata (Powell, 1927) A.C. photo
semisulcata (Hutton, 1885) A.R.Fo.
subfusca (Hutton, 1873) =guesti Powell C.F.M.An. photo
subfusca aupouria (Ponder, 1968) A.
subrufa (Powell, 1937) A.
zosterophila (Webster, 1905) A. photo
Pseudestea Ponder, 1967 (Scrobs pyramidatus Hedley, 1903)
crassiconus (Powell, 1933) A. photo
Catapyrgus Climo, 1974 (C. spelaeus Climo, 1974)
fraterculus Haase, 2008 Fw.S. photo
jami Verhaegen & Haase, 2021 Fw.S. photo
matapango Haase, 2008 Fw.S. photo
sororius Haase, 2008 Fw.S. photo
spelaeus Climo, 1974 Fw.S. photo
Hadopyrgus Climo, 1974 (H. anops Climo, 1974)
anops Climo, 1974 Fw.S. photo
brevis Climo, 1974 Fw.S. photo
dubius Haase, 2008 Fw.S. photo
expositus Haase, 2008 Fw.S. photo
ngataana Haase, 2008 Fw.S. photo
rawhiti Haase, 2008 Fw.S. photo
Halopyrgus Haase, 2008 (Potamopyrgus pupoides Hutton, 1882)
pagodulus Haase, 2008 Fw.N. photo
pupoides (Hutton, 1882) Fw.N.S. photo
Kuschelita Climo, 1974 (K. mica Climo, 1974)
inflata Climo, 1974 Fw.N. photo
mica Climo, 1974 Fw.S. photo
Leptopyrgus Haase, 2008 (Potamopyrgus manneringi Climo, 1974)
manneringi (Climo, 1974) Fw.N. photo
melbourni Haase, 2008 Fw.N. photo
tainui Haase, 2008 Fw.N. photo
Meridiopyrgus Haase, 2008 (M. murihiku Haase, 2008)
inanga Haase, 2008 Fw.S. photo
muaupoko Haase, 2008 Fw.S. photo
murihiku Haase, 2008 Fw.S. photo
pupiformis Haase, 2008 Fw. photo
Obtusopyrgus Haase, 2008 (O. alpinus Haase, 2008)
alpinus Haase, 2008 Fw.S. photo
farri Verhaegen & Haase, 2021 Fw.S. photo
Opacuincola Ponder, 1966 (O. caeca Ponder, 1966)
abradeta Haase, 2008 Fw.S. photo
caeca Ponder, 1966 Fw.S. photo
cervicesmadentes Haase, 2008 Fw.S. photo
conosimilis Haase, 2008 Fw.S. photo
delira Haase, 2008 Fw.S. photo
dulcinella Haase, 2008 Fw.S. photo
eduardstraussi Haase, 2008 Fw.S. photo
favus Haase, 2008 Fw.S. photo
fruticis Haase, 2008 Fw.S. photo
geometrica Haase, 2008 Fw.S. photo
gretathunbergae Verhaegen & Haase, 2021 Fw.S. photo
ignorata Haase, 2008 Fw.S. photo
johannstraussi Haase, 2008 Fw.S. photo
josefstraussi Haase, 2008 Fw.S. photo
kuscheli Climo, 1974 Fw.S. photo
lentesferens Haase, 2008 Fw.S. photo
lisannea Verhaegen & Haase, 2021 Fw.S. photo
mete Haase, 2008 Fw.S. photo
mete kahurangi Verhaegen & Haase, 2021 Fw.S. photo
ngatapuna Haase, 2008 Fw.S. photo
ovata Haase, 2008 Fw.S. photo
permutata Haase, 2008 Fw.S. photo
piriformis Haase, 2008 Fw.S. photo
roscoei Haase, 2008 Fw.S. photo
takakaensis Haase, 2008 Fw.S. photo
terraelapsus Haase, 2008 Fw.S. photo
turriformis Haase, 2008 Fw.S. photo
Paxillostium Gardner, 1970 (P. nanum Gardner, 1970)
nanum Gardner, 1970 Fw.N. photo
Platypyrgus Haase, 2008 (P. nelsonensis (Climo, 1977)) =Horatia nelsonensis Climo, 1977
nelsonensis Climo, 1977 Fw.S. photo
Potamopyrgus Stimpson, 1865 (Melania corolla Gould, 1847)
acus Haase, 2008 Fw.N. photo
antipodarum (Gray, 1843) =aculeata Overton, =badia Gould, =corolla Gould, =cumingiana P. Fischer, =egena Gould, =jenkinsi E.A. Smith, =salleana P. Fischer, =spelaea Frauenfeld, =zelandiae Gray Fw.N.S.R. photo
dawbini Powell, 1955 Fw. photo
doci Haase, 2008 Fw.N. photo
estuarinus Winterbourn, 1971 Fw.N.S. photo
kaitunuparaoa Haase, 2008 Fw.N. photo
oppidanus Haase, 2008 Fw.N. photo
troglodytes (Climo, 1974) Fw.N. photo
Rakipyrgus Haase, 2008 (R. gardneri (Climo, 1974))
gardneri (Climo, 1974) Fw.N.
Rakiurapyrgus Haase, 2008 (Potamopyrgus cresswelli Climo, 1974)
cresswelli (Climo, 1974) Fw. photo
micula Haase, 2008 Fw. photo
Sororipyrgus Haase, 2008 (S. raki Haase, 2008)
kutukutu Haase, 2008 Fw.N. photo
marshalli Haase, 2008 Fw.N. photo
raki Haase, 2008 Fw.N. photo
Tongapyrgus Haase, 2008 (T. kohitatea Haase, 2008)
kohitatea Haase, 2008 Fw.S. photo
subterraneus (Suter, 1905) S.Sf.Fo. photo
Assiminea J. Fleming, 1828 (A. grayana J. Fleming, 1828)
vulgaris (Webster, 1905) =hedleyi Brookes K.A. photo
Suterilla Thiele, 1927 (Cirsonella neozelanica Murdoch, 1899)
climoi Fukuda, Ponder & Marshall, 2006 =neozelanica Brook & Marshall, not Murdoch photo
imperforata Fukuda, Ponder & Marshall, 2006 A. photo
neozelanica (Murdoch, 1988) A.C.M. photo
Nozeba Iredale, 1915 (Rissoa emarginata Hutton, 1885)
emarginata (Hutton, 1885) =coulthardi Webster, =parvilirata Suter A.C.F. photo
mica Finlay, 1930 A.C. photo
Pseudonoba O. Boettger, 1902 (P. peculiaris O. Boettger, 1902)
inflata (Ponder, 1967) A. photo
Dolicrossea Iredale, 1924 (Crossea labiata Tenison-Woods, 1876)
vesca Finlay, 1926 A.C.F.M. photo
Elachisina Dall, 1918 (E. grippi Dall, 1918)
iredalei (Brookes, 1926) A.
Caecum Gray, 1857 (Dentalium glabrum Montagu, 1803) =Caecum (Brochina) Gray, 1857
digitulum Hedley, 1904 =suteri Odhner A.C.F.M.An.
maori Pizzini & Raines, 2006 =solitarium W.R.B. Oliver K.
Cochliolepis Stimpson, 1858 (C. parasitica Stimpson, 1858)
albiceratus Ponder, 1966 =albicerata Ponder A.C.F. photo
Elachorbis Iredale, 1915 (Cyclostrema tatei Angas, 1878)
diaphana Finlay, 1924 F. photo
subtatei (Suter, 1907) A.C.F.An. photo
Scrupus Finlay, 1926 (Fossarus hyalinus Odhner, 1924)
hyalinus (Odhner, 1924) A.M. photo
uniliratus Powell, 1931 C.F.M.An.
Tornus Turton & Kingston, 1830 (Helix subcarinata Montagu, 1803)
aupouria (Powell, 1937) A.
maoria (Powell, 1937) A.
Canarium Schumacher, 1817 (C. ustulatum Schumacher, 1817)
scalariforme (Duclos, 1833) =haemastoma G.B. Sowerby II, =scalariformis Duclos K.
mutabile (Swainson, 1821) =epimellus Duclos in Chenu, =floridus Lamarck, =flosculosus Mörch, =mutabilis Swainson, =rufescens Prelle, =zebriolatus Adam & Leloup K.
Euprotomus Gill, 1870 (Strombus aurisdianae Linnaeus, 1758)
vomer (Röding, 1798) =kiwi Bozzetti & Sargent, =novaezelandiae Reeve K.A.
Thersistrombus Bandel, 2007 (Strombus thersites Swainson, 1823)
thersites (Swainson, 1823) =ponderosus Philippi K.
Pelicaria Gray, 1857 (Buccinum vermis Martyn, 1784)
vermis (Martyn, 1784) =acuminata Marwick, =australis Gmelin, =bradleyi Neef, =convexa Marwick, =crenulata Lamarck, =flemingi Neef, =fossa Marwick, =grahami Neef, =inermis G.B. Sowerby I, =mangaoparia Vella, =media Marwick, =powelli Neef, =rotunda Vella, =tricarinata Lesson, =vellae Neef, =vellai Neef, =wellmani Neef A.C.F. photo
Struthiolaria Lamarck, 1816 (S. nodulosa Lamarck, 1816)
papulosa (Martyn, 1784) =coronarium Lightfoot, =gigas G.B. Sowerby II, =nodosa Gray, =nodulosa Lamarck, =papillaris Gray, =papulosum Martyn, =stramineus Gmelin, =sulcata Jonas, =tasmani L.C. King A.C.F. photo
Dendropoma Mörch, 1861 (Siphonium lituella Mörch, 1861) =Bivonia Gray, 1842, =Siphonium Gray, 1850, =Veristoa Iredale, 1937, =Vermetus (Bivonia) Gray, 1842
planatum (Suter, 1913) C.
squamiferum Ponder, 1967 A. photo
Novastoa Finlay, 1926 (Siphonium lamellosum Hutton, 1873)
lamellosa (Hutton, 1873) =lamellosum Hutton A.C.M.
Thylacodes Geuttard, 1770 (Serpulorbis polyphragma Sasso, 1827) =Aletes Carpenter, 1857, =Cladopoda Gray, 1850, =Serpulorbis Sasso, 1827, =Serpulus (Tetranemia) Mörch, 1859, =Tetranemia Mörch, 1859, =Tulaxoda Blainville, 1828, =Tulaxodus Guettard, 1770
aotearoicus Morton, 1951 A. photo
zelandicus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1834) A.
Xenophora Fischer von Waldheim, 1807 (X. laevigata Fischer von Waldheim, 1807)
neozelanica Suter, 1908 A. photo
neozelanica kermadecensis Ponder, 1983 =corrugatus sensu Iredale K. photo
Grandicrepidula McLean, 1995 (Crepidula grandis Middendorff, 1849)
collinae B.A. Marshall, 2003 A.C.F. photo
Maoricrypta Finlay, 1926 (Crepidula costata G. B. Sowerby I, 1824) =Maoricrypta (Zeacrypta) Finlay, 1926, =Zeacrypta Finlay, 1926
costata (G.B. Sowerby I, 1824) =lineolata Deshayes A.C. photo
kopua (B.A. Marshall, 2003) A. photo
monoxyla (Lesson, 1831) =contorta Quoy & Gaimard A.C. photo
sodalis B.A. Marshall, 2003 =monoxyla of authors not Lesson, in part A.C.F. photo
youngi Powell, 1940 =profunda Beu & Maxwell not Hutton A.C. photo
Sigapatella Lesson, 1831 (Calyptraea (S.) novaezelandiae Lesson, 1831) =Calyptraea (Sigapatella) Lesson, 1831, =Clypeola Gray, 1868, =Sigapatella (Sigapatella) Lesson, 1831, =Sigapatella (Spirogalerus) Finlay & Marwick, 1937, =Spirogalerus Finlay & Marwick, 1937, =Zegalerus Finlay, 1926
novaezelandiae (Lesson, 1831) =inflata Hutton, =maculata Quoy & Gaimard A.C.F.M.An. photo
spadicea Boshier, 1961 A.C.F. photo
superstes Fleming, 1958 A. photo
tenuis (Gray, 1867) A.C.F.M. photo
terraenovae Peile, 1924 =alta Hutton, =crater Finlay, =tumens Finlay A.C. photo
Capulus Montfort, 1810 (Patella ungarica Linnaeus, 1758)
novaezelandiae Dell, 1978 C. photo
Torellia Jeffreys, 1867 (Recluzia aperta Jeffreys, 1859)
Trichosirius Finlay, 1927 (Trichotropis inornata Hutton, 1873)
cavatocarinatus (Laws, 1940) =cavatocarinata Laws C.F. photo
inornatus (Hutton, 1873) =chathamensis Finlay, =clathrata G.B. Sowerby II, =inornata Hutton A.C.F.M. photo
octocarinatus Powell, 1931 C.F.An.
Verticosta Huang & Lin, 2020 (Trichotropis migrans Dall, 1881)
Zelippistes Finlay, 1927 (Separatista benhami Suter, 1902)
benhami (Suter, 1902) =perornatus P. Marshall & Murdoch A. photo
CYPRAEIDAE Rafinesque, 1815
Naria J.E. Gray, 1837 (Cypraea irrorata Gray, 1828) =Albacypraea Steadman & Cotton, 1946, =Brugnonia Jeffreys, 1883, =Cupinota Iredale, 1939, =Cypraea (Erosaria) Troschel, 1863, =Cypraea (Naria) J.E. Gray, 1837, =Erosaria Troschel, 1863, =Ocellaria Weinkauff, 1881, =Paulonaria Iredale, 1930
cernica (G.B. Sowerby II, 1870) =percomis Iredale, =tomlini Schilder K.A. photo
poraria (Linnaeus, 1758) =scarabaeus Valmont de Bomare, in Bruguière, =theoreta Iredale K.
Monetaria Troschel, 1863 (Cypraea moneta Linnaeus, 1758)
caputserpentis (Linnaeus, 1758) K.
moneta (Linnaeus, 1758) K.
Talostolida Iredale, 1931 (Cypraea teres Gmelin, 1791)
teres (Gmelin, 1791) K.
Luria Jousseaume, 1884 (Cypraea lurida Linnaeus, 1758)
isabella (Linnaeus, 1758) K.
Lyncina Troschel, 1863 (Cypraea lynx Linnaeus, 1758)
vitellus Linnaeus, 1758 K.A. photo
Talparia Troschel, 1863 (Cypraea talpa Linnaeus, 1758)
talpa (Linnaeus, 1758) K.
ERATOIDAE Gill, 1871
Notoficula Thiele, 1917 (Cominella bouveti Thiele, 1912) =Cominella (Ficulina) Thiele, 1912
otagoensis Dell, 1962 F. photo
Lachryma Gray, 1832 (Erato lachryma Gray, 1832)
lachryma (Gray, 1832) =denticulata Pritchard & Gatliff K.
Kurodavolva Azuma, 1987 (Phenacovolva wakayamaensis Cates & Azuma, 1973 )
wakayamaensis Cates & Azuma, 1973 =longirostrata of authors not G.B.Sowerby I A. photo
Ovula Bruguière, 1789 (Bulla ovum Linnaeus, 1758) =Amphiperas Herrmannsen, 1846, =Ovulum G.B. Sowerby I, 1828, =Parlicium Schilder, 1939
costellata Lamarck, 1810 =angulosa Lamarck, =columba Schubert & Wagner, =imperialis Solander, =tortilis Deshayes K.
ovum Linnaeus, 1758 =pygmaea G.B. Sowerby I K. photo
Phenacovolva Iredale, 1930 (P. nectarea Iredale, 1930) =Turbovula C.N. Cate, 1973
rosea (A. Adams, 1854) =adamsii Dunker, =birostris sensu Hart, 1994 not Linnaeus, =carpenteri Dunker, =lanceolata sensu J. Allan, 1956 not G. B. Sowerby II, =philippinarum sensu Tryon, 1885 not G. B. Sowerby II, =roseum A. Adams, =sowerbyana sensu Allan, 1956 not Weinkauff K.
OVULIDAE: PEDICULARIINAE Gray, 1853 =Pediculariidae Gray, 1853
Pedicularia Swainson, 1840 (P. sicula Swainson, 1840)
pacifica Pease, 1865 =maoria Powell, =stylasteris Hedley A. photo
Ellatrivia Cotton & Godfrey, 1932 (Triviella merces Iredale, 1924) =Austrotrivia Fehse, 2002, =Fossatrivia Schilder, 1939, =Trivia J.E. Gray, 1837, =Niveria Jousseaume, 1884
merces (Iredale, 1924) =addenda Iredale, =australis Lamarck, =maoriensis Mestayer, =memorata Finlay A.C.M. photo
Trivellona Iredale, 1931 (T. excelsa Iredale, 1931) =Nototrivia Schilder, 1939, =Pseudotrivia Schilder, 1936, =Robertotrivia C.N. Cate, 1979
valerieae (Hart, 1996) =tetatua Hart K.A.
Trivirostra Jousseaume, 1884 (Cypraea scabriuscula Gray, 1827)
oryza (Lamarck, 1810) =intermedia Kiener K.A. photo
pellucidula (Reeve, 1846) K.
VELUTINIDAE: HAINOTINAE Fassio, Bouchet, Schiaparelli & Oliverio, 2022
Mysticoncha Allan, 1936 (Lamellaria wilsonae E.A. Smith, 1886)
harrisonae (Powell, 1946) C.F. photo
Lamellaria Montagu, 1815 (L. tentaculata Montagu, 1816)
ophione Gray, 1850 K.A.C. photo
Variolipallium Fassio, Bouchet & Oliverio, 2022 (V. regium Fassio, Bouchet & Oliverio, 2022)
cerebroides (Hutton, 1883) A.C.F. photo
nodosum (Ev. Marcus, 1987) =nodosa Ev. Marcus, =verrucosa Odhner An.
NATICIDAE Guilding, 1834
Falsilunatia Powell, 1951 (Natica soluta Gould, 1848)
ambigua (Suter, 1913) =ambiguus Suter, =powelli Dell C.F.M. photo
amphiala (R.B. Watson, 1881) F.M.
subperforata Dell, 1956 A.C.F.M. photo
Globisinum Marwick, 1924 (Sigaretus drewi Murdoch, 1899)
drewi (Murdoch, 1899) =flemingi Powell, =laevis Hutton, =mucronatum Marwick, =undulatus Hutton, =venusta Suter, =venustum Suter, =wollastoni Finlay A.C.F.M. photo
Naticarius Duméril, 1806 (Nerita canrena Linnaeus, 1758)
orientalis (Gmelin, 1791) =eburnea Deshayes, =explanata Röding K.
Notocochlis Powell, 1933 (Cochlis migratoria Powell, 1927)
cernica (Jousseaume, 1874) =hancockae Powell, =jousseaumei Euthyme, =nebulosa Schepman, =ochrostigmata Rehder K.A. photo
gualtieriana (Récluz, 1844) =asellus Reeve, =balteata G.B. Sowerby III, =burnupi E.A. Smith, =gualteriana RĂ©cluz, =locellus Reeve, =migratoria Powell, =nemo Bartsch, =tessellata Philippi, =vafer Finlay K.A. photo
Proxiuber Powell, 1933 (Lunatia australis Hutton, 1878)
australe (Hutton, 1878) =australis Hutton, =maoria Finlay A. photo
hulmei Powell, 1954 A.C. photo
Tanea Marwick, 1933 (Natica zelandica Quoy & Gaimard, 1832)
zelandica (Quoy & Gaimard, 1832) =souleyetiana RĂ©cluz A.C.F.M.An. photo
Friginatica Hedley, 1916 (Natica beddomei R.M. Johnston, 1885)
conjuncta Dell, 1953 =amphiala of authors not R.B. Watson A.C.F.M. photo
Mammilla Schumacher, 1817 (M. fasciata Schumacher, 1817)
simiae (Deshayes, 1838) =propesimiae Iredale, =samarensis RĂ©cluz, =sigaretina Menke K.A. photo
Polinices Montfort, 1810 (P. albus Montfort, 1810)
putealis Garrard, 1961 K.A.
tawhitirahia Powell, 1965 K.A. photo
Uberella Finlay, 1928 (Natica vitrea Hutton, 1873)
alacris Dell, 1956 F. photo
barrierensis (Marwick, 1924) A.C.M. photo
denticulifera (Marwick, 1924) C.F.M.R.Fo.
vitrea (Hutton, 1873) F.M.An. photo
Eunaticina P. Fischer, 1885 (Nerita papilla Gmelin, 1791)
papilla (Gmelin, 1791) =cancellata Swainson, =cincta Hutton, =cinctus Hutton, =coarctata Reeve, =coarctatus Reeve, =costulata Quoy & Gaimard, =madoerensis van Regteren Altena, =nitidus Reeve, =tener E.A. Smith, =tranquebarica Röding, =tumescens Reeve A.C. photo
Annaperenna Iredale, 1936
verrucosa (G.B. Sowerby I, 1825) =papilla W. Wood K.A. photo
Bursa Röding, 1798 (B. monitata Röding, 1798) =Annaperenna Iredale, 1936, =Bufonariella Thiele, 1929
granularis (Röding, 1798) =cumingiana Dunker, =granifera Lamarck, =granulare Röding, =jabick Röding, =rubicola Perry K.
rhodostoma (G.B. Sowerby I, 1835) =bergeri Tapparone Canefri, =paulucciana Tapparone Canefri, =thomae d'Orbigny, =venustula Reeve, =xantostoma Tapparone Canefri K.
rosa (Perry, 1811) =siphonata Reeve K. photo
Tutufa Jousseaume, 1881 (Murex rana var. bubo Linnaeus, 1758) =Bursa (Lampas) Schumacher, 1817, =Bursa (Tutufa) Jousseaume, 1881, =Lampas Schumacher, 1817, =Tutufa (Tutufa) Jousseaume, 1881, =Tutufa (Tutufella) Beu, 1981, =Tutufella Beu, 1981
bubo (Linnaeus, 1758) =lampas Linnaeus K.
bufo (Röding, 1798) =lissostoma E.A. Smith, =robusta Cossignani K.A. photo
Galeodea Link, 1807 (Buccinum echinophorum Linnaeus, 1758)
plauta Beu, 2008 A.C.R.Fo. photo
triganceae Dell, 1953 A.C.F.M. photo
Oocorys Fischer, 1884 (O. sulcata P. Fischer, 1884)
sulcata Fischer, 1884 =abyssorum Verrill & S. Smith, =aulacodes Tomlin, =elongata Schepman, =elongata Locard, =fischeri Locard, =indica E.A. Smith, =minor Locard, =rotunda Dall, =schepmani R.D. Turner, =umbilicata Quinn, =watsoni Locard, =weberi Schepman K.A. photo
verrillii (Dall, 1889) A.
Casmaria H. & A. Adams, 1853 (Buccinum vibex Linnaeus, 1758)
perryi (Iredale, 1912) K.A. photo
Semicassis Mörch, 1852 (Cassis japonica Reeve, 1848) =Cassis (Semicassis) Mörch, 1852, =Phalium (Semicassis) Mörch, 1852, =Phalium (Xenogalea) Iredale, 1927, =Semicassis (Xenophalium) Iredale, 1927, =Xenogalea Iredale, 1927, =Xenophalium Iredale, 1927
labiata (Perry, 1811) =achatina Lamarck, =collactea Finlay, =iheringi Carcelles, =insperata Iredale, =labiatum Perry A.C. photo
pyrum (Lamarck, 1822) =abernethyi Dell, =denda Cotton, =finlayi Iredale, =halli Cotton, =hamiltoni Powell, =harrisonae Powell, =matai Powell, =mawsoni Cotton, =multisecta Finlay, =nivea Brazier, =powelli Finlay, =spectabilis Iredale, =stadiale Hedley, =stadialis Hedley, =striatus Hutton, =tumida Petterd, =wanganuiense Powell, =wilsoni Cotton A.C.F.M. photo
royana (Iredale, 1914) =ericanum Powell, =hedleyi Iredale K.A. photo
sophia (Brazier, 1872) K.A. photo
thomsoni (Brazier, 1876) =palinodia Iredale A. photo
Charonia Gistel, 1848 (Murex tritonis Linnaeus, 1758)
lampas (Linnaeus, 1758) =capax Finlay, =rubicunda Perry K.A.C.F.M. photo
tritonis (Linnaeus, 1758) =imbricata W.H.D. Adams, =marmoratum Link, =tritonia Perry K.A.
Argobuccinum Herrmannsen, 1846 (Murex argus Gmelin, 1791)
pustulosum (Lightfoot, 1786) =argobuccinum Röding, =tuberculata Fischer von Waldheim, =tumida Dunker, =tumidum Dunker A.C.F.M.An. photo
Austrosassia Finlay, 1931 (Septa parkinsonia Perry, 1811) =Cymatona Iredale, 1929, =Sassia Bellardi, 1873
parkinsonia (Perry, 1811) =basilicus Iredale, =fusiformis Kiener, =lindneri Parth, =parkinsonius Perry K.A.C.R.Fo. photo
Cabestana Röding, 1798 (Murex cutaceus Linnaeus, 1767)
spengleri (Perry, 1811) =A. A. Adams, =barthelemyi Bernardi, =boltenianus A. Adams, =procerum Iredale K.A.C.F.M. photo
tabulata (Menke, 1843) =debelior Finlay, =frigidulum Iredale, =manawatuna C.A. Fleming, =otagoensis Powell, =segregata Powell, =tepida Iredale, =waterhousei A. Adams & Angas K.A.C.F.M. photo
Cymatona Iredale, 1929 (Nassaria kampyla R. B. Watson, 1883)
kampyla (R.B. Watson, 1883) =jobbernsi L.C. King, =nodocostata Tate & May, =tomlini Powell A.C.F.M.An. photo
Fusitriton Cossmann, 1903 (Triton cancellatus Lamarck, 1816)
laudandus Finlay, 1926 =futuristi Mestayer, =retiolus Hedley A.C.F.M.An. photo
Linatella Grey, 1857 (Cassidaria cingulata Lamarck, 1822)
caudata (Gmelin, 1791) =caudatum Gmelin, =cingulatum Gmelin, =cutaceum Lamarck, =cutaceus Lamarck A. photo
Monoplex Perry, 1811 (M. australasiae Perry, 1811) =Cabestanimorpha Iredale, 1936, =Cymatium (Monoplex) Perry, 1810, =Septa (Monoplex) Perry, 1810
exaratus (Reeve, 1844) =cornutus Perry, =euclia Cotton, =exaratum Reeve, =granulatum Dunker, =kiiense G.B. Sowerby III, =obscurus A. Adams, =zimara Iredale K.A.C. photo
nicobaricus (Röding, 1798) =chlorostomum Lamarck, =nicobarica Röding, =nicobaricum Röding, =pulchellus C.B. Adams, =pumilio Mörch, =tautiranus Curtiss K.
parthenopeus (von Salis, 1793) =australasiae Perry, =parthenopea Salis Marschlins, =parthenopeum Salis Marschlins, =parthenopius Salis Marschlins K.A.C.F.M. photo
Proxicharonia Powell, 1938 (Charonia arthritica Powell & Bartrum, 1929) =Charonia (Charoniella) Powell & Bartrum, 1929, =Charoniella Powell & Bartrum, 1929
palmeri Powell, 1967 K.A. photo
Ranularia Schumacher, 1817 (Murex clavator Dillwyn, 1817) =Cymatium (Ranularia) Schumacher, 1817, =Retusum Jousseaume, 1892, =Tritonocauda Dall, 1904
dunkeri (Lischke, 1868) =iredalei Beu K. photo
Sassia Bellardi, 1873 (Triton apenninicum Sassi, 1827) =Lampusia (Sassia) Bellardi, 1873, =Monocirsus Cossmann, 1889, =Phanozesta Iredale, 1936, =Triton (Sassia) Bellardi, 1873
remensa (Iredale, 1936) =marshalli Beu K.A. photo
Turritriton Dall, 1904 (Triton gibbosus Broderip, 1833) =Cabestana (Turritriton) Dall, 1904, =Cymatium (Turritriton) Dall, 1904, =Particymatium Iredale, 1936, =Tritoniscus Dall, 1904
labiosus (W. Wood, 1828) =labiosa W. Wood, =labiosum W. Wood, =loebbeckei Lischke, =loroisi Petit de la Saussaye, =orientale G. & H. Nevill, =orientalis G. & H. Nevill, =rutilum Menke, =strangei Adams H. & Angas K.A. photo
Akibumia Kuroda & Habe, 1959 (A. flexibilis Kuroda & Habe, 1959)
orientalis (Schepman, 1909) A.
Laminilabrum Kuroda & Habe, 1961 (L. breviaxe Kuroda & Habe, 1961)
breviaxe (Kuroda & Habe, 1961) =breviaxis Kuroda & Habe K.
Distorsio Röding, 1798 (Murex anus Linnaeus, 1758)
habei Lewis, 1972 =kotakai Ogasawara & Morita, =yagenaensis H. Noda K.
Ranella Lamarck, 1816 (R. gigantea Lamarck, 1816) =Argobuccinum (Ranella) Lamarck, 1816, =Eugyrina Dall, 1904, =Gyrina Schumacher, 1817, =Gyrinopsis Dall, 1925, =Mayena Iredale, 1917, =Ranella (Apollon) Montfort, 1810
australasia (Perry, 1811) =benthicola Iredale, =blacki Powell, =euclia Cotton, =kurtzei Cotton, =leucostoma Lamarck, =vossi Powell, =zelandica Finlay K.A.C.F.M. photo
olearium (Linnaeus, 1758) =barcellosi Matthews, Rios & Coelho, =boveus Risso, =gigantea Lamarck, =giganteum Lamarck, =incerta Michelotti, =maculata Schumacher, =multinodosa Bucknill, =ostenfeldi Iredale, =reticularis Born A.C.F.M. photo
Distorsionella Beu, 1978 (Distorsio (D.) lewisi Beu, 1978) =Distorsio (Distorsionella) Beu, 1978
lewisi (Beu, 1978) =beui F. Riedel, =ednafarinasi Parth K.A.
Thalassocyon Barnard, 1960 (T. bonus Barnard, 1960)
tui Dell, 1967 =bonus Barnard K.A. photo
Eudolium Dall, 1889 (Dolium crosseanum Monterosato, 1869)
bairdii (Verrill & Smith, 1881) =solidior Dautzenberg & H. Fischer A. photo
crosseanum (Monerosato, 1869) =crosseana Monterosato, =javana K. Martin, =javanum K. Martin, =pyriforme G.B. Sowerby III, =pyriformis G.B. Sowerby III, =thompsoni McGinty A. photo
Malea Valenciennes, 1832 (M. latilabris Valenciennes, 1832)
pomum (Linnaeus, 1758) K.A. photo
Tonna Brunnich, 1772 (Buccinum galea Linnaeus, 1758) =Dolium Lamarck, 1801, =Perdix Montfort, 1810
cumingii (Reeve, 1849) =maoria Powell A. photo
dolium (Lamarck, 1822) =cassis Röding, =maculata Lamarck, =maculatum Lamarck, =maculatum Schröter in Martini A. photo
lischkeana (Küster, 1857) =lischkeanum KĂ¼ster, =marginata Philippi, =marginatum Philippi, =reevii Hanley A.
luteostoma (Küster, 1857) =favannii Hanley, =japonicum Dunker, =luteostomum KĂ¼ster, =porcellara Euthyme, =porcellarum Euthyme A. photo
melanostoma (Jay, 1839) =haemastomum Jay, =haemastomum Jay in Philippi, =melanostomum Jay K.A. photo
perdix (Linnaeus, 1758) K.A. photo
tankervillii (Hanley, 1860) =amphora Philippi, =cerevisina Hedley, =haurakiensis Hedley, =maoria Powell A.C. photo
tetracotula Hedley, 1919 A. photo
zonata (Green, 1830) =crenulatum Philippi, =zonatum Green A. photo
Atlanta Lesueur, 1817 (A. peronii Lesueur, 1817)
brunnea Gray, 1850 =fusca Souleyet K.A. photo
peronii Lesueur, 1817 =costae Mandralisca, =keraudrenii Lesueur, =lamanoni Eschscholtz, =palaeomphaloides F. Nordsieck, =planorboides Forbes, =steindachneri Oberwimmer A. photo
turriculata d'Orbigny, 1836 A.
Protatlanta Tesch, 1908 (Atlanta souleyeti E.A. Smith, 1888)
souleyeti (E.A. Smith, 1888) =lamanoni Gray, =lamanonii Souleyet, =mediterranea Issel K.
Cardiapoda d'Orbigny, 1835 (C. pedunculata d'Orbigny, 1836)
placenta (Lesson, 1830) =acuta Tesch, =sublaevis Tesch, =trachydermon Tesch A.
Carinaria Lamarck, 1801 (Argonauta vitreus Gmelin, 1791) =Striocarinaria Di Geronimo, 1974
galea Benson, 1835 =gaudichaudi J.E. Gray A.C.
lamarckii Blainville, 1817 =atlantica Adams & Reeve, =australis Quoy & Gaimard, =cymbium Woodward, =grimaldii Vayssière, =lophyra Delle Chiaje, =mediterranea Blainville, =navigera Delle Chiaje, =oceanica Vayssière, =punctata d'Orbigny, =vatovai F. Nordsieck A.C.M. photo
Firoloida Lesueur, 1817 (F. desmarestia Lesueur, 1817) =Firolella Troschel, 1855, =Tholapex Di Geronimo, 1974
desmaresti Lesueur, 1817 =aculeata Lesueur, =blainvilleana Lesueur, =demarestia Lesueur, =gaimardi d'Orbigny, =gracilis Troschel, =kowalewskyi Vayssière, =lesueri Risso, =lesueurii d'Orbigny, =liguriae Issel, =minutum Jeffreys, =solutum Di Geronimo, =vigilans Troschel A.C.
Pterotrachea Forsskål, 1775 (P. coronata Forsskål, 1775) =Euryops Tesch, 1906, =Firola Bruguière, 1791, =Heterodens Bonnevie, 1920, =Pterotrachea (Euryops) Tesch, 1906
coronata Forsskål, 1775 =adamastor Lesson, =challengeri Tesch, =intermedia Tesch, =microptera Tesch, =umbilicata Delle Chiaje F.
scutata Gegenbaur, 1855 =gegenbauri Vayssière A.C.
Buccinoidea Rafinesque, 1815
achilles Marshall & Walton, 2018 A. photo
Euthrenopsis Powell, 1929 (E. otagoensis Powell, 1929)
bountyensis Powell, 1929 An. photo
otagoensis Powell, 1929 C.F. photo
venusta Powell, 1929 F. photo
Sagenotriton Marshall & Walton, 2018 (S. ajax Marshall & Walton, 2018)
ajax Marshall & Walton, 2018 A.C. photo
AUSTROSIPHONIDAE Cotton & Godfrey, 1938
Antarctoneptunea Dell, 1972 (Fusitriton aurora Hedley, 1916)
aurora (Hedley, 1916) =antarcticus Powell An. photo
benthicola Dell, 1956 =benthicolus Dell, =delli Powell A.C.F.M.An. photo
Penion Fischer, 1884 (Fusus dilatatus Quoy & Gaimard, 1833) =Austrosipho Cossmann, 1906, =Austrosipho (Verconella) Iredale, 1914, =Berylsma Iredale, 1924, =Largisipho Iredale, 1929, =Verconella Iredale, 1914
chathamensis (Powell, 1938) =fairfieldae Powell F.M. photo
cuvierianus (Powell, 1927) =cuvieriana Powell, =dilatatus of authors, =elongata Powell, =rex Finlay, =rotunda Powell A.C. photo
lineatus Marshall, Hills & Vaux, 2018 A. photo
ormesi (Powell, 1927) =dispar Powell, =jeakingsi Powell A.C. photo
sulcatus (Lamarck, 1816) =accipitris Finlay, =adpressa Powell, =adusta Philippi, =adustus Philippi, =allani Finlay, =dilatata Quoy & Gaimard, =dilatatus Quoy & Gaimard, =edita Powell, =falsa Finlay, =mandarinoides Powell, =worthyae Powell, =zelandicus Quoy & Gaimard A.C. photo
BELOMITRIDAE Kantor, Puillandre, Rivasseau & Bouchet, 2012
Belomitra P. Fischer, 1883 (B. paradoxa P. Fischer, 1883) =Bathyclionella Kobelt, 1905, =Cryptomitra Dall, 1924, =Dellina Beu, 1970, =Morrisonella Bartsch, 1945, =Pleurobela Monterosato [in Locard], 1897
aoteana (Dell, 1956) =climacella of authors, not Dall, =munida Ponder F.M. photo
Cumia Bivona-Bernardi, 1838 (C. decussata Bivona-Bernardi, 1838) =Fusus Helbling, 1779, =Murex (Fusus) Helbling, 1779, =Ratifusus Iredale, 1929, =Triton (Cumia) Bivona-Bernardi, 1838
adjuncta (Iredale, 1929) =adjunctus Iredale A.
mestayerae (Iredale, 1915) =reticulata A. Adams A. photo
Iredalula Finlay, 1926 (Bela striata Hutton, 1873)
alticincta (Murdoch & Suter, 1906) =venusta Powell A.C. photo
striata (Hutton, 1873) A.C. photo
COLUMBELLIDAE Swainson, 1840
Antimitrella Powell, 1937 (A. laxa Powell, 1937)
laxa Powell, 1937 A.
Aoteatilia Powell, 1939 (Daphnella substriata Suter, 1899)
acicula (Suter, 1908) F.M.An.
amphipsila (Suter, 1908) An.
larochei Powell, 1940 A.C. photo
psila (Suter, 1908) A.
substriata (Suter, 1899) F. photo
tenuistriata (Suter, 1908) An.
Euplica Dall, 1889 (Colombella turturina Lamarck, 1822)
varians (G.B. Sowerby I, 1832) K. photo
Exomilopsis Powell, 1964 (Mangilia spica Hedley, 1907)
hipkinsi Powell, 1964 A.
Graphicomassa Iredale, 1929 (Columbella ligula Duclos, 1840) =Mitra (Aidone) H. & A. Adams, 1853, =Mitrella (Graphicomassa) Iredale, 1929
ligula (Duclos, 1840) K. photo
Liratilia Finlay, 1927 (Daphnella conquisita Suter, 1907)
compta Powell, 1930 A.C. photo
conquisita (Suter, 1907) =angulata Suter, =chariessa Suter, =nestoris C.A. Fleming A.C.F.An. photo
conquisita gracilis Powell, 1940 A. photo
elegantula Powell, 1937 A.
isolata Dell, 1956 M. photo
sinuata Powell, 1937 A.
subnodosa Powell, 1934 A. photo
Macrozafra Finlay, 1927 (Clathurella subabnormis Suter, 1899)
cophinodes (Suter, 1908) An.
enwrighti Powell, 1940 A. photo
mariae Powell, 1940 A. photo
nodicincta (Suter, 1899) A.C.F. photo
subabnormis (Suter, 1899) =saxatilis R. Murdoch A.C.M. photo
vivens (Powell, 1934) A. photo
Paxula Finlay, 1927 (Columbella paxillus R. Murdoch, 1905)
allani Finlay, 1928 M. photo
leptalea (Suter, 1908) An.
paxillus (R. Murdoch, 1905) A.C.F. photo
subantarctica (Suter, 1908) An.
transitans (R. Murdoch, 1905) =huttoni sensu Murdoch, =murdochi Finlay F.An. photo
Zafra A. Adams, 1860 (Z. mitriformis A. Adams, 1860)
fuscolineata W.R.B. Oliver, 1915 K.
kermadecensis W.R.B. Oliver, 1915 K.
Zemitrella Finlay, 1927 (Lachesis sulcata Hutton, 1873)
annectens Powell, 1937 A.
attenuata Powell, 1940 A. photo
benthicola Dell, 1956 F. photo
choava (Reeve, 1859) =flexuosus Hutton K.A.C.F. photo
circumcincta Dell, 1962 F. photo
daemona (Webster, 1906) A. photo
fallax Powell, 1940 A.C.
finlayi Powell, 1933 M.
laevigata (Suter, 1908) A.C.
laevigata curvirostris Powell, 1937 A.
laevirostris Powell, 1940 A. photo
pseudomarginata (Suter, 1908) =biconica Suter A.C.R.Fo.
regis Powell, 1940 A.
rosea (Hutton, 1873) =pseutes Suter, =roseus Hutton, =sanguinea Suter C.F.An. photo
sericea Powell, 1937 A.
stephanophora (Suter, 1908) A.C.
sulcata (Hutton, 1873) =huttoni Suter, =inconstans Suter, =varians Hutton F. photo
sulcata constans Powell, 1955 An.
turgida Powell, 1937 A.
websteri (Suter, 1913) A. photo
whangaroaensis Dell, 1956 A. photo
Cominella Gray, 1850 (Buccinum testudineum Bruguière, 1789)
accuminata Hutton, 1893 =acuminata Hutton, =elongata Hutton, =euthriaformis Powell A. photo
adspersa (Bruguière, 1789) =adspersum Bruguière, =maculata Gray, =maculatum Martyn, =melo Lesson, =nimia Finlay, =quoyii Kiener, =turgitum Gmelin A.C.M. photo
alertae (Dell, 1956) C.M. photo
elegantula (Finlay, 1926) =marlboroughensis Powell, =verrucosa Finlay C.R.Fo. photo
glandiformis (Reeve, 1847) =glandiforme Reeve, =luridum Philippi A.C.F.M. photo
griseicalx Willan, 1978 A. photo
maculosa (Martyn, 1784) =antiqua G.B. Sowerby I, =maculosum Martyn, =testudinea Bruguière, =testudineum Bruguière A.C.M. photo
mirabilis Powell, 1929 A. photo
mirabilis canturiensis (Dell, 1951) =nuptialis Dell C.M. photo
mirabilis powelli (Fleming, 1948) C.F.M.
nassoides (Reeve, 1846) =filholi Finlay, =foveauxana Powell, =veneris Filhol F. photo
nassoides consobrina Powell, 1933 M. photo
nassoides haroldi Powell, 1946 F. photo
nassoides iredalei (Finlay, 1928) M. photo
nassoides nodicincta (Martens, 1878) An. photo
nassoides otakauica Powell, 1946 F. photo
necopinata (Finlay, 1930) =necopinatus Finlay, =youngi Powell A. photo
olsoni (Dell, 1956) C. photo
otagoensis (Finlay, 1927) F. photo
quoyana A. Adams, 1854 =huttoni Kobelt, =kempi Powell, =luridum Hutton A.C. photo
regalis Willan, 1978 A. photo
tolagaensis Ponder, 1968 C. photo
virgata H. & A. Adams, 1853 =brookesi Powell, =lineolatum Quoy & Gaimard A.C. photo
Pareuthria Strebel, 1905 (Fusus plumbeus Philippi, 1844)
fuscata (Bruguière, 1789) =antarcticum Reeve, =campbelli Filhol, =curta Preston, =fuscatum Bruguière, =hombroni Philippi, =magellanica Philippi, =magellanicum Philippi, =patagonicum Philippi, =plumbea Philippi, =plumbeus Philippi, =rufus Hombron & Jacquinot, =schwartzianum Crosse An. photo
Calagrassor Kantor, Puillandre, Fraussen, Fedosov & Bouchet, 2013 (Cantharus aldermenensis Powell, 1971) =Cantharus Röding, 1798, =Eosipho Thiele, 1929
aldermenensis (Powell, 1971) A. photo
delicatus Fraussen & Stahlschmidt, 2016 F.
Enigmaticolus Fraussen, 2008 =Enigmaticolus monnieri Fraussen, 2008 accepted as, =Enigmaticolus nipponensis (Okutani & Fujiwara, 2000) (type by original designation)
marshalli Fraussen & Stahlschmidt, 2016 K. photo
Filifusus Fischer, 1884 (Fusus filamentosus Röding, 1798)
filamentosus (Röding, 1798) =cincta Link, =ferruginea Lamarck, =filamentosa Röding A.
Glaphyrina Finlay, 1926 (Fusus vulpicolor G.B. Sowerby II, 1880)
caudata (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833) =annectens Powell, =caudatus Quoy & Gaimard, =progenitor Finlay, =vulpicolor G.B. Sowerby II A.C.F. photo
plicata Powell, 1929 =marwicki Beu A. photo
Cyrtulus Hinds, 1843 (C. serotinus Hinds, 1843)
genticus (Iredale, 1936) K.A. photo
Microfulgur Finlay & Marwick, 1937 (Latirus longirostris P. Marshall, 1917)
carinatus Ponder, 1970 F. photo
Propefusus Iredale, 1924 (Fusus pyrulatus Reeve, 1847)
novaehollandiae (Reeve, 1846) A.
FASCIOLARIIDAE: PERISTERNIINAE McLean, 1991 =Peristerniidae Tryon, 1880
Taron Hutton, 1883 (Trophon dubius Hutton, 1878)
albocostus Ponder, 1968 A. photo
dubius (Hutton, 1878) =huttoni Suter A.C. photo
mouatae Powell, 1940 A. photo
NASSARIIDAE Iredale, 1916
Nassaria Link, 1807 (N. lyrata Link, 1807) =Benthindsia Iredale, 1936, =Hindsia A. Adams, 1855, =Hindsia (Nihonophos) MacNeil, 1961, =Microfusus Dall, 1916, =Nassaria (Microfusus) Dall, 1916, =Plicifusus (Microfusus) Dall, 1916
miriamae (Dell, 1967) K.A. photo
solida Kuroda & Habe, 1961 K.A.
Nassarius Duméril, 1806 (Buccinum arcularia Linnaeus, 1758) =Alectrion Montfort, 1810, =Niotha H. & A. Adams, 1853
aoteanus Finlay, 1926 A. photo
berniceae Willan & Beechey, 2015 =gaudiosus of authors, not Hinds K.
glans particeps (Hedley, 1915) A. photo
himeroessa (Melvill & Standen, 1903) =innocens Thiele K.
nodiferus (Powys, 1835) =nodifera Powys, =stoliczkana G. & H. Nevill, =stolida A. Adams K.
spiratus (A. Adams, 1852) =spirata A. Adams K.A. photo
Tritia Risso, 1826 (Buccinum reticulatum Linnaeus, 1758) =Nassarius (Telasco) H. & A. Adams, 1853, =Alectrion (Tritia) A. Adams, 1853, =Nassarius (Cryptonassarius) Cernohorsky, 1975, =Nassarius (Tritia) A. Adams, 1853
burchardi (Dunker, 1849) =ellana Iredale, =labecula A. Adams A. photo
ephamilla (R.B. Watson, 1882) =dipsacoides Hedley, =dissimilis R.B. Watson, =ephamillus R.B. Watson, =flindersi Cotton & Godfrey K.A.C.F.M. photo
Phos Montfort, 1810 (Murex senticosus Linnaeus, 1758) =Phos (Phos) Montfort, 1810, =Phos (Strongylocera) Mörch, 1852, =Strongylocera Mörch, 1852
hirasei G.B. Sowerby III, 1913 K.
textilis A. Adams, 1851 K.
Engina Gray, 1839 (E. zonata Gray, 1839)
spica Melvill & Standen, 1895 =mactanensis Cernohorsky K.
Pisania Bivona-Bernardi, 1832 (P. striatula Bivona-Bernardi, 1832) =Jeannea Iredale, 1912, =Pisania (Jeannea) Iredale, 1912
hedleyi (Iredale, 1912) K.
Prodotia Dall, 1924 (Phos billeheusti Petit de la Saussaye, 1853)
iostoma (Gray, 1833) =billeheusti Petit de la Saussaye, =desmoulinsi Montrouzier, =marmorata Reeve, =marmoratum Reeve K.
Antarctodomus Dell, 1972 (Bathydomus thielei Powell, 1958)
powelli Dell, 1995 C.F. photo
Austrofusus Kobelt, 1879 (Fusus nodosus Gray, 1843) =Aethocola Iredale, 1915, =Austrofusus (Austrofusus) Kobelt, 1879, =Austrofusus (Neocola) Finlay, 1926
chathamensis (Finlay, 1928) C.M. photo
glans (Röding, 1798) =agrestior Finlay, =nodosa Martyn, =nodosum Martyn, =nodosus Gray, =raphanus Lamarck, =tragulatus Iredale, =triton Lesson A.C.F. photo
Parabuccinum Harasewych, Kantor & Linse, 2000 (Chlanidota bisculpta Dell, 1990)
Prosipho Thiele, 1912 (P. gaussianus Thiele, 1912)
tomlini Powell, 1957 An.
TUDICLIDAE Cossmann, 1901 =Buccinulidae Finlay, 1928
Aeneator Finlay, 1927 (Verconella marshalli Murdoch, 1924) =Aeneator (Aeneator) Finlay, 1926, =Aeneator (Ellicea) Finlay, 1928, =Aeneator (Pittella) Marwick, 1928, =Ellicea Finlay, 1928, =Ellicea (Pittella) Marwick, 1928, =Pittella Marwick, 1928
attenuatus Powell, 1927 A. photo
benthicolus Dell, 1963 A. photo
comptus (Finlay, 1924) =compta Finlay A.C. photo
elegans (Suter, 1917) C.F. photo
galatheae Powell, 1958 F. photo
otagoensis Finlay, 1930 =cookiana Dell C.F. photo
recens (Dell, 1951) C.F.M. photo
valedictus (R.B. Watson, 1886) C.F.M. photo
Buccinulum Deshayes, 1830 (Murex lineatus Gmelin, 1791) =Buccinulum (Chathamina) Finlay, 1928, =Buccinulum (Euthrena) Iredale, 1918, =Buccinulum (Evarnula) Finlay, 1926, =Euthrena Iredale, 1918, =Evarne H. & A. Adams, 1853, =Evarnula Finlay, 1926
colensoi (Suter, 1908) C. photo
flexicostatum Dell, 1956 F.M. photo
fuscozonatum (Suter, 1908) =fuscozonatus Suter A.C. photo
linea (Martyn, 1784) =aupouria Powell, =caelatum Powell, =characteristica Finlay, =chemnitzii Anton, =decoratum Powell, =dubia Marwick, =gracillimum Powell, =lineatus Quoy & Gaimard, =lineatus Gmelin, =multilineum Powell, =squalidum Powell, =striata Hutton, =sufflatum Finlay, =thomsoni Marwick, =waitangiensis Powell A.C.F.M. photo
littorinoides (Reeve, 1846) =flavescens Hutton, =strebeli Suter C.F. photo
mariae Powell, 1940 A. photo
pallidum Finlay, 1928 =tenuistriatum Powell C.F.M. photo
pallidum powelli Ponder, 1971 A. photo
pertinax (Martens, 1878) =benthicola Dell, =marwicki Finlay, =mutabile Powell, =stewartianum Powell F.M.An. photo
pertinax finlayi Powell, 1929 C.F. photo
robustum Powell, 1929 =suteri Powell A. photo
vittatum (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833) =bucknilli Powell, =costulata Suter, =exsculptum Powell, =flavescens Hutton, =heteromorphum Powell, =kaikouraense Powell, =maketuense Powell, =martensiana Hutton, =mestayerae Powell, =motutaraense Powell, =strebeli Suter, =trileatum Reeve, =vittatus Quoy & Gaimard A.C. photo
vittatum bicinctum (Hutton, 1873) =bicinctus Hutton M. photo
Babelomurex Coen, 1922 (Fusus babelis Requien, 1848)
lischkeanus (Dunker, 1882) =australis Laseron, =lischkeana Dunker, =peregrina Powell K.A. photo
nakamigawai (Kuroda, 1959) A.
wormaldi (Powell, 1971) =fenestratus Kosuge A. photo
Coralliophila H. & A. Adams, 1853 (Murex neritoideus Gmelin, 1791) =Galeropsis Hupé, 1860, =Liniaxis Laseron, 1955, =Quoyula Iredale, 1912
bulbiformis (Conrad, 1837) =cantrainei Montrouzier, =gibbosa Reeve K.A. photo
monodonta (Blainville, 1832) =madreporarum G.B. Sowerby I, =monodontus Blainville K.
radula (A. Adams, 1855) =pyriformis Kira K.
sertata (Hedley, 1903) K.A.
solutistoma Kuroda & Shikama in Shikama, 1966 K.
sp. aff. sertata (Hedley, 1903) K.A. photo
squamosissima (E.A. Smith, 1876) =clathrata Willan not A. Adams, =sertata Brook & Marshall not Hedley, =squamosissimus E.A. Smith, =stearnsii Pilsbry K.A. photo
Emozamia Iredale, 1929 (Murex licinus Hedley & Petterd, 1906)
licina (Hedley & Petterd, 1906) =licinus Hedley & Petterd A. photo
Hirtomurex Coen, 1922 (Fusus lamellosus Philippi, 1836)
marshalli Oliverio, 2008 K.A. photo
nakamurai Kosuge, 1985 A. photo
tangaroa Marshall & Oliverio, 2009 K.A.
taranui Marshall & Oliverio, 2009 A.
Latiaxis Swainson, 1840 (Pyrula mawae Gray in Griffith & Pidgeon, 1833)
pilsbryi Hirase, 1908 K.
Leptoconchus Rüppell, 1834 (L. striatus Rüppell, 1835)
sp. K.
Magilus Montfort, 1810 (M. antiquus Montfort, 1810)
sp. cf. antiquus Montfort, 1810 K.
Mipus de Gregorio, 1885 (Trophon gyratus Hinds, 1844)
matsumotoi Kosuge, 1985 K.
Rhizochilus Steenstrup, 1850 (R. antipathum Steenstrup, 1850)
sp. cf. antipathum Steenstrup, 1850 K.
Maculotriton Dall, 1904 (Triton bracteatus Hinds, 1844)
serriale (Deshayes, 1833) K.
Oppomorus Iredale, 1937 (Purpura nodulifera Menke, 1829) =Morula (Oppomorus) Iredale, 1937
noduliferus (Menke, 1829) =chaidea Duclos, =nassoidea Blainville, =nassoides Quoy & Gaimard, =nodulifera Menke K.A. photo
Pascula Dall, 1908 (Trophon (P.) citricus Dall, 1908) =Morula Schumacher, 1817
palmeri (Powell, 1967) K.A. photo
Uttleya Marwick, 1934 (U. arcana Marwick, 1934)
ahiparana (Powell, 1927) A. photo
marwicki Powell, 1952 C. photo
williamsi Powell, 1952 A. photo
Haustrum Perry, 1811 (H. zealandicum Perry, 1811) =Lepsia Hutton, 1883, =Lepsiella Iredale, 1912, =Lepsithais Finlay, 1928
albomarginatum (Deshayes, 1839) =albomarginata Deshayes, =bicolor Lesson, =biconica Hutton, =rutila Suter, =tristis Dunker A.C.F.M. photo
haustorium (Gmelin, 1791) =haustrum Martyn, =unicolor Swainson, =zealandicum Perry A.C.M. photo
lacunosum (Bruguière, 1789) =bicostatum Bruguière, =lacunosa Bruguière, =rupestris Valenciennes, =squamata Hutton, =striata Gray, =youngi Finlay C.F.M.An. photo
scobina (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833) =rugosa Quoy & Gaimard, =tristis Dunker A.C.F.M. photo
Chicoreus Montfort, 1810 (Murex ramosus Linnaeus, 1758)
Phyllocoma Iredale, 1924 (Triton convolutus Broderip, 1833) =Galfridus Iredale, 1924, =Phyllocoma (Galfridus) Iredale, 1924, =Phyllocoma (Phyllocoma) Tapparone Canefri, 1881
speciosa virginalis (Suter, 1913) A. photo
Timbellus de Gregorio, 1885 (Murex latifolius Bellardi, 1872)
bilobatus Houart, 2012 K. photo
flemingi (Beu, 1967) A.C. photo
richeri (Houart, 1987) A. photo
Favartia Jousseaume, 1880 (Murex breviculus G.B. Sowerby II, 1834)
garrettii (Pease, 1868) =baldwiniana Pilsbry, =exiguus Garrett, =puniceus W.R.B. Oliver K.
Murexsul Iredale, 1915 (Murex octogonus Quoy & Gaimard, 1833) =Hexaplex (Murexsul) Iredale, 1915, =Murexsul (Murexsul) Iredale, 1915, =Muricopsis (Murexsul) Iredale, 1915
espinosus (Hutton, 1885) A.C. photo
mariae Finlay, 1930 A. photo
octogonus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833) =cuvierensis Finlay, =peruvianus G.B. Sowerby II A.C. photo
profundus (B.A. Marshall & K.W. Burch, 2000) =profunda B.A. Marshall & K.W. Burch A. photo
Rolandiella B.A. Marshall & K.W. Burch, 2000 (Muricopsis scotti B.A. Marshall & K.W. Burch, 2000) =Muricopsis (Rolandiella) B.A. Marshall & K.W. Burch, 2000
scotti (B.A. Marshall & K.W. Burch, 2000) A. photo
Axymene Finlay, 1926 (A. turbator Finlay, 1926)
aucklandicus (E.A. Smith, 1902) =aucklandica E.A. Smith, =columnaris Suter, =duodecimus Gray, =erectus Suter, =turbator Finlay C.F.An. photo
Comptella Finlay, 1927 (Trophon curtus R. Murdoch, 1905)
costata B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2022 A. photo
cresswelli B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2022 F.An.R.Fo. photo
curta (R. Murdoch, 1905) =curtus R. Murdoch F.An. photo
devia (Suter, 1908) An.
kaikoura B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2022 C.
munida B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2022 F. photo
paulini B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2022 F.
pygmaea B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2022 F.
Enixotrophon Iredale, 1929 (Trophon carduelis R.B. Watson, 1882) =Pagodula Monterosato, 1884
carduelis (R.B. Watson, 1882) K.A.C. photo
eos (B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2011) C.F.M.
eumorphus B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2011 =eumorpha B.A. Marshall & Houart An.
hastulus (B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2011) =hastula B.A. Marshall & Houart M.
latus (B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2011) =carduelis of authors not R.B. Watson, =lata B.A. Marshall & Houart K.A.C.F.M. photo
macquariensis (Powell, 1957) An.
maxwelli (B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2011) C.F.M. photo
obtusus (B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2011) =obtusa B.A. Marshall & Houart K.A.C. photo
occiduus (B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2011) =occidua B.A. Marshall & Houart A. photo
pumilus B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2022 A.
pygmaeus (B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2011) =pygmaea B.A. Marshall & Houart C.
tangaroa (B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2011) C.M. photo
venustus (B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2011) =venusta B.A. Marshall & Houart K.A.C.M.An. photo
veronicae (Pastorino, 1999) An.
Lamellitrophon B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2022 (Fusus traversi Hutton, 1873)
carinatus B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2022 A.
huttonii (Murdoch, 1900) =tmetus Finlay A.C.F. photo
tangaroa B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2022 A. photo
teres (Finlay, 1930) F. photo
traversi (Hutton, 1873) =corticatus Hutton, =quirindus Iredale, =waipipicola Webster A.C.F.M. photo
Lenitrophon Finlay, 1926 (Trophon convexus Suter, 1909) =Axymene (Lenitrophon) Finlay, 1926
convexus (Suter, 1909) F.M.An. photo
Paratrophon Finlay, 1926 (Polytropa cheesemani Hutton, 1882)
cheesemani (Hutton, 1882) A.C. photo
cheesemani exsculptus Powell, 1933 C.F. photo
patens (Hombron & Jacquinot, 1854) C.F. photo
quoyi (Reeve, 1846) =retiara Hutton, =stangeri Gray A.C. photo
Poirieria Jousseaume, 1880 (Murex zelandicus Quoy & Gaimard, 1833) =Poirieria (Poirieria) Jousseaume, 1880
kopua Dell, 1956 C.F.M. photo
syrinx B.A. Marshall & Houart, 1995 A.C. photo
zelandica (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833) =novazelandiae G.B. Sowerby II, =zelandicus Quoy & Gaimard A.C.F.M. photo
Terefundus Finlay, 1927 (Trophon crispulatus Suter, 1908) =Terefundus (Terefundus) Finlay, 1926
coronatus (Dell, 1956) =coronata Dell C.M. photo
crispulatus (Suter, 1908) F.M.An.
cuvierensis (Mestayer, 1919) A. photo
goniocorella B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2022 C.
grebneffi B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2022 C.F.
gregarius B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2022 C.F.
mernoo B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2022 C.
nitens B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2022 A.
quadricinctus (Suter, 1908) =quadricincta Suter F.An.R.Fo. photo
sepulcralis B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2022 C.
unicarinatus Dell, 1956 M. photo
venustus B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2022 F.
Trophonella Harasewych & Pastorino, 2010 (Trophon scotianus Powell, 1951)
longstaffi (E.A.Smith, 1907) An. photo
Xymene Iredale, 1915 (Fusus plebeius Hutton, 1873)
plebeius (Hutton, 1873) =inferus Hutton A.C.F. photo
pumilus (Suter, 1909) =pumila Suter, =robustus Finlay C.F.An. photo
warreni Ponder, 1972 C. photo
Xymenella Finlay, 1927 (Trophon pusillus Suter, 1907)
pusilla (Suter, 1907) =gouldi of authors, =oliveri Marwick, =pusillus Suter, =suteri P. Marshall & Murdoch A.C.F. photo
Zeatrophon Finlay, 1926 (Fusus ambiguus Philippi, 1844)
ambiguus (Philippi, 1844) =cretaceus Reeve, =elegans C.A. Fleming, =mutabilis Marwick, =spiratum H. Adams & A. Adams, =spiratus H. Adams & A. Adams A.C.F.M. photo
mortenseni (Odhner, 1924) An.
mortenseni caudatinus (Finlay, 1930) A.C.F.M. photo
pulcherrimus Finlay, 1930 A.C.F.M. photo
Agnewia Tenison-Woods, 1878 (Adamsia typica Dunker, 1857)
tritoniformis (Blainville, 1832) =levidensis Kesteven, =nautica Thornley, =typica Dunker A. photo
Dicathais Iredale, 1936 (Buccinum orbita Gmelin, 1791)
orbita (Gmelin, 1791) =aegrota Reeve, =scalaris Menke, =succincta Lamarck, =textilosa Lamarck, =vector Thornley, =ventricosum Kaicher K.A.C.M. photo
Neothais Iredale, 1912 (Purpura smithi Brazier, 1889)
smithi (Brazier, 1889) =bollonsi Suter K.A. photo
Rapana Schumacher, 1817 (R. foliacea Schumacher, 1817)
venosa (Valenciennes, 1846) =marginata Valenciennes, =pechiliensis Grabau & S. G. King, =pontica F. Nordsieck, =thomasiana Crosse A.
Ponderia Houart, 1986 (Typhis zealandica Hutton, 1873)
tangaroa B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2022 K.
zealandica Hutton, 1873 =zealandicus Hutton C.R.Fo. photo
Prototyphis Ponder, 1972 (Typhis angasi Crosse, 1863) =Pterotyphis (Prototyphis) Ponder, 1972
eos (Hutton, 1873) =powelli C.A. Fleming A. photo
eos paupereques (Powell, 1974) A. photo
Leptotrophon Houart, 1995
occiduus B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2022 A.
wanganella B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2022 A.
Litozamia Iredale, 1929 (Peristernia rudolphi Brazier, 1894)
subtropicalis (Iredale, 1912) K.
Minortrophon Finlay, 1927 (Daphnella crassilirata Suter, 1908) =Terefundus (Minortrophon) Finlay, 1926
crassiliratus (Suter, 1908) =crassilirata Suter F.M.An. photo
Trophon Montfort, 1810 (Murex magellanicus Gmelin, 1791) =Fusus (Trophon) Montfort, 1810, =Murex (Muricidea) Swainson, 1840, =Muricidea Swainson, 1840, =Polyplex Perry, 1810, =Stramonitrophon Powell, 1951, =Trophon (Stramonitrophon) Powell, 1951
mawsoni Powell, 1957 An. photo
Monstrotyphis Habe, 1961 (Typhis (Typhinellus) tosaensis Azuma, 1960)
montfortii (A. Adams, 1863) A.
pauperis (Mestayer, 1916) A. photo
tangaroa B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2012 A.
Siphonochelus Jousseaume, 1880 (Typhis arcuatus Hinds, 1843)
solus Vella, 1961 A.C. photo
Ingensiella B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2022 (Terefundus anomalus Dell, 1956)
anomala (Dell, 1956) =anomalus Dell, =axirugosa Dell, =axirugosus Dell F.M. photo
Columbarium von Martens, 1881 (Pleurotoma (C.) spinicinctum von Martens, 1881)
veridicum Dell, 1963 A. photo
Coluzea Finlay in Allan, 1926 (Fusus dentatus Hutton, 1877)
altocanalis (Dell, 1956) C.F.M. photo
mariae (Powell, 1952) C.F.M.An. photo
spiralis (A. Adams, 1856) =espinosa Finlay, =pensum Hutton, =suteri E.A. Smith A.C.R.Fo. photo
wormaldi Powell, 1971 A.C. photo
Fulgurofusus Grabau, 1904 (Fusus quercollis G.D. Harris, 1896) =Fulgurofusus (Fulgurofusus) Grabau, 1904, =Fulgurofusus (Histricosceptrum) Darragh, 1969, =Histricosceptrum Darragh, 1969
marshalli Harasewych, 2011 An.
maxwelli Harasewych, 2011 C.F.M.An. photo
Tropidofusus Harasewych, 2019 (T. ypotethys Harasewych, 2019)
ypotethys Harasewych, 2019 C.
Austromitra Finlay, 1927 (Columbella rubiginosa Hutton, 1873) =Balcomitra Finlay, 1927, =Vexillum (Austromitra) Finlay, 1926
acherontis Marshall & Marrow, 2021 A.
angulata (Suter, 1908) A.C.
burchi Marshall & Marrow, 2021 A.
crosbyi Marshall & Marrow, 2021 A.
dissimilis (Powell, 1937) A.
erecta Powell, 1934 A.C. photo
fallax Marshall & Marrow, 2021 A.C.F.
fedosovi Marshall & Marrow, 2021 A.
festiva Marshall & Marrow, 2021 A.
lamellata Marshall & Marrow, 2021 C.
lawsi Finlay, 1930 A.C.F.M. photo
lirata Marshall & Marrow, 2021 A.
occidua Marshall & Marrow, 2021 A.
opima Marshall & Marrow, 2021 A.
ovata Marshall & Marrow, 2021 A.
planata (Hutton, 1885) =brunneacincta Powell, =planatella Finlay A. photo
ponderi Marshall & Marrow, 2021 A.
regalis Marshall & Marrow, 2021 A.
rubiginosa (Hutton, 1873) =antipodum Brookes, =pseudomarginatum Suter, =rubiradix Finlay A.C.F.M. photo
stewarti Marshall & Marrow, 2021 A.
tangaroa Marshall & Marrow, 2021 A.
torosa Marshall & Marrow, 2021 A.
tui Marshall & Marrow, 2021 A.
waltoni Marshall & Marrow, 2021 A.
zafra Powell, 1952 A. photo
Ceratoxancus Kuroda, 1952 (C. teramachii Kuroda, 1952)
elongatus Sakurai, 1958 K.
leios Kantor & Bouchet, 1997 K. photo
Vexillum Röding, 1798 (V. plicatum Röding, 1798) =Costellaria Swainson, 1840, =Mitra (Costellaria) Swainson, 1840, =Vexillum (Costellaria) Swainson, 1840
angustissimum (E.A. Smith, 1903) =angustissima E.A. Smith K.
castum (H.Adams, 1872) =albatum Cernohorsky, =casta H. Adams, =hastata G.B. Sowerby II, =sagamiense Kuroda & Habe, =sagamiensis Kuroda & Habe K.
iredalei (Powell, 1958) K.
sculptile (Reeve, 1845) =cophina Gould, =cophinum Gould, =iteina Melvill, =sculptilis Reeve K.
Egestas Finlay, 1926 (Vexillum waitei Suter, 1909)
waitei (Suter, 1909) C.F. photo
Exilia Conrad, 1860 (E. pergracilis Conrad, 1860) =Benthovoluta Kuroda & Habe, 1950, =Chathamidia Dell, 1956, =Daphnella (Surculina) Dall, 1908, =Fasciolaria (Mesorhytis) Meek, 1876, =Graphidula Stephenson, 1941, =Mesorhytis Meek, 1876, =Mitraefusus Bellardi, 1873, =Palaeorhaphis Stewart, 1927, =Phenacoptygma Dall, 1918, =Surculina Dall, 1908, =Zexilia Finlay, 1926
expeditionis (Dell, 1956) C.F.M. photo
hilgendorfi (Martens, 1897) =kiiense Kuroda, =plicifera Yokoyama C. photo
kiwi Kantor & Bouchet, 2001 C.F.M. photo
sp. An.
Metzgeria Norman, 1879 (Lathyrus albellus Dunker & Metzger, 1874) =Volutomitra H. & A. Adams, 1853
problematica (Ponder, 1968) =problematicum Ponder F. photo
shirleyi Cernohorsky, 1980 A. photo
Cryptofusus Beu, 2011 (Pleia cryptocarinata Dell, 1956)
cryptocarinatus (Dell, 1956) =cryptocarinata Dell C.M. photo
Microvoluta Angas, 1877 (M. australis Angas, 1877)
marginata (Hutton, 1885) =biconica Murdoch & Suter, =cuvierensis Finlay, =lincta Hutton A.C.F.An. photo
royana Iredale, 1924 =jervisensis Laseron K.
Peculator Iredale, 1924 (P. verconis Iredale, 1924) =Parvimitra Finlay, 1930
hedleyi (R. Murdoch, 1905) =bicornis Laws, =R. R. Murdoch A. photo
obconicus (Powell, 1952) =obconica Powell A. photo
porphyria (Verco, 1896) =coma Odhner A.C.
Volutomitra H. & A. Adams, 1853 (Mitra groenlandica Möller, 1842) =Compsomitra Marwick, 1942, =Volutomitra (Waimatea) Finlay, 1926, =Waimatea Finlay, 1926
banksi (Dell, 1951) C.F.M.An. photo
obscura (Hutton, 1873) =alboapicata E.A. Smith, =mortenseni Odhner, =pica Reeve A.C. photo
[unassigned] Neogastropoda
HARPIDAE Bronn, 1849
Harpa Röding, 1798 (Buccinum harpa Linnaeus, 1758) =Harpalis Link, 1807
amouretta Röding, 1798 =crassa Krauss, =minor Lamarck K.
Morum Röding, 1798 (M. purpureum Röding, 1798) =Morum (Oniscidia) Mörch, 1852
bruuni (Powell, 1958) =delecta Garrard, =delectum Garrard K. photo
MITRIDAE Swainson, 1831
Carinomitra Fedosov, Herrmann, Kantor & Bouchet, 2018 (Mitra peculiaris Reeve, 1845)
typha (Reeve, 1845) =alba Pease, =flexilabris G.B. Sowerby III, =micans Reeve, =minor Sturany, =tenuis G.B. Sowerby II K.
Nebularia Swainson, 1840 =Dibaphus Philippi, 1847, =Mauritia H. Adams, 1869, =Mitra (Dibaphus) Philippi, 1847, =Mitra (Mutyca) H. & A. Adams, 1853, =Mitra (Nebularia) Swainson, 1840, =Mitroidea Pease, 1865, =Mutyca H. & A. Adams, 1853
fastigium (Reeve, 1845) =brunnea Pease, =nitilina Spry, =punctata Swainson K.
Imbricaria Schumacher, 1817 (I. conica Schumacher, 1817) =Conoelix Swainson, 1821
cernohorskyi (Rehder & Wilson, 1975) K. photo
cf. rehderi (Webb, 1958) K.
kermadecensis (Cernohorsky, 1978) K. photo
Neocancilla Cernohorsky, 1966 (Voluta papilio Link, 1807) =Mitra (Neocancilla) Cernohorsky, 1970
takiisaoi (Kuroda, 1959) K. photo
MITRIDAE: ISARINAE Fedosov, Herrmann, Kantor & Bouchet, 2018
Isara H. & A. Adams, 1853 (Mitra bulimoides Reeve, 1844)
carbonaria (Swainson, 1822) =abbreviata G.B. Sowerby II, =contermina Iredale, =digna A. Adams, =maoria Finlay, =nigra Reeve, =perksi Cotton & Godfrey, =rhodia Reeve, =sinusigera Laseron K.A.C. photo
Mitra Lamarck, 1798 (Voluta mitra Linnaeus, 1758) =Mitra (Mitra) Lamarck, 1798
mitra (Linnaeus, 1758) =carmelita Röding, =episcopalis Linnaeus K.
Roseomitra Fedosov, Herrmann, Kantor & Bouchet, 2018 (Mitra millepunctata G.B. Sowerby III, 1889)
strangei (Angas, 1867) =franciscana Tenison-Woods, =nodostaminea Hedley & Hull, =tasmantis Laseron K.
Strigatella Swainson, 1840 (Mitra zebra Lamarck, 1811) =Chrysame H. & A. Adams, 1853, =Mitra (Chrysame) H. & A. Adams, 1853, =Mitra (Phaeomitra) Martens, 1880, =Mitra (Strigatella) Swainson, 1840
coronata (Lamarck, 1811) =crassula Cate, =deleta Dautzenberg & Bouge, =honoluluensis Pilsbry, =tiarella A. Adams K.
Hortia Lozouet, 1999 (H. arriuensis Lozouet, 1999)
aotearoa Kantor, Lozouet, Puillandre & Bouchet, 2014 A.
marshalli Kantor, Lozouet, Puillandre & Bouchet, 2014 C.An.
spenceri Kantor, Lozouet, Puillandre & Bouchet, 2014 A.C.
CANCELLARIIDAE Forbes & Hanley, 1851
Admete Kröyer, 1842 (A. crispa Möller, 1842)
bruuni Knudsen, 1964 K.
Admetula Cossmann, 1889 (Cancellaria evulsa Solander, 1766) =Cancellaria (Admetula) Cossmann, 1889
superstes (Finlay, 1930) A.C. photo
Brocchinia Jousseaume, 1887 (Voluta mitraeformis Brocchi, 1814) =Anapepta Finlay, 1930, =Solutosveltia Habe, 1961
septentrionalis (Finlay, 1930) A.
Nothoadmete P.G. Oliver, 1982 (N. tumida P.G. Oliver, 1982)
harpovoluta (Powell, 1957) An.
Zeadmete Finlay, 1926 (Cancellaria trailli Hutton, 1873) =Oamaruia (Zeadmete) Finlay, 1926, =Vercomaris Garrard, 1975
aupouria (Powell, 1940) A. photo
barkeri (Powell, 1952) A. photo
finlayi Powell, 1940 A. photo
otagoensis (Dell, 1956) C.F. photo
ovalis (Dell, 1956) F.M. photo
subantarctica (Powell, 1933) F.M.An.
trailli (Hutton, 1873) C.F. photo
Inglisella Finlay, 1924 (Ptychatractus pukeuriensis Suter, 1917) =Waipaoa Marwick, 1931
marwicki (Dell, 1956) C.F.M. photo
Oamaruia Finlay, 1924 (Admete suteri P. Marshall & Murdoch, 1920)
deleta Finlay, 1930 A. photo
CYSTISCIDAE Stimpson, 1865
Cystiscus Stimpson, 1865 (C. capensis Stimpson, 1865)
vidae Dell, 1956 A.C. photo
CYSTISCIDAE: CYSTISCINAE Stimpson, 1865 =Persiculinae G.A. & H.K. Coovert, 1995
Gibberula Swainson, 1840 (G. zonata Swainson, 1840) =Cryptospira (Gibberula) Swainson, 1840, =Diluculum Barnard, 1962, =Epiginella Laseron, 1957, =Granula Jousseaume, 1875, =Kogomea Habe, 1951, =Marginella (Gibberula) Swainson, 1840, =Marginella (Granula) Jousseaume, 1875, =Marginella (Kogomea) Habe, 1951, =Phyloginella Laseron, 1957
ficula (Murdoch & Suter, 1906) A.C.F. photo
hardingae (Dell, 1956) A.C. photo
GRANULINIDAE G.A. & H.K. Coovert, 1995 =Granulininae G.A. & H.K. Coovert, 1995
Granulina Jousseaume, 1888 (Marginella pygmaea Issel, 1869)
sp. cf. bougei (Bavay, 1917) K.
Pugnus Hedley, 1986 (P. parvus Hedley, 1896)
parvus Hedley, 1896 K. photo
MARGINELLIDAE J. Fleming, 1828
Mesoginella Laseron, 1957 (Marginella turbinata G.B. Sowerby II, 1846) =Deviginella Laseron, 1957, =Mesoginella (Sinuginella) Laseron, 1957, =Sinuginella Laseron, 1957, =Spiroginella Laseron, 1957
aupouria (Powell, 1937) A.
cracens (Dell, 1956) F. photo
ergastula (Dell, 1953) M. photo
judithae (Dell, 1956) M. photo
koma B.A. Marshall, 2004 =pygmaea authors not Sowerby A.C. photo
larochei (Powell, 1932) A. photo
manawatawhia (Powell, 1937) A.
otagoensis (Dell, 1956) F. photo
pisinna B.A. Marshall, 2004 =tryphenensis Ponder not Powell A.C. photo
pygmaeiformis (Powell, 1937) A.
tryphenensis (Powell, 1932) A. photo
vailei (Powell, 1932) A. photo
Ovaginella Laseron, 1957 (Marginella ovulum G.B. Sowerby II, 1846)
maoria (Powell, 1937) A.
profunda (Suter, 1909) F. photo
Serrata Jousseaume, 1875 (Marginella serrata Gaskoin, 1849) =Haloginella Laseron, 1957, =Marginella (Haloginella) Laseron, 1957, =Marginella (Serrata) Jousseaume, 1875, =Serrataginella G.A. & H.K. Coovert, 1995
fasciata (G.B. Sowerby II, 1846) =mustellina authors not Angas, =rubrifasciata Jousseaume A.C. photo
maoriana (Powell, 1932) A. photo
raoulica B.A. Marshall, 2004 =sp. aff. mustelina of authors K. photo
Dentimargo Cossmann, 1899 (Marginella dentifera Lamarck, 1803) =Marginella (Dentimargo) Cossmann, 1899, =Marginella (Volvarinella) Habe, 1951, =Volvarinella Habe, 1951
amoena (Suter, 1908) =amoenus Suter An.
cairoma (Brookes, 1924) =aoteana Powell A.C.M. photo
fusuloides (Dell, 1956) F.An. photo
fusulus (Murdoch & Suter, 1906) =fusula Murdoch & Suter A. photo
hebescens (Murdoch & Suter, 1906) A.C. photo
luridus (Suter, 1908) =lurida Suter F.M.An.
stewartianus (Suter, 1908) =stewartiana Suter F.An. photo
subamoenus (Powell, 1937) =subamoena Powell A.
subfusulus (Powell, 1932) =subfusula Powell A. photo
wormaldi (Powell, 1971) A. photo
Volvarina Hinds, 1844 (Marginella nitida Hinds, 1844) =Hyalina (Volvarina) Hinds, 1844, =Marginella (Volvarina) Hinds, 1844
albescens (Hutton, 1873) F.An. photo
parvistriata (Suter, 1908) F.M.An.
plicatula (Suter, 1909) An.
VOLUTIDAE Rafinesque, 1815
Calliotectum Dall, 1890 (Mangilia (C.) vernicosum Dall, 1890) =Mangilia (Calliotectum) Dall, 1890
egregium Bouchet & Poppe, 1995 K. photo
Alcithoini Pilsbry & Olsson, 1954
Alcithoe H. & A. Adams, 1853 (Voluta pacifica Perry, 1810) =Alcithoe (Leporemax) Iredale, 1937, =Gilvostia Iredale, 1937, =Leporemax Iredale, 1937, =Pachymelon (Palomelon) Finlay, 1926, =Palomelon Finlay, 1926, =Voluta (Alcithoe) H. & A. Adams, 1853, =Waihaoia (Palomelon) Finlay, 1926, =Waihaoia (Teremelon) Marwick, 1926
albescens Bail & Limpus, 2005 A.C. photo
arabica (Gmelin, 1791) =acuta Marwick, =depressa Suter, =detrita Marwick, =elongata Swainson, =lutea Marwick, =motutarensis Powell, =nukumaruensis P. Marshall & Murdoch, =pacifica Perry, =rossiteri Brazier, =swainsoni Marwick, =transformis Marwick A.C.F. photo
benthicola (Dell, 1963) A. photo
colesae Bail & Limpus, 2005 F. photo
davegibbsi (Hart, 1999) A. photo
fissurata (Dell, 1963) A. photo
fissurata crassa Bail & Limpus, 2005 A. photo
fissurata elegans Bail & Limpus, 2005 A. photo
flemingi Dell, 1978 F.M.An. photo
fusus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833) =gracilis Swainson, =haurakiensis Dell, =hedleyi Murdoch & Suter, =ruahiniensis R.M. Carter, =subplicata Hutton A.C.F. photo
jaculoides Powell, 1924 =calva Powell, =johnstoni Powell A.C.F. photo
larochei Marwick, 1926 A.C. photo
larochei ostenfeldi (Iredale, 1937) C. photo
lutea (R.B. Watson, 1882) C. photo
pseudolutea Bail & Limpus, 2005 A.C. photo
seelyeorum Bail & Limpus, 2005 A. photo
tigrina Bail & Limpus, 2005 A. photo
triregensis Bail & Limpus, 2005 A. photo
wilsonae (Powell, 1933) =acuminata Bail & Limpus, =chathamensis Dell, =grahami Powell, =knoxi Dell, =smithi Powell C.F.M.An. photo
Zidonini =Zidoninae H. & A. Adams, 1853
Provocator R.B. Watson, 1882 (P. pulcher R.B. Watson, 1882) =Guivillea R.B. Watson, 1886, =Iredalina Finlay, 1926, =Provocator (Iredalina) Finlay, 1926 accepted, alternate representation, =Provocator (Provocator) R.B. Watson, 1882 accepted, alternate representation, =Pseudocymbium Cossmann, 1899, =Wyvillea R.B. Watson, 1882
mirabilis Finlay, 1926 =aurantia Powell, =finlayi L.C. King A.C.F.M.An. photo
Zygomelon Harasewych & Marshall, 1995 (Z. zodion Harasewych & Marshall, 1995)
zodion Harasewych & Marshall, 1995 M.An. photo
Lyriini Pilsbry & Olsson, 1954
Lyria Gray, 1847 (Voluta nucleus Lamarck, 1811)
insignita Iredale, 1940 =nucelus Brook & B.Marshall not Lamarck K. photo
ANCILLARIIDAE Swainson, 1840
Amalda Fischer, 1883 (Ancillaria tankervillii Swainson, 1825)
australis (G.B. Sowerby I, 1830) =epacra Olson, =pyramidalis Reeve, =waikopiroensis Suter A.C. photo
bathamae (Dell, 1956) F.An. photo
benthicola (Dell, 1956) F.M.An. photo
depressa (G.B. Sowerby II, 1859) =lata Hutton A.C. photo
mucronata (G.B. Sowerby I, 1830) =erica Olson, =gladiolaria Olson A.C. photo
northlandica (Hart, 1995) A. photo
novaezelandiae (G.B. Sowerby II, 1859) =crystallina Brookes, =firthi Olson, =nana R.B. Watson A.C.M. photo
raoulensis (Powell, 1967) K.A.
southlandica (Fleming, 1948) F.
BENTHOBIIDAE Kantor, Fedosov, Puillandre, Bonillo & Bouchet, 2017
Benthobia Dall, 1889 (B. tryonii Dall, 1889) =Nux Barnard, 1960
complexirhyna Simone, 2003 C.
Fusulculus Bouchet & Vermeij, 1998 (F. crenatus Bouchet & Vermeij, 1998)
albus Bouchet & Vermeij, 1998 A. photo
CONIDAE J. Fleming, 1822
Conasprella Thiele, 1929 (Conus pagodus Kiener, 1847)
howelli (Iredale, 1929) A. photo
raoulensis Powell, 1958 K.A. photo
Conus Linnaeus, 1758 (C. marmoreus Linnaeus, 1758)
bruuni Powell, 1958 K.
capitaneus Linnaeus, 1758 =ceciliae Crosse, =virgineus Wils K.
chaldaeus (Röding, 1798) =pemphigus Dall, =vermiculatus Lamarck K.
coelinae Crosse, 1858 =pseudocoelinae Delsaerdt K. photo
coronatus Gmelin, 1791 =condoriana Crosse & P. Fischer, =coronalis Röding, =multibandatus Bozzetti, =parvus Gebauer, =virgineus Link K.
flavidus Lamarck, 1810 =erythraeozonatus Barros e Cunha K.A. photo
lischkeanus Weinkauff, 1875 =kermadecensis Iredale K.A. photo
lividus Hwass, 1792 =detritus Menke, =fasciata Menke, =monachos Röding, =plebejus Link, =primula Reeve K.
magnificus Reeve, 1843 K.
miles Linnaeus, 1758 K. photo
miliaris Hwass, 1792 =barbadensis Hwass, =fulgetrum G.B. Sowerby I, =granulatus G.B. Sowerby I, =minor Couturier, =scaber Kiener K.
nielsenae Marsh, 1963 =planorbis Powell not Born K.
obscurus G.B. Sowerby I, 1833 =halitropus Bartsch & Rehder K.
plinthis Richard & Moolenbeek, 1988 A. photo
sponsalis Hwass, 1792 =maculatus Bosc, =puncturatus Hwass in Bruguière K.
striatus Linnaeus, 1758 =chusaki da Motta, =floridus G.B. Sowerby II, =huberi Thach, =leoninus Lightfoot K.
textile Linnaeus, 1758 =textilis Linnaeus K.
Profundiconus Kuroda, 1956 (Chelyconus (P.) profundorum Kuroda, 1956) =Chelyconus (Profundiconus) Kuroda, 1956, =Conus (Profundiconus) Kuroda, 1956, =Leptoconus (Lizaconus) da Motta, 1991
smirnoides Tenorio, 2015 K.A. photo
teramachii (Kuroda, 1956) K.A. photo
BORSONIIDAE Bellardi, 1875
Apaturris Iredale, 1917 (Mitramorpha expeditionis W.R.B. Oliver, 1915)
expeditionis (W.R.B. Oliver, 1915) K.
Awateria Suter, 1917 (A. streptophora Suter, 1917)
optabilis (Murdoch & Suter, 1906) A. photo
Bathytoma Harris & Burrows, 1891 (Murex cataphractus Brocchi, 1814) =Dolichotoma Bellardi, 1875, =Micantapex Iredale, 1936, =Parabathytoma Shuto, 1961, =Pleurotoma (Bathytoma) G. F. Harris & Burrows, 1891, =Riuguhdrillia Oyama, 1951
murdochi Finlay, 1930 =finlayi Powell, =nodilirata Murdoch & Suter, =tuberculata Kirk A. photo
parengonia (Dell, 1956) =parengonius Dell A.C.F.M. photo
Maoritomella Powell, 1942 (Pleurotoma albula Hutton, 1873) =Narraweena Laseron, 1954, =Tomopleura T.L. Casey, 1904
albula (Hutton, 1873) =antipodum E.A. Smith A.C.F. photo
ischna (R.B. Watson, 1881) A.
multiplex (Webster, 1906) A. photo
orientalis Dell, 1956 C. photo
Phenatoma Finlay, 1924 (Pleurotoma novaezelandiae Reeve, 1843)
roseum (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833) =novaezelandiae Reeve, =plicatella Hutton, =rosea Quoy & Gaimard A.C.F.M. photo
zealandicum (E.A. Smith, 1877) =cheesemani Hutton, =zealandica E.A. Smith A.C.F. photo
Zemacies Finlay, 1926 (Z. elatior Finlay, 1926)
excelsa Sysoev & Bouchet, 2001 K. photo
CLATHURELLIDAE H. & A. Adams, 1858
Etrema Hedley, 1918 (Mangilia aliciae Melvill & Standen, 1895) =Iraqetrema Dance & Eames, 1966
hedleyi (W.R.B. Oliver, 1915) K.
Lienardia Jousseaume, 1884 (Clavatula rubida Hinds, 1843) =Lienardia (Acrista) Hedley, 1922
roseocincta (W.R.B. Oliver, 1915) K.
Maorimorpha Powell, 1939 (Mitromorpha suteri R. Murdoch, 1905)
secunda Powell, 1942 F. photo
suteri (R. Murdoch, 1905) F. photo
Mitromorpha Carpenter, 1865 (Daphnella filosa Carpenter, 1864) =Clinomitra Bellardi, 1889, =Diptychomitra Bellardi, 1889, =Helenella T.L. Casey, 1904, =Mitramorpha (variant spelling), =Mitrithara Hedley, 1922, =Mitrolumna Bucquoy, Dautzenberg & Dollfus, 1883, =Mitromorpha (Mitrolumna) Bucquoy, Dautzenberg & Dollfus, 1883, =Mitromorpha (Mitromorpha) Carpenter, 1865
barrierensis (Powell, 1942) A. photo
benthicola (Dell, 1962) F. photo
gemmata Suter, 1908 F.M.An. photo
granulifera (Powell, 1937) A.
regis (Powell, 1937) A. photo
Scrinium Hedley, 1922 (Mitromorpha brazieri E. A. Smith, 1892)
neozelanicum (Suter, 1908) =neozelanica Suter A. photo
MANGELIIDAE P. Fischer, 1883
Antiguraleus Powell, 1942 (A. otagoensis Powell, 1942)
abernethyi Dell, 1956 A.C.F.M. photo
fenestratus Powell, 1942 =fenestrata Powell A. photo
fusiformis Dell, 1956 C.F.M. photo
infandus (Webster, 1906) =infanda Webster A. photo
multistriatus Dell, 1956 =multistriata Dell C.M. photo
mundus (Suter, 1909) =munda Suter C.
murrheus (Webster, 1906) =murrhea Webster A. photo
otagoensis Powell, 1942 C.F.M. photo
pedicus Powell, 1942 =pedica Powell F.An. photo
pulcherrimus Dell, 1956 =pulcherrima Dell A.C.F.M. photo
rossianus Powell, 1942 =rossiana Powell An. photo
subtruncata Powell, 1942 C.F. photo
Heterocithara Hedley, 1922 (Clathurella bilineata Angas, 1871)
mediocris Odhner, 1924 A. photo
Liracraea Odhner, 1924 (Clathurella epentroma R. Murdoch, 1905)
epentroma (R. Murdoch, 1905) C.F. photo
epentroma whangaroaensis (R. Murdoch, 1905) F. photo
odhneri Powell, 1942 A.C.M. photo
odhneri benthicola Dell, 1956 F.M. photo
otakauica Powell, 1942 F. photo
Macteola Hedley, 1918 (Purpura anomala Angas, 1877)
interrupta (Reeve, 1846) =bella Pease, =cinctura Hedley, =gemmulata Deshayes, =segesta Duclos K. photo
Neoguraleus Powell, 1939 (Drillia sinclairi Gillies, 1882)
amoenus (E.A. Smith, 1884) =amoena E.A. Smith A.C.F. photo
benthicolus Powell, 1942 =benthicola Powell C.F. photo
finlayi Powell, 1942 C.F.
huttoni (E.A.Smith, 1915) A. photo
interruptus Powell, 1942 =sandersonae Powell A.C. photo
lyallensis (R. Murdoch, 1905) =tenebrosus Powell A.C.F. photo
manukauensis Powell, 1942 A. photo
murdochi (Finlay, 1924) =corrugata Murdoch A.C.F.
oruaensis Powell, 1942 C. photo
sandersonae (Bucknill, 1927) A. photo
sinclairi (Gillies, 1882) =luteofasciata Hutton, =sinclairii E.A. Smith, =whangaroaensis Powell A.C.F. photo
RAPHITOMIDAE Bellardi, 1875
Asperdaphne Hedley, 1922 (Daphnella versivestita Hedley, 1912) =Asperdaphne (Aspertilla) Powell, 1944, =Aspertilla Powell, 1944, =Daphnella (Asperdaphne) Hedley, 1922, =Scabrella Hedley, 1918
ula (R.B. Watson, 1881) C.F.
Daphnella Hinds, 1844 (Pleurotoma lymneiformis Kiener, 1840)
cancellata Hutton, 1878 A. photo
Gymnobela A.E. Verrill, 1884 (G. engonia A.E. Verrill, 1884) =Majox F. Nordsieck, 1968, =Watsonaria F. Nordsieck, 1968
gypsata (R.B. Watson, 1881) C.
yoshidai (Kuroda & Habe, 1961) K.A.
Hemilienardia Böttger, 1895 (Pleurotoma malleti Récluz, 1852) =Clathurella (Hemilienardia) Böttger, 1895, =Lienardia (Hemilienardia) Böttger, 1895
apiculata (Montrouzier, 1864) K. photo
Kermia W.R.B. Oliver, 1915 (K. benhami W.R.B. Oliver, 1915) =Clathurina Melvill, 1917
benhami W.R.B. Oliver, 1915 K.
Nepotilla Hedley, 1918 (Daphnella bathentoma Verco, 1909)
finlayi Powell, 1937 A.
nitidula Powell, 1940 A.
powelli Dell, 1956 M. photo
vera Powell, 1940 A.
Pleurotomella Verrill, 1873 (P. packardii Verrill, 1872)
aculeata (Webster, 1906) A. photo
expeditionis Dell, 1956 M. photo
Stilla Finlay, 1926 (Mangilia flexicostata Suter, 1899)
anomala Powell, 1955 F.An. photo
delicatula Powell, 1927 F.An.
fiordlandica Fleming, 1948 F.
flexicostata (Suter, 1899) F.An.
paucicostata Powell, 1937 A.
Taranis Jeffreys, 1870 (Trophon moerchii Malm, 1861) =Allo Jousseaume, 1934, =Feliciella Lamy, 1934, =Fenestrosyrinx Finlay, 1926, =Mangelia (Taranis) Jeffreys, 1870
benthicola (Dell, 1956) A.C.F.M. photo
gratiosa (Suter, 1908) F.M.
imporcata (Dell, 1962) F. photo
nexilis bicarinata (Suter, 1915) =bicarinatus Suter, =thomsoni Mestayer A. photo
nexilis recens (Fleming, 1948) F.
spirulata (Dell, 1962) F. photo
Veprecula Melvill, 1917 (Clathurella sykesii Melvill & Standen, 1903) =Mordica Dall, 1924
cooperi Mestayer, 1919 A. photo
Xanthodaphne Powell, 1942 (Pleurotoma membranacea R.B. Watson, 1886)
maoria Dell, 1956 C.F.M. photo
membranacea (R.B. Watson, 1886) C. photo
xanthias (R.B. Watson, 1886) C.
Zenepos Finlay, 1928 (Daphnella totolirata Suter, 1908)
totolirata (Suter, 1908) F.An.
Aforia Dall, 1889 (Pleurotoma circinata Dall, 1873)
watsoni Kantor, Harasewych & Puillandre, 2016 =lepta R.B. Watson An. photo
DRILLIIDAE Olsson, 1964
Hauturua Powell, 1942 (Syntomodrillia vivens Powell, 1942)
vivens (Powell, 1942) A.
Iredalea W.R.B. Oliver, 1915 (I. subtropicalis W.R.B. Oliver, 1915) =Brephodrillia Pilsbry & H. N. Lowe, 1932
subtropicalis W.R.B. Oliver, 1915 K.
Splendrillia Hedley, 1922 (Drillia woodsi Beddome, 1883) =Melatoma (Splendrillia) Hedley, 1922
aoteana Finlay, 1930 =laevis Hutton A.C.F. photo
armata Powell, 1942 F.R.Fo.
benthicola Dell, 1956 M. photo
campbellensis Sysoev & Kantor, 1989 An.
chathamensis Sysoev & Kantor, 1989 M.
debilis Finlay, 1927 =parva Suter A.C.F.
hermata Dell, 1956 C. photo
jacula Dell, 1956 F. photo
kapuranga Dell, 1953 F.M. photo
kingmai Marwick, 1965 C.F.R.Fo.
larochei Powell, 1940 A. photo
majorina Beu, 1979 C.R.Fo.
otagoensis Powell, 1942 F. photo
roseacincta Dell, 1956 F.M. photo
runcinata Dell, 1956 M. photo
zeobliqua Beu, 1979 C.
Anticomitas Powell, 1942 (A. vivens Powell, 1942)
vivens Powell, 1942 A. photo
Antimelatoma Powell, 1942 (Drillia maorum E.A. Smith, 1877)
buchanani (E.A. Smith, 1877) =ahiparana Powell, =benthicola Powell, =maorum E.A. Smith A.C.F. photo
Comitas Finlay, 1926 (Surcula oamarutica Suter, 1917) =Comitas (Carinacomitas) Powell, 1942, =Turricula (Comitas) Finlay, 1926
onokeana vivens Dell, 1956 A.C.F.M. photo
trailli (Hutton, 1873) =verrucosa Suter F. photo
Leucosyrinx Dall, 1889 (Pleurotoma verrillii Dall, 1881) =Pleurotoma (Leucosyrinx) Dall, 1889
canyonensis (Dell, 1956) F. photo
eremita (Murdoch & Suter, 1906) A. photo
pikei (Dell, 1963) A. photo
Paracomitas Powell, 1942 (Surcula castlecliffensis Marshall & Murdoch, 1919) =Paracomitas (Macrosinus) Beu, 1970, =Paracomitas (Paracomitas) Powell, 1942
augusta (Murdoch & Suter, 1906) =powelli Dell A.C. photo
haumuria Beu, 1979 C.F.R.Fo.
HORAICLAVIDAE Bouchet, Kantor, Sysoev & Puillandre, 2011
Aoteadrillia Powell, 1942 (Pleurotoma wanganuiensis Hutton, 1873)
bulbacea (R.B. Watson, 1881) A.
finlayi Powell, 1942 A.C.
otagoensis Powell, 1942 F. photo
wanganuiensis (Hutton, 1873) =alpha L.C. King, =beta L.C. King, =bisecta Powell, =chordata Suter, =gamma L.C. King, =thomsoni Powell, =trifida Powell A.C.F.R.Fo. photo
Austrodrillia Hedley, 1918 (Pleurotoma angasi Crosse, 1863) =Austrodrillia (Regidrillia) Powell, 1942, =Regidrillia Powell, 1942
rawitensis Hedley, 1922 A.C. photo
secunda Powell, 1965 A. photo
sola Powell, 1942 A.
TURRIDAE H. & A. Adams, 1853
Iotyrris Medinskaya & Sysoev, 2001 (I. marquesensis Sysoev, 2002)
cingulifera (Lamarck, 1822) =incredula Iredale K.
Kuroshioturris Shuto, 1961 (Gemmula (K.) hyugaensis Shuto, 1961) =Gemmula (Kuroshioturris) Shuto, 1961
angustata (Powell, 1940) =angustatus Powell A.C.M. photo
Xenuroturris Iredale, 1929 (X. legitima Iredale, 1929) =Clamturris Iredale, 1931, =Lophiotoma (Xenuroturris) Iredale, 1929
millepunctata (G.B. Sowerby III, 1909) K.
TEREBRIDAE Mörch, 1852
Duplicaria Dall, 1908 (Buccinum duplicatum Linnaeus, 1758) =Diplomeriza Dall, 1919, =Euterebra Cotton & Godfrey, 1932, =Myurellisca Bartsch, 1923, =Pervicacia Iredale, 1924
tristis (Deshayes, 1859) =antarctica E.A. Smith, =assimilis Angas, =bicolor Angas, =costata Hutton, =crassicostata Suter, =flexicostata Suter, =inconspicua Pritchard & Gatliff, =kirki Hutton, =mariae Powell, =propelevis Ponder, =subplicata Cotton A.C. photo
Hastula H. & A. Adams, 1853 (Buccinum strigilatum Linnaeus, 1758) =Acuminia Dall, 1908, =Acus (Hastula) H. & A. Adams, 1853, =Egentelaria Rehder, 1980, =Hastulina Oyama, 1961, =Impages E.A. Smith, 1873, =Terebra (Acuminia) Dall, 1908, =Terebra (Hastula) H. & A. Adams, 1853
penicillata (Hinds, 1844) =betsyae R.D. Burch, =venosa Hinds K. photo
Myurella Hinds, 1845 (Terebra affinis Gray, 1834) =Clathroterebra Oyama, 1961, =Decorihastula Oyama, 1961, =Terebra (Myurella) Hinds, 1845, =Terenolla Iredale, 1929
pygmaea (Hinds, 1844) =princeps Preston K.
Perirhoe Dall, 1908 (Terebra circumcincta Deshayes, 1857) =Terebra (Perirhoe) Dall, 1908
circumcincta (Deshayes, 1857) K.A. photo
'Lower Heterobranchia'
Orbitestelloidea Iredale, 1917
Microdiscula Thiele, 1912 (M. vanhoeffeni Thiele, 1912)
subcanaliculata (E.A. Smith, 1875) An.
Orbitestella Iredale, 1917 (Cyclostrema bastowi Gatliff, 1906) =Omalogyra (Omalogyrina) Magne & Vergneau-Saubade, 1973, =Orbitestella (Omalogyrina) Magne & Vergneau-Saubade, 1973
hinemoa Mestayer, 1919 C.F.M.An. photo
parva (Finlay, 1924) =vera Powell A.C.F.M.An. photo
toreuma Powell, 1930 A.C.F.M. photo
Xylodiscula B.A. Marshall, 1988 (X. vitrea B.A. Marshall, 1988)
eximia B.A. Marshall, 1988 A. photo
librata B.A. Marshall, 1988 A. photo
osteophila B.A. Marshall, 1994 C. photo
HYALOGYRINIDAE Warén & Bouchet, 1993
Hyalogyra B.A. Marshall, 1988 (H. expansa B.A. Marshall, 1988)
expansa B.A. Marshall, 1988 A.C. photo
Hyalogyrina B.A. Marshall, 1988 (H. glabra B.A. Marshall, 1988)
glabra B.A. Marshall, 1988 A.C.M. photo
Architectonicoidea Gray, 1850
Adelphotectonica Bieler, 1987 (Solarium reevei Hanley, 1862) =Architectonica (Adelphotectonica) Bieler, 1987
nomotoi (Kosuge, 1979) A.
reevei (Hanley, 1862) =offlexa Iredale, =relata Iredale, =venusta Kuroda in Kuroda, Habe & Oyama K.A. photo
Architectonica Röding, 1798 (Trochus perspectivus Linnaeus, 1758) =Solarium Lamarck, 1799, =Solarium (Architectonica) Röding, 1798, =Solarium (Solarium) Lamarck, 1799, =Trochus (Solarium) Lamarck, 1799, =Verticillus Jousseaume, 1888
maxima (Philippi, 1849) =maximum Philippi K.
Granosolarium Sacco, 1892 (Solarium millegranum Lamarck, 1822) =Claraxis Iredale, 1936, =Heliacus (Claraxis) Iredale, 1936, =Solariaxis Dall, 1892
asperum (Hinds, 1844) =admirandum Melvill & Standen, =aspera Hinds, =dilecta Deshayes, =dilectum Deshayes, =illustris Iredale, =kerensis Ladd A.
gemmiferum Bieler, 1993 K.
Heliacus d'Orbigny, 1842 (Solarium herberti Deshayes, 1830) =Gyriscus Tiberi, 1867 accepted, alternate representation, =Heliacus (Gyriscus) Tiberi, 1867, =Heliacus (Heliacus) d'Orbigny, 1842, =Heliacus (Torinista) Iredale, 1936 accepted, alternate representation, =Trochus (Heliacus) d'Orbigny, 1842, =Torinista Iredale, 1936
areola (Gmelin, 1791) =gyrus Bayer, =pallida Philippi A.
asteleformis (Powell, 1965) =hayashii Shikama K.A. photo
caelatus (Hinds, 1844) =caelatum Hinds, =costatus Garrard not Schepman A.
costatus (Schepman, 1909) =costata Schepman A.
hyperionis Bieler, 1993 A.
implexus (Mighels, 1845) =africanus Bartsch, =alfredensis W.H. Turton, =codoceoae Rehder, =homalaxis Melvill, =implexum Mighels, =maorianus Powell, =popula Iredale K.A. photo
Philippia Gray, 1847 (Solarium luteum Lamarck, 1822) =Solarium (Philippia) Gray, 1847
lutea (Lamarck, 1822) =luteum Lamarck, =novaehollandiae Philippi A.C. photo
Pseudomalaxis P. Fischer, 1885 (Bifrontia zanclaea Philippi, 1844) =Discohelix (Discosolis) Dall, 1892, =Discosolis Dall, 1892, =Heliacus (Mangonuia) Mestayer, 1930, =Mangonuia Mestayer, 1930, =Torinia (Pseudomalaxis) P. Fischer, 1885
zanclaeus meridionalis (Hedley, 1903) =bollonsi Mestayer, =solaris Kuroda A. photo
Pseudotorinia Sacco, 1892 (Solarium obtusum Bronn, 1831) =Architectonica (Pseudotorinia) Sacco, 1892, =Awarua Mestayer, 1930
amoena (Murdoch & Suter, 1906) =elegantula Yokoyama A.C. photo
Psilaxis Woodring, 1928 (Architectonica (Philippia) krebsii Mörch, 1875)
oxytropis (A. Adams, 1855) =manifesta Iredale K.A. photo
radiatus (Röding, 1798) =australis Hanley, =cingulum Kiener, =kowiensis W.H. Turton, =layardi A. Adams, =manifesta Iredale, =radiata Röding, =stipator Iredale, =subconcolor Martens, =undatum Hanley A.
Solatisonax Iredale, 1931 (S. injussa Iredale, 1931) =Granoheliacus Melone & Taviani, 1985, =Heliacus (Granoheliacus) Melone & Taviani, 1985, =Redivivus Melone & Taviani, 1985
cf. supraradiata (Martens, 1904) A.
injussa Iredale, 1931 K.
sp. aff. alleryi (Seguenza, 1876) K.
Spirolaxis Monterosato, 1913 (S. centrifuga (Monterosato, 1890)) =Aguayodiscus Jaume & Borro, 1946, =Paurodiscus Rehder, 1935, =Pseudomalaxis (Paurodiscus) Rehder, 1935, =Pseudomalaxis (Spirolaxis) Monterosato, 1913 (original rank as subgenus), =Spirolaxis (Aguayodiscus) Jaume & Borro, 1946
argonauta Bieler, 1993 K.
cornuarietis Bieler, 1993 K.
rotulacatharinea (Melvill & Standen, 1903) =roddai Ladd, =rotula-catharinea Melvill & Standen, =thetidis Garrard K.
Mathildoidea Dall, 1889
Brookesena Finlay, 1927 (Mathilda neozelanica Suter, 1908)
neozelanica (Suter, 1908) F.An.
succincta (Suter, 1908) C.F.An.
Mathilda Semper, 1865 (Turbo quadricarinatus Brocchi, 1814) =Eucharilda Iredale, 1929, =Fimbriatella Sacco, 1895, =Granulicharilda Kuroda & Habe in Kuroda, Habe & Oyama, 1971, =Mathildona Iredale, 1929, =Opimilda Iredale, 1929
decorata Hedley, 1903 =aupouria Dell, =euglypta Iredale A. photo
maoria (Powell, 1940) A. photo
Tuba I. Lea, 1833 (T. alternata I. Lea, 1833) =Gegania Jeffreys, 1884, =Kaitangata Finlay & Marwick, 1937, =Mathilda (Gegania) Jeffreys, 1884, =Tubena Marwick, 1943 (basionym)
valkyrie (Powell, 1971) A. photo
Cimoidea Warén, 1993
CIMIDAE Warén, 1993
Coenaculum Iredale, 1924 (Scalaria minutula Tate & May, 1900) =Graphis (Coenaculum) Iredale, 1924
secundum Powell, 1937 A.
tertium Dell, 1952 C.M. photo
CIMIDAE Warén, 1993 =Graphididae Barros, Mello, Barros, Lima, Santos, Cabral & Padovan, 2003, =Tofanellidae Bandel, 1995, =Tofanellinae Bandel, 1995, =Usedomellinae GrĂ¼ndel, 1998
Graphis Jeffreys, 1867 (Turbo unicus Montagu, 1803) =Aclis (Graphis) Jeffreys, 1867, =Cioniscus Jeffreys, 1869, =Graphis (Graphis) Jeffreys, 1867
blanda (Finlay, 1924) A.F. photo
sculpturata (W.R.B. Oliver, 1915) K.
Omalogyroidea Sars, 1878
Omalogyra Jeffries, 1859 (Skenea nitidissima (Adams, 1800)) =Ammonicerina O.G. Costa, 1861, =Helisalia Laseron, 1954, =Homalogyra Jeffreys, 1867
ammonitoides (Powell, 1940) A.
fusca Suter, 1908 A.C.M.
Pyramidelloidea Gray, 1840
AMATHINIDAE Ponder, 1987
Leucotina A. Adams, 1860 (L. niphonensis A. Adams, 1860) =Actaeon (Leucotina) A. Adams, 1860, =Adelactaeon Cossmann, 1895, =Leucotina (Adelactaeon) Cossmann, 1895, =Myonia A. Adams, 1860 Invalid junior homonym of Myonia Dana, 1847
casta (A. Adams, 1853) =ambiguus Hutton, =dianae A. Adams, =gigantea Dunker, =huttoni Cossmann, =sulcata Hutton A. photo
Agatha A. Adams, 1860 (A. virgo A. Adams, 1860) =Amathis A. Adams, 1861, =Pyramidella (Agatha) A. Adams, 1860
georgiana (Hutton, 1885) =bembix Suter, =marginata Murdoch & Suter, =stygia Suter A.C.F.M.R.Fo. photo
Besla Dall & Bartsch, 1904 (Odostomia convexa Carpenter, 1857) =Odostomia (Besla) Dall & Bartsch, 1904
insularis (W.R.B. Oliver, 1915) K.
rossiana Laws, 1941 An. photo
subrugata (Powell, 1927) F.
vaga Laws, 1941 A.C.F.R.Fo. photo
waitangiensis Laws, 1941 M.
Epigrus Hedley, 1903 (Rissoa ischna Tate, 1899)
insularis W.R.B. Oliver, 1915 K.
Evalea A. Adams, 1860 (Odostomia elegans A. Adams, 1860) =Evalea (Lacunoptyxis) Cossmann, 1888 accepted, alternate representation
liricincta (Suter, 1908) F.
plana Laws, 1941 An.
propria Laws, 1941 F.
sabulosa (Suter, 1908) A.C.F.M.An.
Finlayola Laws, 1937 (F. finlayi Laws, 1937)
lurida (Suter, 1908) A.
Gumina Finlay, 1928 (Odostomia dolichostoma Suter, 1908)
dolichostoma (Suter, 1908) A.C.F.M. photo
minor Laws, 1940 A.
Herviera Melvill & Standen, 1899 (Pyrgulina gliriella Melvill & Standen, 1896)
sp. cf. isidella (Melvill & Standen, 1898) K.
Ividella Dall & Bartsch, 1909 (Odostomia navisa Dall & Bartsch, 1907) =Funicularia Monterosato, 1884 (invalid junior homonym of Funicularia Forbes, 1845 [Cnidaria]), =Odostomia (Ividella) Dall & Bartsch, 1909
maoria Powell, 1940 A. photo
Linopyrga Laws, 1941 (Odostomia rugata Hutton, 1886) =Pyrgulina (Linopyrga) Laws, 1941
rugata (Hutton, 1886) =plicata Hutton A.C.F.M.An.
rugata parva Laws, 1941 A.
Longchaeus Mörch, 1875 (Pyramidella punctata Férussac, 1821)
maculosus (Lamarck, 1822) =maculosa Lamarck, =sulcata A. Adams, =sulcatus A. Adams, =tessellata A. Adams K.
Obexomia Laws, 1941 (Odostomia denselirata Suter, 1908) =Obex Laws, 1940 (non Iredale, 1925)
denselirata (Suter, 1908) A.
Odostomia J. Fleming, 1817 (Turbo plicatus Montagu, 1803) =Eulimella (Evalina) Dall & Bartsch, 1904, =Odontostoma Philippi, 1853, =Odontostomia Jeffreys, 1839, =Odostomia (Cyclodontostomia) Cossmann, 1921, =Odostomia (Cyclodostomia) Sacco, 1892, =Odostomia (Evalina) Dall & Bartsch, 1904, =Odostomia (Macrodostomia) Sacco, 1892, =Odostomia (Odostomia) J. Fleming, 1813, =Ptychostomon Locard, 1886
acutangula Suter, 1908 F.An.
aucklandica Laws, 1939 An. photo
cf. clara Brazier, 1877 K.
cf. metata Hedley, 1907 K.
chordata Suter, 1908 A.
corpulentoides Dell, 1956 M. photo
cryptodon Suter, 1908 C.F.M.
geoffreyi Laws, 1939 A.
haurakiensis Laws, 1939 A. photo
hyphala R.B. Watson, 1886 A.
incidata Suter, 1908 A.C.F.An. photo
manukauensis Laws, 1939 C. photo
murdochi Suter, 1913 =proxima R. Murdoch F. photo
parvacutangula Laws, 1939 F.An. photo
pedica Laws, 1939 An.
pervaga Laws, 1939 A. photo
pudica Suter, 1908 A.
takapunaensis Suter, 1908 A.C.
taumakiensis Suter, 1908 F.
vaga Laws, 1939 A.C.F.An. photo
vestalis R. Murdoch, 1905 C.F. photo
Oscilla A. Adams, 1861 (Monoptygma cingulata A. Adams, 1861) =Hinemoa W.R.B. Oliver, 1915
punicea W.R.B. Oliver, 1915 K.
Otopleura P. Fischer, 1885 (Voluta auriscati Holten, 1802) =Aphalista Laseron, 1959
mitralis (A. Adams, 1854) =australis Laseron, =propinqua A. Adams, =variegata A. Adams K.
Planpyrgiscus Laws, 1937 (Turbonilla extenuata Marwick, 1931) =Turbonilla (Planpyrgiscus) Laws, 1937
lawsi Dell, 1956 =delli Powell F. photo
Rissopsetia Dell, 1956 (R. maoria Dell, 1956)
gracilis W.R.B. Oliver, 1915 K.
maoria Dell, 1956 A.C.F. photo
Siogamaia Nomura, 1936 (Tropaeas fortiplicata Nomura, 1936) =Odostomia (Siogamaia) Nomura, 1936
morioria Laws, 1941 M.
Striarcana Laws, 1937 (S. cryptolira Laws, 1937) =Turbonilla (Striarcana) Laws, 1937 accepted, alternate representation
cryptolira Laws, 1937 A.C.M. photo
tauranga Laws, 1937 A. photo
Striodostomia Laws, 1940 (S. orewa Laws, 1940)
orewa Laws, 1940 A.
Syrnola A. Adams, 1860 (S. gracillima A. Adams, 1860) =Heida Dall, 1903, =Odontostomia (Syrnola) A. Adams, 1860, =Odostomia (Heida) Dall, 1903, =Pyramidella (Syrnola) A. Adams, 1860, =Syrnola (Loxoptyxis) Cossmann, 1888, =Syrnola (Pachysyrnola) Cossmann, 1907
crawfordi Powell, 1927 A. photo
menda Finlay, 1927 A. photo
Terelimella Laws, 1938 (T. ototarana Laws, 1938)
aupouria (Powell, 1937) A.
benthicola Dell, 1956 F.An. photo
larochei (Powell, 1930) A.M.
Pyramidellini Gray, 1840
Pyramidella Lamarck, 1799 (Trochus dolabratus Linnaeus, 1758) =Melania (Plotia) Röding, 1798, =Obeliscus Gray, 1847, =Plotia Röding, 1798, =Pyramidella (Elusa) A. Adams, 1861, =Urambella Laseron, 1959
dolabrata (Linnaeus, 1758) =ballerina Laseron, =dolabratus Linnaeus, =lineata Röding, =micalii Peñas & RolĂ¡n, =terebella O.F. MĂ¼ller, =terebellum O.F. MĂ¼ller K.
Eulimella Forbes & M'Andrew, 1846 (Eulima macandrei Forbes, 1844) =Odostomia (Eulimella) Forbes & M'Andrew, 1846, =Pyramidella (Eulimella) Forbes & M'Andrew, 1846
coena Webster, 1905 A. photo
deplexa Hutton, 1885 =levilirata Murdoch & Suter, =tenuiplicata Murdoch & Suter A.C.F.M. photo
limbata (Suter, 1907) A.C.F. photo
Puposyrnola Cossmann, 1921 (Auricula acicula Lamarck, 1804) =Hoonsyrnola Nomura, 1938
fastigiata (Suter, 1906) A. photo
missile Laws, 1937 A. photo
Pyrgiscus Philippi, 1841 (Melania rufa Philippi, 1836) =Ortostelis Aradas & Maggiore, 1841, =Pyrgiscilla Laws, 1937, =Pyrgisculus Monterosato, 1884, =Pyrgiscus (Pyrgiscus) Philippi, 1841, =Pyrgostelis Monterosato, 1884, =Turbonilla (Pyrgisculus) Monterosato, 1884, =Turbonilla (Pyrgiscus) Philippi, 1841, =Turbonilla (Pyrgostelis) Monterosato, 1884
otakauicus (Laws, 1937) =otakauica Laws F. photo
taiaroa (Laws, 1937) F. photo
Raoulostraca Bronn, 1849 (R. inexpectata W.R.B. Oliver, 1915)
inexpectata W.R.B. Oliver, 1915 K.
Turbonilla Risso, 1826 (T. costulata Risso, 1826) =Chemnitzia d'Orbigny, 1840, =Odostomia (Turbonilla) Risso, 1826, =Turbonilla (Chemnitzia) d'Orbigny, 1839
acer (Laws, 1937) F.
aoteana Powell, 1930 A.
barrierensis (Laws, 1937) A. photo
bucknilli (Laws, 1937) A. photo
campbellica Odhner, 1924 An.
cookiana (Laws, 1937) A. photo
dunedinensis (Laws, 1937) F. photo
eques Laws, 1937 A. photo
errabunda (Laws, 1937) A.F. photo
finlayi (Powell, 1926) A.C. photo
forsteriana (Laws, 1937) F.
haroldi Laws, 1937 F. photo
informis (Laws, 1937) A.
jactura (Laws, 1937) F. photo
kingi (Laws, 1937) A. photo
lawsi (Powell, 1937) =delli Powell A.
lillingtoniana (Laws, 1937) F.An.
mitis (Laws, 1937) A.M. photo
moorei Laws, 1937 F.
oceanica W.R.B. Oliver, 1915 K.
owenga (Laws, 1937) M. photo
powelli Bucknill, 1924 A. photo
rakiura (Laws, 1937) F.
scala (Laws, 1937) F. photo
stipes (Laws, 1937) A.
suteri Powell, 1926 F.M. photo
vegrandis (Laws, 1937) F. photo
verecunda (Laws, 1937) A.
vigilia (Laws, 1937) A. photo
waitemata (Laws, 1937) A. photo
zealandica (Hutton, 1873) =axivarians Laws C.F.An. photo
Rissoelloidea Gray, 1850
Rissoella Gray, 1847 (Rissoa diaphana Alder, 1848) =Heterorissoa Iredale, 1912, =Jeffreysia Alder, 1850, =Jeffreysiella Thiele, 1912, =Jeffreysina Thiele, 1925, =Jeffreysiopsis Thiele, 1912, =Rissoella (Jeffreysiella) Thiele, 1912, =Rissoella (Phycodrosus) Rehder, 1943, =Rissoella (Rissoella) Gray, 1847, =Rissoella (Zelaxitas) Finlay, 1926, =Zelaxitas Finlay, 1926
cystophora (Finlay, 1924) A.C.F.M.
elongatospira Ponder, 1966 A.C.F.M.An. photo
flemingi Ponder, 1968 C.F.M.An. photo
micra (Finlay, 1924) =fulva Laseron A.C.F.M.An. photo
rissoaformis (Powell, 1939) =fiordlandica C.A. Fleming A.C.F.An.
secunda (Iredale, 1912) =pellucida Laseron, =punicea Laseron, =puniceus Laseron K.
Acteonoidea d'Orbigny, 1843
ACTEONIDAE d'Orbigny, 1843
Maxacteon Rudman, 1971 (M. hancocki Rudman, 1971) =Acteon (Maxacteon) Rudman, 1971
cratericulatus (Hedley, 1906) =craticulatus Murdoch & Suter A.C. photo
flammeus (Bruguière, 1789) =flammea Gmelin, =flammea Bruguière, =flammeum Bruguière, =variegatus Bruguière K.A.
hancocki Rudman, 1971 A.
milleri Rudman, 1971 A. photo
Neactaeonina Thiele, 1912 (Acteonina cingulata Strebel, 1908)
inexpectata Dell, 1956 F.M. photo
Pupa Röding, 1798 (P. grisebla Röding, 1798) =Buccinulus H. & A. Adams, 1854, =Pupa (Pupa) Röding, 1798
affinis (A. Adams, 1855) =kirki Hutton A.C. photo
sulcata (Gmelin, 1791) =glabra Reeve K.
Bullina Férussac, 1822 =Bullinula G.B. Sowerby II, 1839, =Perbullina Iredale, 1929
cf. lauta Pease, 1860 A. photo
cf. melior (Iredale, 1929) A.
lineata (Gray, 1825) =scabra Gmelin, =ziczac Megerle von MĂ¼hlfeld K.A. photo
vitrea Pease, 1860 =errans Iredale, =roseana Rudman K.A. photo
Hydatina Schumacher, 1817 (H. filosa Schumacher, 1817) =Hydatoria Iredale, 1936
albocincta (Van der Hoeven, 1839) A. photo
physis (Linnaeus, 1758) =atrolineata Schröter, =filosa Schumacher, =quoyana d'Orbigny, =staminea Menke K.A. photo
Micromelo Pilsbry, 1895 (Bulla undata Bruguière, 1792)
undatus (Bruguière, 1792) =elegans Menke, =nitidula Dillwyn, =undata Bruguière K.
Ringiculoidea Philippi, 1853
RINGICULIDAE Philippi, 1853
Ringicula Monterosato, 1884 (Marginella auriculata Ménard de la Groye, 1811) =Plicatra F. Nordsieck, 1972, =Ringactaeon F. Nordsieck, 1972, =Ringicula (Ringicula) Deshayes, 1838 accepted, alternate representation, =Ringicula (Ringiculina) Monterosato, 1884 accepted, alternate representation, =Ringiculadda Iredale, 1936, =Ringiculina Monterosato, 1884
delecta Murdoch & Suter, 1906 A.C.F.M. photo
Aeolidioidea Gray, 1827
Aeolidiella Bergh, 1867 (Eolis alderi Cocks, 1852) =Aeolidina Pruvot-Fol, 1951, =Eolidina Quatrefages, 1843
drusilla Bergh, 1900 =faustina Powell not Bergh A.C.F.M. photo
Anteaeolidiella M.C. Miller, 2001 (Aeolidiella indica Bergh, 1888)
lurana (Ev. Marcus & Er. Marcus, 1967) =indica of authors not Bergh A.
Baeolidia Bergh, 1888 (B. moebii Bergh, 1888) =Aeolidiopsis Pruvot-Fol, 1956
australis (Rudman, 1982) =major Eliot A.C. photo
macleayi (Angas, 1864) =faustina Bergh A.C.F.M. photo
Burnaia M.C. Miller, 2001 (Aeolidia helicochorda M.C. Miller, 1988)
helicochorda (M.C. Miller, 1988) A.
BABAKINIDAE Roller, 1973
Babakina Roller, 1973 (Babaina festiva Roller, 1972) =Babaina Roller, 1972, =Rioselleolis Ortea, 1979
caprinsulensis (M.C. Miller, 1974) A.
Cratena Bergh, 1864 (Doris peregrina Gmelin, 1791) =Rizzolia Trinchese, 1877
cf. lineata (Eliot, 1905) A.
Favorinus M.E. Gray, 1850 (Eolis alba Alder & Hancock, 1844) =Matharena Bergh in Mörch, 1871
tsuruganus Baba & Abe, 1964 A.
Jason M.C. Miller, 1974 (J. mirabilis M.C. Miller, 1974)
mirabilis M.C. Miller, 1974 A.C.F. photo
Phidiana Gray, 1850 (Eolidia patagonica d'Orbigny, 1836)
milleri Rudman, 1980 =militaris of authors A.C. photo
pegasus Willan, 1987 A.
Pteraeolidia Bergh, 1876 (Flabellina semperi Bergh, 1870)
ianthina (Angas, 1864) K.
GLAUCIDAE Gray, 1827
Glaucilla Bergh, 1861 (G. marginata Reinhardt & Bergh, 1864)
bennettae (Churchill, Valdés & Ă“ Foighil, 2014) A. photo
Glaucus Forster, 1777 (G. atlanticus Forster, 1777) =Dadone Gistel, 1848
atlanticus Forster, 1777 =distichoicus d'Orbigny, =flagellum Blumenblach, =hexapterigius Cuvier, =lineatus Reinhardt & Bergh, =longicirrhus Reinhardt & Bergh, =radiata Gmelin A. photo
Phyllodesmium Ehrenberg, 1831 (P. hyalinum Ehrenberg, 1831) =Ennoia Bergh, 1896, =Myrrhine Bergh, 1905
magnum Rudman, 1991 K.
Pleurolida Burn, 1966 (Pleurolidia juliae Burn, 1966)
juliae (Burn, 1966) A.
Fionoidea Gray, 1857
APATAIDAE Korshunova, Martynov, Bakken, Evertsen, Fletcher, Mudianta, Saito, Lundin, Schrödl & Picton, 2017
Tularia Burn, 1962 (Cuthona bractea Burn, 1962)
bractea (Burn, 1962) A. photo
EMBLETONIIDAE Pruvot-Fol, 1954
Embletonia Alder & Hancock, 1851 (Pterochilus pulcher Alder & Hancock, 1844) =Embletoniella Baba, 1967, =Pterochilus Alder & Hancock, 1844
gracilis Risbec, 1928 =paucipapillata Baba & Hamatani A.
Eubranchus Forbes, 1838 (E. tricolor Forbes, 1838) =Aenigmastyletus Martynov, 1998, =Annulorhina K. P. Rao, 1968, =Dunga Eliot, 1902, =Egalvina Odhner, 1929, =Eubranchopsis Baba, 1949, =Galvina Alder & Hancock, 1855, =Nudibranchus Martynov, 1998, =Produnga Martynov, 1998
agrius Er. Marcus, 1959 A.C.F.
rubeolus Burns, 1964 F.
FIONIDAE Gray, 1857
Fiona Alder & Hancock, 1851 (Oithona nobilis Alder & Hancock, 1851) =Dolicheolis Finlay, 1926, =Hymenaeolis A. Costa, 1866, =Oithona Alder & Hancock, 1851
pinnata (Eschscholtz, 1831) =atlantica Bergh, =elegantissima A. Costa, =fasciculata Gmelin, =longicauda Quoy & Gaimard, =marina Eliot, =marinus ForsskĂ¥l in Niebuhr, =natans d'Orbigny, =nobilis Alder & Hancock, =plicata Hutton A.C.F.M.An. photo
Pseudovermis Périaslavzeff, 1891 (P. paradoxus Périaslavzeff, 1891)
hancocki Challis, 1969 A.
TRINCHESIIDAE F. Nordsieck, 1972
Phestilla Bergh, 1874 (P. melanobrachia Bergh, 1874) =Tenellia melanobrachia (Bergh, 1874)
melanobrachia Bergh, 1874 K.
Trinchesia von Ihering, 1879 (Tenellia mediterranea A. Costa, 1866) =Narraeolida Burn, 1961, =Toorna Burns, 1964
alpha (Baba & Hamatani, 1963)
beta (Baba & Abe, 1964) A.
reflexa (M.C. Miller, 1977) A.C.F.
scintillans (M.C. Miller, 1977) A.
zelandica (Odhner, 1924) An.
Dendronotoidea Allman, 1845
Dendronotus Alder & Hancock, 1845 (Doris arborescens O.F. Müller, 1776) =Amphitrite Ascanius, 1774, =Campaspe Bergh, 1863, =Pseudobornella Baba, 1932
gracilis Baba, 1949 A.
DOTIDAE Gray, 1853
Doto Oken, 1815 (Doris coronata Gmelin, 1791) =Bornellopsis O'Donoghue, 1929, =Dotilla Bergh, 1879, =Doto (Doto) Oken, 1815, =Doto (Gellina) Gray, 1850, =Dotona Iredale, 1918, =Gellina Gray, 1850, =Idalia Gray, 1847, =Idulia Leach, 1852, =Iduliella Thiele, 1931, =Timorella Bergh, 1905
cf. bella Baba, 1938 A.C.F.
pita Er. Marcus, 1955 A.C.
Phylliroe Péron & Lesueur, 1810 (P. bucephalum Lamarck, 1816)
bucephala Lamarck, 1816 =bucephale PĂ©ron & Lesueur, =bucephalum Lamarck, =roseum d'Orbigny, =sanzoi Sparta A.
Proctonotoidea Gray, 1853
JANOLIDAE Pruvot-Fol, 1933 =Antiopellidae Odhner, 1934, =Antiopidae Locard, 1896, =Janinae Gray, 1847
Antiopella Hoyle, 1902 (Antiopa splendida Alder & Hancock, 1848) =Antiopa Alder & Hancock, 1848
novozealandicus (Eliot, 1907) A.C.F. photo
Galeojanolus M.C. Miller, 1971 (G. ionnae M.C. Miller, 1971)
ionnae M.C. Miller, 1971 A.C.F. photo
Janolus Bergh, 1884 (J. australis Bergh, 1884) =Janus VĂ©rany, 1844
eximius M.C. Miller & Willan, 1986 A.
hyalinus (Alder & Hancock, 1854) =flagellatus Eliot, =hyalina Alder & Hancock A.
ignis M.C. Miller & Willan, 1986 A.C.F.An.
mokohinau M.C. Miller & Willan, 1986 A.
Caldukia Burn & Miller, 1969 (Proctonotus affinis Burn, 1958)
albolineata M.C. Miller, 1970 F.An. photo
rubiginosa M.C. Miller, 1970 A.
Arminoidea Iredale & O'Donoghue, 1923
ARMINIDAE Iredale & O'Donoghue, 1923
Armina Rafinesque, 1814 (A. tigrina Rafinesque, 1814) =Diphyllidia Blainville, 1819, =Linguella Blainville, 1823, =Pleurophyllidia Meckel, 1816, =Sancara Bergh, 1861
aoteana M.C. Miller & Willan, 1986 A.
Dermatobranchus van Hasselt, 1824 (D. striatus van Hasselt, 1824) =Dermatobranchopsis Baba, 1949, =Pleuroleura Bergh, 1874
rubidus (Gould, 1852) =pulcherrimus M.C. Miller & Willan, =rubida Gould A.
Heterodoris Verrill & Emerton, 1882 (H. robusta Verrill & Emerton, 1882)
antipodes Willan, 1981 C.
Tritonioidea Lamarck, 1809
TRITONIIDAE Lamarck, 1809
Tritonia Cuvier, 1797 (T. hombergii Cuvier, 1803) =Candellista Iredale & O'Donoghue, 1923, =Candiella Gray, 1850, =Duvaucelia Risso, 1826, =Lateribranchiaea Stearns, 1873, =Microlophus Rochebrune & Mabille, 1889, =Myrella Odhner, 1963, =Nemocephala A. Costa 1867, =Sphaerostoma MacGillivray, 1843, =Tritonia (Candiella) Gray, 1850 accepted, alternate representation
flemingi (Powell, 1937) A.C.
incerta Bergh, 1904 A.C. photo
Flabellinoidea Bergh, 1889
Coryphellina O'Donoghue, 1929 (C. rubrolineata O'Donoghue, 1929)
albomarginata (M.C. Miller, 1971) A.C.F. photo
Chromodoridoidea Bergh, 1891
CADLINELLIDAE Odhner, 1934 =Cadlinellinae Odhner, 1934
Cadlinella Thiele, 1931 (Cadlina ornatissima Risbec, 1928)
ornatissima (Risbec, 1928) K.A.
CADLINIDAE Bergh, 1891 =Echinochilidae Odhner, 1968, =Inudinae Er. & Ev. Marcus, 1967
Cadlina Bergh, 1879 (Doris repanda Alder & Hancock, 1842) =Acanthochila Mörch, 1868, =Echinochila Mörch, 1869, =Juanella Odhner, 1922
tasmanica Rudman, 1990 F.
willani M.C. Miller, 1980 A.C.
Glossodoris Ehrenberg, 1831 (Doris xantholeuca Ehrenberg, 1831) =Casella H. & A. Adams, 1854, =Doris (Glossodoris) Ehrenberg, 1831, =Rosodoris Pruvot-Fol, 1954
aeruginosa Rudman, 1995 K.
Goniobranchus Pease, 1866 (Doris vibrata Pease, 1860) =Lissodoris Odhner, 1934
aureomarginatus (Cheeseman, 1881) =aureomarginata Cheeseman, =mollis Odhner A.C.F.M. photo
rufomaculatus (Pease, 1871) =histrio Bergh, =rufomaculata Pease K.
Ceratosoma Adam & Reeve, 1850 (C. cornigerum Adams & Reeve, 1850)
amoenum (Cheeseman, 1886) =amoena Cheeseman, =atopa Bergh, =figurata Bergh A.C. photo
Hypselodoris Stimpson, 1855 (Goniodoris obscura Stimpson, 1855) =Brachychlanis Ehrenberg, 1831, =Jeanrisbecia Franc, 1968, =Pterodoris Ehrenberg, 1831, =Risbecia Odhner, 1934
kaname Baba, 1994 =koumacensis Rudman A.
Doridoidea Rafinesque, 1815
Hallaxa Eliot, 1909 (Halla decorata Bergh, 1877) =Halla Bergh, 1877
gilva M.C. Miller, 1987 C.
Alloiodoris Bergh, 1904 (A. marmorata Bergh, 1904)
lanuginata (Abraham, 1877) A.C.F.M. photo
Atagema Gray, 1850 (Doris carinata Quoy & Gaimard, 1832) =Glossodoridiformia O'Donoghue, 1927, =Petelodoris Bergh, 1882, =Phlegmodoris Bergh, 1878, =Trippa Bergh, 1877
carinata (Quoy & Gaimard, 1832) A.C.F.An.
molesta (M.C. Miller, 1989) A.
Carminodoris Bergh, 1889 (C. mauritiana Bergh, 1889)
nodulosa (Angas, 1864) =novaezelandiae Bergh A.C.F. photo
Geitodoris Bergh, 1892 (Doris complanata Verrill, 1880) =Carryodoris Vayssière, 1919
sticta M.C. Miller, 1996 A.
Halgerda Bergh, 1880 (H. formosa Bergh, 1880)
willeyi Eliot, 1903 =incii Gray K.
Jorunna Bergh, 1876 (Doris johnstoni Alder & Hancock, 1845) =Audura Bergh, 1878, =Awuka Er. Marcus, 1955, =Centrodoris P. Fischer, 1883, =Kentrodoris Bergh, 1876
pantherina (Angas, 1864) =novozealandica Eliot A. photo
ramicola M.C. Miller, 1996 A.
Paradoris Bergh, 1884 (P. granulata Bergh, 1884) =Percunas Ev. Marcus, 1971
dubia (Bergh, 1904) =egena Bergh, =leuca M.C. Miller, =nivosus Burn F.
Rostanga Bergh, 1879 (Doris coccinea Forbes, 1848) =Boreodoris Odhner, 1939, =Rhabdochila P. Fischer, 1883
muscula (Abraham, 1877) =rubicunda Cheeseman A. photo
DORIDIDAE Rafinesque, 1815
Aphelodoris Bergh, 1879 (A. antillensis Bergh, 1879)
luctuosa (Cheeseman, 1882) =affinis Eliot, =cheesemani Eliot A.C.F. photo
Doriopsis Pease, 1860 (D. granulosa Pease, 1860) =Ctenodoris Eliot, 1907
granulosa Pease, 1860 =aurantiaca Eliot, =flabellifera Cheeseman, =flava Risbec, =scabra Pease A.
Doris Linnaeus, 1758 (D. verrucosa Linnaeus, 1758) =Anoplodoris P. Fischer, 1883, =Archidoris Bergh, 1878, =Austrodoris Odhner, 1926, =Doridigitata d'Orbigny, 1839, =Doriorbis Kay & Young, 1969, =Guyonia Risbec, 1928, =Neodoris Baba, 1938, =Praegliscita Burn, 1957, =Siraius Er. Marcus, 1955, =Staurodoris Bergh, 1878 Bergh, 1878
cameroni (Allan, 1947) A.
kerguelenensis (Bergh, 1884) =antarctica Vayssière, =australis Bergh, =crenulata Odhner, =georgiensis Garcia, Troncoso, Garcia-Gomez & Cervera, =macmurdensis Odhner, =michaelseni Odhner, =mishu Ev. Marcus, =nivium Odhner, =rubescens Bergh, =tomentosa Odhner, =vicentei Ev. Marcus An.
nanula Bergh, 1904 F.An.
violacea (Bergh, 1904) =africana Eliot F.
wellingtonensis (Abraham, 1877) =tuberculatus Hutton A.C.F. photo
Onchidoridoidea Gray, 1827
Acanthodoris Gray, 1850 (Doris pilosa Abildgaard, 1789)
globosa Abraham, 1877
mollicella Abraham, 1877 A.C.F.An.
pilosa (Abildgaard, 1789) =pallida Bergh An.
GONIODORIDIDAE H. & A. Adams, 1854
Goniodoris Forbes & Goodsir, 1839 (Doris nodosa Montagu, 1808)
castanea Alder & Hancock, 1845 =pallida Dautzenberg & Durouchoux, =pareti VĂ©rany A.F.
punctata Bergh, 1905 C.
Okenia Menke, 1830 (Idalia elegans Leuckart, 1828)
atkinsonorum Rudman, 2007 A.
mija Burn, 1967 F.
pellucida Burn, 1967 A.
plana Baba, 1960 A.
Trapania Pruvot-Fol, 1931 (Drepania fusca Lafont, 1874) =Drepania Lafont, 1874, =Drepanida MacFarland, 1931
brunnea Rudman, 1987 A.
rudmani M.C. Miller, 1981 A.C.
Phyllidioidea Rafinesque, 1814
Dendrodoris Ehrenberg, 1881 (Doris lugubris Ehrenberg, 1831) =Doridopsis Alder & Hancock, 1864, =Hanstellodoris Pease, 1871
citrina (Cheeseman, 1881) A.C.F. photo
krusensternii (Gray, 1850) =clavulata Alder & Hancock, =denisoni Angas, =gemmacea Alder & Hancock A.C.F. photo
maugeana Burn, 1962 F.
nigra (Stimpson, 1855) A.C. photo
PHYLLIDIIDAE Rafinesque, 1814
Phyllidiella Bergh, 1869 (Phyllidia pustulosa Cuvier, 1804)
pustulosa (Cuvier, 1804) =albonigra Quoy & Gaimard, =melanocera Yonow, =nobilis Bergh, =rotunda Eliot, =spectabilis Collingwood, =variabilis Collingwood, =verrucosa van Hasselt K.
Polyceroidea Alder & Hancock, 1845
POLYCERIDAE Alder & Hancock, 1845
Tyrannodoris Willan & Y.W. Chang, 2017 (Nembrotha luteolineata Baba, 1936)
luteolineata Baba, 1936 A.
Tambja Burn, 1962 (Nembrotha verconis Basedow & Hedley, 1905)
morosa (Bergh, 1877) =kushimotoensis Baba A.C.F.
tenuilineata Miller & Haagh, 2005 =affinis of authors not Eliot, =kubaryana of authors not Bergh A.C.
verconis (Basedow & Hedley, 1905) A.C.
Polycera Cuvier, 1817 (Doris quadrilineata O.F. Müller, 1776) =Galacera Risso-Dominguez, 1960, =Polyceras Locard, 1886
fujitai (Baba, 1937) A.
hedgpethi Er. Marcus, 1964 =gnupa Er. & Ev. Marcus A.
maddoxi M.C. Miller, 2005 C.F. photo
melanosticta M.C. Miller, 1996 A.
Thecacera J. Fleming, 1828 (Doris pennigera Montagu, 1813) =Ohola Bergh, 1884
pennigera (Montague, 1815) =lamellata Barnard, =maculata Eliot A.
Crimora Alder & Hancock, 1862 (C. papillata Alder & Hancock, 1862)
multidigitalis (Burn, 1957) A.
Heteroplocamus W.R.B. Oliver, 1915 (Euplocamus pacificus Bergh, 1884)
pacificus (Bergh, 1884) K.
Kaloplocamus Bergh, 1892 (Euplocamus croceus Philippi, 1836) =Euplocamus Philippi, 1836
ramosus (Cantraine, 1835) =atlanticus Bergh, =aureus Odhner, =croceus Philippi, =filosus Cattaneo-Vietti & Sordi, =fimbriata Delle Chiaje, =frondosus Philippi, =japonicus Bergh, =ramosa Cantraine A.
Plocamopherus Rüppell & Leuckart, 1828 (P. ocellatus Rüppell & Leuckart, 1828) =Histiophorus Pease, 1860, =Peplidia R.T. Lowe, 1842
imperialis Angas, 1864 =naeavatus Abraham A. photo
[unassigned] Doridoidei
OKADAIIDAE Baba, 1930 =Vayssiereidae Thiele, 1931
Vayssierea Risbec, 1928 (V. caledonica Risbec, 1928) =Okadaia Baba, 1930, =Pellibranchus Ralph, 1944
cinnabarea (Ralph, 1944) =cinnabareus Ralph A.C.
Pleurobranchoidea Gray, 1827
Bathyberthella Willan, 1983 (B. zelandiae Willan, 1983) =Parabathyberthella GarcĂ­a, GarcĂ­a-GĂ³mez, Troncoso & Cervera, 1994, =Polictenidia GarcĂ­a, Troncoso, Cervera & GarcĂ­a-GĂ³mez, 1996
zelandiae Willan, 1983 F.
Berthella Blainville, 1825 (Bulla plumula Montagu, 1803) =Berthellinops Burn, 1962, =Bouvieria Vayssière, 1897, =Cleanthus Leach, 1847, =Gymnotoplax Pilsbry, 1896, =Pleurobranchus (Bouvieria) Vayssière, 1897
medietas Burn, 1962 A.C.F.M.An. photo
ornata (Cheeseman, 1878) =ornatus Cheeseman A.C.F. photo
Berthellina Gardiner, 1936 (B. engeli Gardiner, 1936)
citrina (Rüppell & Leuckart, 1828) =brocki Vayssière, =citrinus RĂ¼ppell & Leuckart, =punctatus Quoy & Gaimard K.A. photo
Pleurobranchus Cuvier, 1804 (P. peronii Cuvier, 1804) =Oscaniella Bergh, 1897, =Oscanius Leach, 1847, =Pleurobranchus (Oscanius) Leach, 1847, =Pleurobranchus (Pleurobranchus) Cuvier, 1804, =Pseudolibania de Stefani, 1879, =Susania Gray, 1857
hilli (Hedley, 1894) A.
peronii Cuvier, 1804 =cornutus Quoy & Gaimard, =giardi Vayssière, =hirasei Baba, =inhacae Macnae, =ovalis Pease, =papillatus Risbec, =purpurea Bergh, =winckworthi White, =xhosa Macnae A.
Pleurobranchaea Leue, 1813 (Pleurobranchidium meckeli Blainville, 1825) =Koonsia Verrill, 1882, =Macfarlandaea Ev. Marcus & Gosliner, 1984, =Pleurobranchidium Leue, 1813, =Pleurobranchillus Bergh, 1892
maculata (Quoy & Gaimard, 1832) =maculatum Quoy & Gairmard, =novaezealandiae Cheeseman A.C.F. photo
Oxynooidea Stoliczka, 1868
OXYNOIDAE Stoliczka, 1868
Oxynoe Rafinesque, 1819 (O. olivacea Rafinesque, 1814) =Icarus Forbes, 1844, =Lophocercus Krohn, 1847
viridis (Pease, 1861) =delicatula G. Nevill & H. Nevill K.A.C.
JULIIDAE E.A. Smith, 1885
Julia Gould, 1862 (J. exquisita Gould, 1862) =Prasina Deshayes, 1863
exquisita Gould, 1862 =borbonica Deshayes K.
Plakobranchoidea Gray, 1840
Ercolania Trinchese, 1872 (E. siottii Trinchese, 1872) =Stiliger (Ercolania) Trinchese, 1872
boodleae (Baba, 1938) =emarginata K.R. Jensen A.
felina (Hutton, 1882) A.C.F.
Limapontia Johnston, 1836 (L. nigra Johnston, 1836) =Actaeonia Agassiz, 1846, =Acteonia Quatrefages, 1844, =Cenia Alder & Hancock, 1848, =Chalidis Quatrefages, 1844, =Pontolimax MĂ¼ller, 1848
sp. An.
Placida Trinchese, 1876 =Laura Trinchese, 1873
dendritica (Alder & Hancock, 1843) =brevicornis A. Costa, =capensis Macnae, =lutescens A. Costa, =orbicularis A. Costa, =ornata MacFarland, =venosa Lovén A.C.F.
Stiliger Ehrenberg, 1831 (S. ornatus Ehrenberg, 1828)
aureomarginatus K.R. Jensen, 1993 A.
Sacoproteus Krug, Wong, M. R. Medina, Gosliner & Valdés, 2018 (Stiliger smaragdinus Baba, 1949)
smaragdinus Baba, 1949 A.
Elysia Risso, 1818 (Notarchus timidus Risso, 1818)
maoria Powell, 1937 A.C. photo
Bulloidea Gray, 1827
BULLIDAE Gray, 1827
Bulla Linnaeus, 1758 (B. ampulla Linnaeus, 1758) =Bulla (Quibulla) Iredale, 1929, =Bullaria Rafinesque, 1815, =Quibulla Iredale, 1929, =Vesica Swainson, 1840
quoyii Gray in Dieffenbach, 1843 =australis Gray, =botanica Hedley, =castanea A. Adams, =dubiosa Mabille, =oblonga A. Adams, =substriata Menke, =tenuissima G.B. Sowerby II K.A.C. photo
vernicosa Gould, 1859 =angasi of authors not Pilsbry, =conspersa Pease, =difficilis Habe, =ovula G.B. Sowerby II, =ovulum Gould, =scotti Iredale, =secunda Mabille, =subaustralis Mabille, =subtropicalis Powell K.A. photo
RETUSIDAE Thiele, 1925
Relichna Rudman, 1971 (Tornatina murdochi Suter, 1913)
aupouria (Powell, 1937) A.
murdochi (Suter, 1913) =simplex Murdoch & Suter A.C.F.M. photo
pachys (R.B. Watson, 1883) A.C.F.M.
Retusa T. Brown, 1827 (Bulla obtusa Montagu, 1803) =Clistaxis Cossmann, 1895, =Coleophysis P. Fischer, 1883, =Cryptaxis Jeffreys, 1883, =Cylichnina Monterosato, 1884, =Mamilloretusa F. Nordsieck, 1972, =Retusa (Coleophysis) P. Fischer, 1883, =Retusa (Cylichnina) Monterosato, 1884, =Retusa (Retusa) T. Brown, 1827, =Retusa (Sulcularia) Dall, 1921, =Sulcoretusa J.Q. Burch, 1945, =Tornatina (Coleophysis) P. Fischer, 1883, =Tornatina (Utriculus) T. Brown, 1844, =Utriculus T. Brown, 1844
opima (Finlay, 1926) A.C.F. photo
oruaensis (Webster, 1908) =biplicata Suter, =charlottae Suter, =decapitata Suter, =suteri Finlay, =tenuilirata Suter A.C.F.M. photo
striata (Hutton, 1873) C.F.M.An. photo
Volvulella Newton, 1891 (Bulla acuminata Bruguière, 1792) =Paravolvulella Harry, 1967, =Volvula A. Adams, 1850
nesentus (Finlay, 1927) =reflexa Suter A.C.
truncata Dell, 1956 F.M. photo
TORNATINIDAE P. Fischer, 1883 =Acteocinidae Dall, 1913
Acteocina Gray, 1847 (Acteon wetherelli I. Lea, 1833) =Acteocina (Acteocina) Gray, 1847, =Bulla (Tornatina) A. Adams, 1850, =Didontoglossa Annandale, 1924, =Tornatina A. Adams, 1850, =Utriculastra Thiele, 1925, =Utriculastra (Tornastra) Ev. Marcus, 1977, =Utriculastra (Utriculastra) Thiele, 1925
cf. apicina (Gould, 1859) K.
decorata (Pilsbry, 1904) =gaimardi Finlay, =sumatrana Thiele, =voluta Quoy & Gaimard K. photo
Haminoioidea Pilsbry, 1895
HAMINOEIDAE Pilsbry, 1895
Papawera Oskars & Malaquias, 2019 (Bulla zelandiae Gray, 1843)
zelandiae (Gray, 1843) =1868 G.B. Sowerby II, =obesa G.B. Sowerby II A.C. photo
Weinkauffia Weinkauff, 1873 (Scaphander gibbulus Jeffreys, 1856) =Limulatys Iredale, 1936, =Tepidatys Iredale, 1936
cf. muscarius (Gould, 1859) K.
reliqua (Iredale, 1936) =reliquus Iredale A.
Philinoidea Gray, 1850
Philine Ascanius, 1772 (P. quadripartita Ascanius, 1772) =Bullaea Lamarck, 1801, =Choshiphiline Habe, 1958, =Johania Monterosato, 1884, =Lobaria O.F. MĂ¼ller, 1776, =Philingwynia F. Nordsieck, 1972, =Woodbridgea S.S. Berry, 1953
angasi Crosse, 1865 A.C. photo
auriformis Suter, 1909 A.C.F. photo
constricta Murdoch & Suter, 1906 A.C.F.M. photo
powelli Rudman, 1970 A.C.F. photo
umbilicata Murdoch & Suter, 1906 A.F.M. photo
AGLAJIDAE Pilsbry, 1895
Biuve Zamora-Silva & Malaquias, 2017 AphiaID (Chelidonura fulvipunctata Baba, 1938)
fulvipunctata Baba, 1938 =conformata Burn, =mediterranea Swennen A.
Chelidonura A. Adams, 1850 (Bulla hirundinina Quoy & Gaimard, 1833) =Hirundella Gray, 1850
hirundinina (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833) =adamsi Angas, =philinopsis Eliot K.
Mariaglaja Zamora-Silva & Malaquias, 2017 (Chelidonura alexisi Gosliner, 2015)
inornata (Baba, 1949) A.
Melanochlamys Cheeseman, 1881 (M. cylindrica Cheeseman, 1881) =Nona H. & A. Adams, 1854, =Smaragdinella (Nona) H. & A. Adams, 1854
cylindrica Cheeseman, 1881 A.C.F. photo
lorrainae (Rudman, 1968) A.C.
Philinopsis Pease, 1860 (P. speciosa Pease, 1860) =Acera Cuvier, 1810, =Eidothea Risso, 1826
taronga (Allan, 1933) =aureopunctata Rudman A. photo
virgo (Rudman, 1968) A.
Tubulophilinopsis Zamora-Silva & Malaquias, 2017 (Doridium pilsbryi Eliot, 1900)
lineolata (H.& A.Adams, 1854) A.
Scaphander Montfort, 1810 (Bulla lignaria Linnaeus, 1758) =Assula Schumacher, 1817, =Brocktonia Iredale, 1915, =Bucconia Dall, 1890, =Bullocardia F. Nordsieck, 1972, =Gioenia Bruguière, 1789, =Meloscaphander Schepman, 1913, =Nipponoscaphander Kuroda & Habe, 1971, =Scaphander (Sabatina) Dall, 1908, =Tricla Philippson, 1788
interruptus Dall, 1890 F.
otagoensis Dell, 1956 F. photo
Cylichnoidea H. & A. Adams, 1854
CYLICHNIDAE H. & A. Adams, 1854
Cylichna Lovén, 1846 (Bulla cylindracea Pennant, 1777) =Bulla (Cylichna) LovĂ©n, 1846, =Bullinella Newton, 1891, =Cylichna (Acrostemma) Cossmann, 1889, =Cylichna (Cylichnopsis) Cossmann, 1904, =Cylichnella (Bullinella) Newton, 1891, =Cylindrella Swainson, 1840, =Eocylichna Kuroda & Habe, 1952
bulloidea Dell, 1956 C.M. photo
thetidis Hedley, 1903 K.A. photo
zealandica T.W. Kirk, 1880 A.C. photo
Toledonia Dall, 1902 (T. perplexa Dall, 1902) =Odostomiopsis Thiele, 1904, =Ohlinia Strebel, 1905, =Ptisanula Odhner, 1913
succineaformis Powell, 1955 F.An. photo
DIAPHANIDAE Odhner, 1914
Diaphana T. Brown, 1827 (D. candida T. Brown, 1827) =Amphisphyra Lovén, 1846, =Austrodiaphana Pilsbry, 1895, =Physema H. & A. Adams, 1858, =Prodiaphana Chaban, 1996
brazieri Angas, 1877 =colei C.A. Fleming, =flemingi Powell, =maunganuica Powell, =sakuraii Habe A.F.An. photo
tasmanica (Beddome, 1883) F.
Limacinoidea Gray, 1840
Heliconoides d'Orbigny, 1836 (Atlanta inflata d'Orbigny, 1835) =Atlanta (Heliconoides) d'Orbigny, 1836, =Embolus Jeffreys, 1869
inflatus (d'Orbigny, 1836) =inflata d'Orbigny A.C.
Limacina Bosc, 1817 (Clio helicina Phipps, 1774) =Limacina (Limacina) Bosc, 1817, =Spiratella Blainville, 1817
rangii (d'Orbigny, 1835) =antarctica Woodward, =cucullata Gould C.F.M.An.
bulimoides (d'Orbigny, 1835) A.C.F.M.
lesueurii (d'Orbigny, 1836) =crossei Pelseneer, =ventricosa Eydoux & Souleyet F.
retroversa (J. Fleming, 1823) =balea Møller, =flemingii Jeffreys F.M.An.
trochiformis (d'Orbigny, 1835) =contorta Sykes, =naticoides Souleyet A.C.
THIELEIDAE Rampal, 2019
Thielea Strebel, 1908 (T. procera Strebel, 1908)
helicoides (Jeffreys, 1877) =procera Strebel F.An.
Cavolinioidea Gray, 1850
Cavolinia Abildgaard, 1791 (C. natans Abildgaard, 1791) =Archonta Montfort, 1810, =Cavolina Abildgaard, 1791, =Cavolinia (Orbignyia) A. Adams, 1859, =Hyalaea Lamarck, 1799, =Orbignyia A. Adams, 1859, =Pleuropus Eschscholtz, 1825
gibbosa (d'Orbigny, 1835) =plana Meisenheimer A.C. photo
globulosa (Gray, 1850) K.A. photo
inflexa (Lesueur, 1813) A.C. photo
tridentata (Forsskål, 1775) =telemus Linnaeus K.A.C.F.M.An.
uncinata (d'Orbigny, 1836) =pulsata van der Spoel, =uncinatiformis Pfeffer A.C. photo
Cuvierina Boas, 1844 (Cuvieria columnella Rang, 1827) =Cuvieria Rang, 1827, =Cuvierina (Cuvierina) Boas, 1886, =Cuvierina (Urceolaria) A.W. Jannsen, 2005, =Cuvierina (Urceolarica) A.W. Janssen, 2006, =Herse Gistel, 1848, =Hyperia Gistel, 1848, =Rangistela Pruvot-Fol, 1948, =Tripteris Menke, 1830
columnella (Rang, 1827) =caliciformis Meisenheimer, =obtusa Quoy & Gaimard, =rosea Quoy & Gaimard, =spoeli Rampal A.C. photo
Diacavolinia van der Spoel, 1987 (Hyalaea longirostris Blainville, 1821)
longirostris (Blainville, 1821) A.
Diacria Gray, 1847 (Hyalaea trispinosa Blainville, 1821) =Hyalaea (Diacria) Gray, 1840
major (Boas, 1886) A.
trispinosa (Blainville, 1821) =atlantica Dupont, =compressa Souleyet, =depressa Bivona-Bernardi, =heterocolorata Rampal, =mucronata Quoy & Gaimard, =reeveana Dunker, =rubecula Bontes & van der Spoel K.A.C.F.M.An. photo
Telodiacria Rampal, 2019 (Hyalaea quadridentata Blainville, 1821)
quadridentata (Blainville, 1821) =costata Pfeffer, =minuta G.B. Sowerby II, =orbignyi Souleyet, =pygmaea Boas A.
CLIIDAE Jeffreys, 1869
Clio Linnaeus, 1767 (C. pyramidata Linnaeus, 1767)
convexa (Boas, 1886) =teschi McGowan A.
cuspidata (Bosc, 1802) =lessonii Rang & FĂ©russac, =quadrispinosa Lesson K.A.C.F.M.
pyramidata Linnaeus, 1767 =antarctica Dall, =retusa Linnaeus, =sulcata Pfeffer K.A.C.F.M.An.
CRESEIDAE Rampal, 1973
Creseis Rang, 1828 (C. acicula (Rang, 1828)) =Cleodora (Creseis) Rang, 1828
acicula (Rang, 1828) =acus Eschscholtz, =clava Rang, =ecostatum T.W. Kirk, =recta J.E. Gray, =spiniformis Benoit A.C. photo
conica Eschscholtz, 1829 =conoidea Costa, =falciformis Rampal, =flexa Pfeffer, =rotunda G.B. Sowerby II, =vitrea Verrill A.C.
Styliola Gray, 1850 (Cleodora recta Blainville, 1825)
subula (Quoy & Gaimard, 1827) =rangiana Tate, =recta Blainville, =recta Gray, =spinifera Rang, =subulata Quoy & Gaimard, =sulcifera Gabb A.C.F.M.
HYALOCYLIDAE A.W. Janssen, 2020
Hyalocylis Fol, 1875 (Cleodora (Creseis) striata Rang, 1828) =Hyalocylix P. Fischer, 1883
striata (Rang, 1828) =annulata Deshayes, =compressa Eschscholtz, =cretacea Blanckenhorn, =cretaceus Blanckenhorn, =euphratensis Avnimelech, =haitensis R. L. Collins, =haitensis R.L. Collins, =obtusa Di Geronimo, =rugulosa Cantraine, =sulcata Benoit, =zonata delle Chiaje A.C.F.M. photo
Cymbulioidea Gray, 1840
PERACLIDAE Tesch, 1913
Peracle Forbes, 1844 (P. physoides Forbes, 1844) =Campylonaus Gray, 1847, =Peraclis Pelseneer, 1888, =Procymbulia Meisenheimer, 1905
diversa (Monterosato, 1875) =apicifulva Meisenheimer, =brevispira Pelseneer K.A.C.M.
moluccensis (Tesch, 1903) K.A.
reticulata (d'Orbigny, 1835) =clathrata Eydoux & Souleyet, =physoides Forbes, =recurvirostra A. Costa K.A.
sp. Massy, 1922 A.
valdiviae (Meisenheimer, 1905) K.A.
Cymbulia Péron & Lesueur, 1810 (C. proboscidea Lamarck, 1816)
parvidentata Pelseneer, 1888 C.
Clionoidea Rafinesque, 1815
Pneumoderma Duméril, 1806 (P. peronii Cuvier, 1816) =Cirrifer Pfeffer, 1879, =Micrella Bergh, 1899, =Pneumodermis Oken, 1815, =Pneumodermon Cuvier, 1816, =Pneumonoderma Agassiz, 1847
atlanticum pacificum (Dall, 1871) K.
Pneumodermopsis Keferstein, 1862 (Pneumodermon ciliatum Gegenbaur, 1855) =Crucibranchaea Pruvot-Fol, 1942, =Dexiobranchaea Boas, 1885
marcochira Meisenheimer, 1903 =macrochira Meisenheimer A.C.F.
paucidens (Boas, 1886) F.An.
Schizobrachium Meisenheimer, 1903 (S. polycotylum Meisenheimer, 1903)
polycotylum Meisenheimer, 1903 F.An.
Spongiobranchaea d'Orbigny, 1836 (S. australis d'Orbigny, 1836) =Spongiobranchia d'Orbigny, 1836
australis d'Orbigny, 1836 =dumerilli S.P. Woodward C.F.M.An.
intermedia Pruvot-Fol, 1926 C.F.An.
Notobranchaea Pelseneer, 1886 (N. macdonaldi Pelseneer, 1886) =Microdonta Bonnevie, 1913, =Prionoglossa Tesch, 1950, =Schleschia Strand, 1932
macdonaldi Pelseneer, 1886 =pelseneeri Pruvot-Fol A.C.F.An.
tetrabranchiata (Bonnevie, 1913) A.C.F.
CLIOPSIDAE Costa, 1873
Cliopsis Troschel, 1854 (C. krohnii Troschel, 1854)
krohni Troschel, 1854 =grandis Boas, =mediterranea Gegenbaur, =modesta Pelseneer A.C.F.M.An.
Thliptodon Boas, 1886 (T. gegenbauri Boas, 1886) =Pteroceanis Meisenheimer, 1902
antarcticus Meisenheimer, 1906 =rotundatus Massy K.
diaphanus (Meisenheimer, 1903) =diaphana Meisenheimer A.C.F.An.
gegenbauri Boas, 1886 C.
HYDROMYLIDAE Pruvot-Fol, 1942
Hydromyles Gistel, 1848 (Euribia hemispherica Rang, 1827) =Anopsia Gistel, 1848, =Euribia Rang, 1827, =Halopsyche Keferstein, 1862, =Halopsyche Verrill, 1880, =Philopseudes Gistel, 1848, =Psyche Rang, 1825, =Theceuribia Keferstein, 1862, =Verrillopsyche Cossmann, 1900
globulosus (Rang, 1825) =gaudichaudi Gray, =globulosa Rang A.C.F.M.An.
Aplysioidea Lamarck, 1809
APLYSIIDAE Lamarck, 1809 =Aplysiinae Lamarck, 1809 accepted, alternate representation, =Dolabriferinae Pilsbry, 1895 accepted, alternate representation, =Notarchinae Mazzarelli, 1893 accepted, alternate representation
Aplysia Linnaeus, 1767 (A. depilans Gmelin, 1791) =Aplysia (Aplysia) Linnaeus, 1767 accepted, alternate representation, =Aplysia (Metaplysia) Pilsbry, 1951, =Aplysia (Neaplysia) J.G. Cooper, 1863 accepted, alternate representation, =Aplysia (Pruvotaplysia) Engel, 1936 accepted, alternate representation, =Aplysia (Subaplysia) M. Medina, T. Collins & Walsh, 2005, =Aplysia (Tullia) Pruvot-Fol, 1933 accepted, alternate representation, =Aplysia (Varria) Eales, 1960 accepted, alternate representation, =Aplysiopsis Bergh, 1898, =Laplysia Linnaeus, 1767, =Phyllobranchopsis Eliot, 1905, =Pruvotaplysia Engel, 1936, =Tullia Pruvot-Fol, 1933, =Varria Eales, 1960
argus Rüppell & Leuckart, 1830 =dactylomela of authors not Rang K.A. photo
extraordinaria (Allan, 1932) =cronullae Eales, =denisoni E.A. Smith K.A.
juliana (Quoy & Gaimard, 1832) =brunnea Hutton A.C.F. photo
keraudreni Rang, 1828 A.C.F. photo
sagamiana Baba, 1949 A.
Bursatella Blainville, 1817 (B. leachii Blainville, 1817) =Aclesia Rang, 1828, =Barnardaclesia Eales & Engel, 1935, =Notarchus (Bursatella) Blainville, 1817, =Ramosaclesia Iredale, 1929
leachii Blainville, 1817 =bursatella Rang, =glauca Cheeseman A. photo
Dolabrifera Gray, 1847 (Aplysia dolabrifera Rang, 1828)
brazieri G.B. Sowerby II, 1870 =jacksoniensis Pilsbry K.A. photo
Stylocheilus Gould, 1852 (Aplysia longicauda Quoy & Gaimard, 1825)
longicauda (Quoy & Gaimard, 1825) =citrina Rang, =citrinus Rang, =nudata Rang A.
striatus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1832) =lineolatus Stimpson, =lineolatus Gould, =polyomma Mörch, =quercinus Gould, =stimpsoni Pilsbry, =striata Quoy & Gaimard A. photo
Umbraculoidea Dall, 1889
Umbraculum Schumacher, 1817 (U. chinense Schumacher, 1817) =Gastroplax Blainville, 1819, =Umbrella Lamarck, 1819
umbraculum (Lightfoot, 1786) =botanicum Hedley, =sinica Gmelin, =sinicum Gmelin K.A.C. photo
Runcinoidea H. & A. Adams, 1854
RUNCINIDAE H. & A. Adams, 1854
Pseudoilbia Miller & Rudman, 1968 (P. lineata Miller & Rudman, 1968)
lineata Miller & Rudman, 1968 A.
Runcina Forbes & Hanley, 1853 (R. hancocki Forbes & Hanley, 1851) =Pelta Quatrefages, 1844, =Runnica Miller & Rudman, 1968
katipoides (Miller & Rudman, 1968) A.C.
Runcinella Odhner, 1924 (R. zelandica Odhner, 1924)
zelandica Odhner, 1924 A.
Amphiboloidea Gray, 1840
Amphibola Schumacher, 1817 (A. australis Schumacher, 1817) =Ampullacera Quoy & Gaimard, 1832, =Thallicera Swainson, 1840
crenata (Gmelin, 1791) =australis Schumacher, =avellana Bruguière, =obliquata Hutton, =obvoluta Jonas A.C.F. photo
Siphonarioidea Gray, 1827
Benhamina Finlay, 1926 (Siphonaria obliquata G.B. Sowerby I, 1825) =Siphonaria (Benhamina) Finlay, 1926
obliquata (G.B. Sowerby I, 1825) =scutellum Deshayes C.F.An. photo
Siphonaria G.B. Sowerby I, 1823 (S. sipho G.B. Sowerby I, 1823) =Kerguelenella Powell, 1946, =Kerguelenia Rochebrune & Mabille, 1889, =Siphonaria (Kerguelenella) Powell, 1946, =Siphonaria (Siphonaria) G.B. Sowerby I, 1823
australis Quoy & Gaimard, 1833 =cancer Reeve, =cookiana Suter, =inculta Gould, =zelandica of authors A.C.F.M. photo
innominata (Iredale, 1915) =flemingi Powell F.An. photo
lateralis Gould, 1846 An.
macquariensis (Powell, 1939) An. photo
propria Jenkins, 1983 =cookiana of authors A.C.F.M. photo
raoulensis W.R.B. Oliver, 1915 =amphibia W.R.B. Oliver, =cheesemani W.R.B. Oliver, =macauleyensis W.R.B. Oliver, =perplexa W.R.B. Oliver K. photo
stewartiana (Powell, 1939) F.An. photo
Williamia Monterosato, 1884 (Ancylus gussoni O.G. Costa, 1829) =Allerya Mörch, 1877, =Brondelia Bourguignat, 1862, =Parascutum Cossmann, 1890, =Roya Iredale, 1912, =Scutulum Monterosato, 1877
radiata nutata (Hedley, 1908) =kermadecensis Iredale, =nutatus Hedley K.A. photo
Chilinoidea Dall, 1870
LATIIDAE Hutton, 1882
Latia Gray, 1850 (L. neritoides Gray, 1850) =Pelex Gould, 1852
climoi Starobogatov, 1986 Fw.N. photo
lateralis (Gould, 1852) Fw.N. photo
manuherikia B.A. Marshall, 2011 Fw.S.Fo.
neritoides Gray, 1850 =gassiesiana P. Fischer, =petitiana P. Fischer Fw.L.N. photo
Lymnaeoidea Rafinesque, 1815
LYMNAEIDAE Rafinesque, 1815
Austropeplea Cotton, 1942 (Lymnaea aruntalis Cotton & Godfrey, 1938) =Glacilimnea Iredale, 1943, =Simlimnea Iredale, 1943
tomentosa (L. Pfeiffer, 1855) =hamiltoni Dell, =subscalariformis Suter Fw.N.S. photo
Radix Montfort, 1810 (R. auriculatus Montfort, 1810) =Limnaea (Radix) Montfort, 1810, =Lymnaea (Radix) Montfort, 1810
auricularia (Linnaeus, 1758) Fw.N.
Galba Schrank, 1803 (Buccinum truncatulum O.F. Müller, 1774) =Fossaria Westerlund, 1885, =Lymnaea (Galba) Schrank, 1803
truncatula (O.F. Müller, 1774) =alfredi Suter, =truncatulum O.F. MĂ¼ller Fw.S. photo
Lymnaea Lamarck, 1801 (Helix stagnalis Linnaeus, 1758) =Limnaea Blainville, 1824, =Limneus Sandberger, 1875, =Limneus Draparnaud, 1801
stagnalis (Linnaeus, 1758) Fw.N.S. photo
Pseudosuccinea F.C. Baker, 1908 (Lymnaea columella Say, 1817)
columella (Say, 1817) =acuminata C.B. Adams, =francisca Poey, =vitrea Haldeman Fw.N.S. photo
PHYSIDAE Fitzinger, 1833
Physella Haldeman, 1842 (Physa globosa Haldeman, 1842) =Physa Draparnaud, 1801
acuta (Draparnaud, 1805) =fontinalis of authors Fw.N.S.
PLANORBIDAE Rafinesque, 1815
Ancylini Rafinesque, 1815 =Rhodacmeinae B. Walker, 1917
Ferrissia B. Walker, 1903 (Ancylus rivularis Say, 1817) =Ancylus (Ferrissia) B. Walker, 1903, =Ferrissia (Ferrissia) B. Walker, 1903, =Ferrissia (Kincaidilla) Hannibal, 1912, =Gundlachia (Kincaidilla) Hannibal, 1912, =Watsonula Mirolli, 1960
dohrniana (Clessin, 1882) =dohrnianus Clessin, =lucasi Suter Fw.N. photo
neozelanica (Suter, 1905) Fw.S. photo
Glyptophysa Crosse, 1872 (Physa petiti Crosse, 1872) =Glyptophysa (Glyptophysa) Crosse, 1872, =Glyptophysa (Oppletora) Iredale, 1943, =Lenameria Iredale, 1943, =Physa (Physastra) Tapparone Canefri, 1883, =Physastra Tapparone Canefri, 1883, =Tasmadora Iredale, 1943
oconnori (Cumber, 1941) Fw.S.
variabilis (Gray, 1843) =antipodea G. B. Sowerby II, =hochstetteri Dunker, =novaezelandiae G. B. Sowerby II Fw.N.S. photo
Gyraulus Charpentier, 1837 (Planorbis albus O.F. Müller, 1774) =Planorbis (Gyraulus) Charpentier, 1837
corinna (Gray, 1850) Fw.N.S. photo
kahuica Finlay & Laws, 1931 Fw.N.S.
Hippeutis Charpentier, 1837 (Helix complanata Linnaeus, 1758) =Hippeutis (Hippeutis) Charpentier, 1837 accepted, alternate representation, =Planorbis (Hippeutis) Charpentier, 1837, =Segmentina (Hippeutis) Charpentier, 1837
complanatus (Linnaeus, 1758) =colchicus Lindholm, =complanata Linnaeus, =fontana Lightfoot, =fontanus Lightfoot Fw.N.
Planorbarius Duméril, 1805 (Helix cornea Linnaeus, 1758) =Coretus Gray, 1847, =Planorbarius (Deserticoretus) Starobogatov in Starobogatov & Prozorova, 1990, =Planorbis (Coretus) Gray, 1847, =Planorbis (Spirodiscus) Stein, 1850
corneus (Linnaeus, 1758) =cornea Linnaeus Fw.N.
BULINIDAE Crosse & Fischer, 1880
Ellobioidea L. Pfeiffer, 1854
Melampus Montfort, 1810 (Bulimus coniformis Bruguière, 1789)
luteus Quoy & Gaimard, 1832 =lutea Quoy & Gaimard, =patula R.T. Lowe, =patulus R. T. Lowe K. photo
ELLOBIIDAE: PEDIPEDINAE Crosse & Fischer, 1880
Leuconopsis Hutton, 1884 (Leuconia obsoleta Hutton, 1878) =Apodosis Pilsbry & McGinty, 1949
obsoleta (Hutton, 1878) A.C.F.M.An.R.Fo. photo
pacifica W.R.B. Oliver, 1915 K.
Marinula King & Broderip, 1832 (M. pepita King & Broderip, 1832)
filholi Hutton, 1878 =chathamensis Finlay A.C.F.M. photo
striata Odhner, 1924 F.An. photo
Microtralia Dall, 1894 (Tralia (Alexia) minuscula Dall, 1889) =Rangitotoa Powell, 1933
alba (Gassies, 1865) =album Gassies, =albus Gassies K.
insularis (Powell, 1933) =occidentalis Climo A.C.
Myosotella Monterosato, 1906 (Auricula payraudeaui Shuttleworth, 1843)
myosotis (Draparnaud, 1801) A.F. photo
Pleuroloba Hyman, Rouse & Ponder, 2005 (Ophicardelus quoyi H. & A. Adams, 1855)
costellaris (H.& A.Adams, 1854) A.C. photo
OTINIDAE H. & A. Adams, 1855
Smeagol Climo, 1980 (S. manneringi Climo, 1980)
climoi Tillier & Ponder, 1992 C.F.
manneringi Climo, 1980 C.
Trimusculus Schmidt, 1818 (Patella mammillaris Linnaeus, 1758) =Clypeus Scacchi, 1833, =Gadinalea Iredale, 1940, =Gadinia Gray, 1824, =Mouretia G.B. Sowerby I, 1835, =Rowellia Carpenter, 1864
conicus (Angas, 1867) =angasi Dall, =conica Angas, =hexagona Suter, =nivea Hutton, =niveus Hutton K.A.C.F.M. photo
Onchidioidea Rafinesque, 1815
ONCHIDIIDAE Rafinesque, 1815
Onchidella Gray, 1850 (Onchidium nigricans Quoy & Gaimard, 1832) =Occidentella Hoffmann, 1929, =Onchidium (Arctonchis) Dall, 1905, =Oncidiella P. Fischer & Crosse, 1878, =Peronella Mörch, 1863, =Peroniella Starobogatov, 1976
marginata (Couthou, 1852) =campbelli Filhol, =chilense Hupé, =chilensis Huppé, =flavescens Wissel C.F.M.An.
nigricans (Quoy & Gaimard, 1832) =irrorata Gould, =obscura Plate, =patelloida Quoy & Gaimard, =patelloide Quoy & Gaimard A.C.F.M. photo
Achatinoidea Swainson, 1840
FERUSSACIIDAE Bourguignat, 1883
Cecilioides Férussac, 1814 (Buccinum acicula O.F. Müller, 1774)
acicula (O.F. Müller, 1774) L.N.S. photo
Arionoidea Gray, 1840
ARIONIDAE Gray, 1840
Arion Férussac, 1819 (A. empiricorum Férussac, 1819)
distinctus Mabille, 1868 =J. Mabille L.N.S.
hortensis Férussac, 1819 =elongatus Collinge, =pyrenaicus Moquin-Tandon, =rubellus Sterki L.N.S. photo
intermedius Normand, 1852 =verrucosus Brevière L.N.S.
Helicoidea Rafinesque, 1815
HELICIDAE Rafinesque, 1815
Cornu Born, 1778 (C. copiae Born, 1778) =Cryptomphalus Charpentier, 1837, =Helix (Cornu) Born, 1778, =Helix (Cryptomphalus) Charpentier, 1837
aspersum (O.F. Müller, 1774) =aspersa O.F. MĂ¼ller L.N.S. photo
Hygromia Risso, 1826 (H. cinctella (Draparnaud, 1801))
cinctella (Draparnaud, 1801) L.N. photo
GEOMITRIDAE C.R.Boettger, 1909
Cochlicella Férussac, 1821 (Helix conoidea Draparnaud, 1801) =Cochlicella (Prietocella) Schileyko & Menkhorst, 1997, =Cochlicellus H. Beck, 1837, =Helix (Cochlicella) FĂ©russac, 1821, =Prietocella Schileyko & Menkhorst, 1997, =Xeroacuta Monterosato, 1892
barbara (Linnaeus, 1758) =bulimoides Moquin-Tandon, =ventricosus Draparnaud, =ventrosa FĂ©russac L.N. photo
Xeroplexa Monterosato, 1892 (Helix setubalensis L. Pfeiffer, 1850)
intersecta (Pioret, 1801) =caperata Montagu L.N.S. photo
Gastrodontoidea Tryon, 1866
Zonitoides Lehman, 1862 (Helix nitida O.F. Müller, 1774)
arboreus (Say, 1817) =A. Riedel, =arborea Say, =attonis L. Pfeiffer, =breweri Newcomb, =lyndhurstensis Cox, =lyndhurstoides McLaughlin, =roseni Lindholm L.N.S.
Oxychilus Fitzinger, 1833 (Helix cellaria O.F. Müller, 1774)
alliarius (J.S. Miller, 1822) =alliaria J.S. Miller, =tasmanicus McLaughlan L.N.S. photo
cellarius (O.F. Müller, 1774) =cellaria O.F. MĂ¼ller, =novare L. Pfeiffer L.N.S. photo
draparnaudi (Beck, 1837) =alpina Suter, =draparnaldi Beck, =draparnauldi Beck L.N.S. photo
Vitrea Fitzinger, 1833 (Glischrus (Helix) diaphana S. Studer, 1820)
crystallina (O.F. Müller, 1774) L.N.S. photo
Helicarionoidea Bourguignat, 1877
HELICARIONIDAE Bourguignat, 1877
Diastole Gude, 1913 (Helix conula Pease, 1861) =Diastole (Diastole) Gude, 1913 accepted, alternate representation, =Diastole (Euanana) H.B. Baker, 1938 accepted, alternate representation, =Diastole (Laua) H.B. Baker, 1938 accepted, alternate representation, =Diastole (Trochonanita) H.B. Baker, 1938 accepted, alternate representation, =Fanulum Iredale, 1913, =Liardetia (Fanulum) Iredale, 1913
exposita (Mousson, 1873) =expositum Mousson L.
Kermarion Iredale, 1944 (Helix kermadecensis E.A. Smith, 1873)
kermadecensis (E.A. Smith, 1873) =ultima Mousson L.
Limacoidea Lamarck, 1801
LIMACIDAE Lamarck, 1801
Ambigolimax Pollonera, 1887 (Limax valentianus (Férussac, 1821)) =Agriolimax (Ambigolimax) Pollonera, 1887
nyctelia (Bourguignat, 1861) =kervillei Germain, =legrandi Tate, =nyctelius Bourguignat L.N.S.
valentianus (Férussac, 1822) =getica Grossu, =poirieri Mabille, =valentiana FĂ©russac L.N.S.
Limacus Lehmann, 1864 (L. breckworthianus Lehmann, 1864) =Limax (Limacus) Lehmann, 1864, =Plepticolimax Malm, 1868, =Simrothia Clessin, 1884
flavus (Linnaeus, 1758) L.N.S.
Limax Linnaeus, 1758 (L. maximus Linnaeus, 1758)
maximus Linnaeus, 1758 =bocagei da Silva e Castro, =cinereus O.F. MĂ¼ller, =maculatus Nunneley, =mamelianus Bourguignat, =parma Brard, =sylvaticus Morelet L.N.S. photo
Deroceras Rafinesque, 1820 (Limax gracilis Rafinesque, 1820) =Agriolimax Mörch, 1865, =Deroceras (Agriolimax) Mörch, 1865
invadens Reise, Hutchinson, Schunack & Schlitt, 2016 =caruanae of authors not Pollonera, =panormitanum of authors not Lessona & Pollonera L.N.S. photo
laeve (O.F. Müller, 1774) L.N.
reticulatum (O.F. Müller, 1774) =pallidus Schrenk, =reticulatus O.F. MĂ¼ller L.N.S. photo
Trochomorphoidea Möllendorff, 1890
EUCONULIDAE H.B. Baker, 1928
Coneuplecta Möllendorff, 1893 (Helix scalarina L. Pfeiffer, 1851) =Coneuplecta (Coneuplecta) Möllendorff, 1893 accepted, alternate representation, =Coneuplecta (Conibycus) Thiele, 1928 accepted, alternate representation, =Coneuplecta (Nevelasta) Iredale, 1937 accepted, alternate representation, =Conibycus Thiele, 1928, =Medyla (Coneuplecta) Möllendorff, 1893, =Nevelasta Iredale, 1937, =Otesia (Coneuplecta) Möllendorff, 1893, =Sitalina Thiele, 1931
calculosa (Gould, 1852) L.N.
Kieconcha Iredale, 1913 (Helix kermadeci L. Pfeiffer, 1857)
kermadeci (L. Pfeiffer, 1856) L.
Parmacelloidea P. Fischer, 1856
MILACIDAE Ellis, 1926
Milax J.E. Gray, 1855 (Limax gagates Draparnaud, 1801)
gagates (Draparnaud, 1801) =antipodarum Gray, =antipodarum L. Pfeiffer & J.E. Gray L.N.S.
Tandonia Lessona & Pollonera, 1882 (Limax marginatus Draparnaud, 1805) =Milax (Tandonia) Lessona & Pollonera, 1882
budapestensis (Hazay, 1881) =cibiniensis Kimakowicz, =gracilis Leydig, =gracilis Rafinesque, =valachicus Grossu & Lupu L.N.
sowerbyi (Férussac, 1823) =argillaceus Gassies, =barbarus Mabille, =carinata Risso L.N.S.
Orthalicoidea Martens, 1860
Basileostylus Haas, 1935 (Placostylus bollonsi Suter, 1908) =Placostylus (Basileostylus) Haas, 1935
bollonsi Suter, 1908 L. photo
bollonsi arbutus Powell, 1948 L. photo
bollonsi caperatus Powell, 1948 L. photo
Maoristylus Haas, 1935 (Bulimus shongii Lesson, 1830) =Bulimus (Placostylus) H. Beck, 1837, =Placostylus (Euplacostylus) Crosse, 1875, =Placostylus (Maoristylus) Haas, 1935
ambagiosus Suter, 1906 L.N. photo
ambagiosus annectens Powell, 1938 =hancoxi Powell L.N. photo
ambagiosus consorbrinus Powell, 1938 =consobrinus Powell L.N.R.Sf. photo
ambagiosus gardneri Powell, 1951 L.N.Sf. photo
ambagiosus hinemoa Powell, 1947 L.N.Sf. photo
ambagiosus keenorum Powell, 1947 L.N. photo
ambagiosus lesleyae Powell, 1947 L.N.R.Sf. photo
ambagiosus michiei Powell, 1951 L.N. photo
ambagiosus pandora Powell, 1951 L.N. photo
ambagiosus paraspiritus Powell, 1951 L.N. photo
ambagiosus priscus Powell, 1938 L.N.Sf. photo
ambagiosus spiritus Powell, 1947 L.N.Sf. photo
ambagiosus watti Powell, 1947 L.N. photo
ambagiosus whareana Powell, 1951 L.N. photo
ambagiosus worthyi Powell, 1947 L.N.Sf. photo
hongii (Lesson, 1830) =novoseelandicus L. Pfeiffer L.N. photo
Pupilloidea Turton, 1831
Tubuaia Cooke & Kondo, 1960 (Tornatellina perplexa Garrett, 1879)
raoulensis (Pilsbry & Cooke, 1915) =kermadecensis Pilsbry & C.M. Cooke L. photo
Tornatellinops Pilsbry & Cooke, 1915 (Tornatellina novoseelandica L. Pfeiffer, 1853) =Lamellidea (Tornatellinops) Pilsbry & C.M. Cooke, 1915, =Pacificella Odhner, 1922, =Tornatellina (Tornatellinops) Pilsbry & C.M. Cooke, 1915, =Tornelasmias Iredale, 1944
iredalei (Pilsbry & Cooke, 1915) L. photo
novoseelandicus Küster, 1852 =neozelanica Hutton, =novoseelandica KĂ¼ster L.N.S. photo
Tornatellides Pilsbry, 1910 (Tornatellina simplex Pease, 1865) =Ambrosiella Odhner, 1963, =Tornatellides (Aedituans) C. M. Cooke & Y. Kondo, 1961 accepted, alternate representation, =Tornatellides (Ambrosiella) Odhner, 1963 accepted, alternate representation, =Tornatellides (Tornatellides) Pilsbry, 1910 accepted, alternate representation, =Tornatellides (Waimea) Pilsbry & C.M. Cooke, 1915 accepted, alternate representation
subperforatus (Suter, 1909) =subperforata Suter L.N. photo
subperforatus kermadecensis (Pilsbry & Cooke, 1915) L. photo
Elasmias Pilsbry, 1910 (Tornatellina aperta Pease, 1865)
apertum (Pease, 1865) =aperta Pease, =connisum Iredale L.
Cochlicopa Férussac, 1821 (Helix lubrica O.F. Müller, 1774)
lubrica (O.F. Müller, 1774) =lubricoides Stimpson, =pfeifferi Weinland L.N.S. photo
LAURIIDAE Steenberg, 1925
Lauria Gray in Turton, 1840 (Pupa umbilicata Draparnaud, 1801) =Eruca Swainson, 1840, =Gastrodon R.T. Lowe, 1852, =Lauria (Lauria) Gray, 1840 accepted, alternate representation, =Lauria (Senilauria) Pilsbry, 1928 accepted, alternate representation, =Pupa (Lauria) Gray, 1840, =Reinhardtia O. Boettger, 1878
cylindracea (da Costa, 1778) =cylindraceus da Costa, =muscorum of authors L.N.S. photo
Vallonia Risso, 1826 (V. rosalia Risso, 1826) =Helix (Vallonia) Risso, 1826
costata (O.F. Müller, 1774) =F. O.F. MĂ¼ller L.N.
excentrica Sterki, 1893 =pulchella of authors L.N.S. photo
VERTIGINIDAE Fitzinger, 1833
Vertigo O.F. Müller, 1774 (V. pusilla O.F. Müller, 1774)
ovata Say, 1822 =antiquorum Cockerell, =diaboli Pilsbry, =hexodon C.B. Adams, =mariposa Pilsbry, =pygmaea of authors, =upsoni Calkins L.N. photo
Pronesopupa Iredale, 1913 (P. senex Iredale, 1913) =Pronesopupa (Edentulopupa) C. M. Cooke & Pilsbry, 1920 accepted, alternate representation, =Pronesopupa (Pronesopupa) Iredale, 1913 accepted, alternate representation, =Pronesopupa (Sericipupa) C. M. Cooke & Pilsbry, 1920 accepted, alternate representation
senex (Iredale, 1913) L.
Rhytidoidea Pilsbry, 1893
RHYTIDIDAE Pilsbry, 1893
RHYTIDIDAE: RHYTIDINAE Pilsbry, 1893 =Occirheneidae Iredale, 1939, =Paryphantidae Godwin-Austen, 1893
Amborhytida Climo, 1974 (Helix dunniae Gray, 1840)
dunniae (Gray, 1840) L.N. photo
duplicata (Suter, 1904) =vivens Powell L.N.R.Sf. photo
forsythi (Powell, 1952) L.N. photo
pycrofti (Powell, 1932) L.N. photo
tarangaensis (Powell, 1930) L.N. photo
Delos Hutton, 1904 (Zonites coresia Gray, 1850)
coresia (Gray, 1850) L.N. photo
jeffreysiana (L. Pfeiffer, 1853) L.N. photo
regia Climo, 1973 L. photo
striata Climo, 1973 L. photo
Delouagapia Powell, 1952 (Gerontia cordelia Hutton, 1883)
cordelia (Hutton, 1883) L.N. photo
tasmani Goulstone & Brook, 1999 L. photo
Paryphanta Albers, 1850 (Helix busbyii Gray, 1840) =Helix (Paryphanta) Albers, 1850
busbyi (Gray, 1840) =busbyii Gray L.N. photo
watti Powell, 1946 L.N.R.Sf. photo
Powelliphanta O'Connor, 1945 (Helix hochstetteri L. Pfeiffer, 1861) =Paryphanta (Powelliphanta) O'Connor, 1945
annectens (Powell, 1936) L.S. photo
augusta Walker, Trewick & Barker, 2008 L.S.
fiordlandica (Climo, 1971) L.S. photo
fletcheri (Powell, 1938) L.S. photo
gagei (Powell, 1938) L.S. photo
gilliesi (E.A. Smith, 1880) L.S. photo
gilliesi aurea (Powell, 1946) L.S. photo
gilliesi brunnea (Powell, 1938) L.S. photo
gilliesi compta (Powell, 1930) L.S. photo
gilliesi fallax (Powell, 1930) L.S. photo
gilliesi jamesoni (Powell, 1936) L.S. photo
gilliesi kahurangica (Powell, 1936) L.S. photo
gilliesi montana (Powell, 1936) L.S. photo
gilliesi subfusca (Powell, 1930) L.S. photo
hochstetteri (L. Pfeiffer, 1862) L.S. photo
hochstetteri anatokiensis (Powell, 1938) L.S. photo
hochstetteri bicolor (Powell, 1930) L.S. photo
hochstetteri consobrina (Powell, 1936) L.S. photo
hochstetteri obscura (Beutler, 1901) L.S. photo
lignaria (Hutton, 1888) L.S. photo
lignaria johnstoni (Powell, 1946) L.S. photo
lignaria lusca (Powell, 1949) L.S. photo
lignaria oconnori (Powell, 1938) L.S. photo
lignaria rotella (Powell, 1938) L.S. photo
lignaria ruforadiata (Powell, 1949) L.S. photo
lignaria unicolorata (Powell, 1930) L.S. photo
marchanti (Powell, 1932) L.N. photo
patrickensis (Powell, 1949) L.S. photo
rossiana (Powell, 1930) L.S. photo
spedeni (Powell, 1932) L.S. photo
spedeni lateumbilicata (Powell, 1946) L.S. photo
superba (Powell, 1930) L.S. photo
superba harveyi (Powell, 1946) L.S. photo
superba mouatae (Powell, 1936) L.S. photo
superba prouseorum (Powell, 1946) L.S. photo
superba richardsoni (Powell, 1946) L.S. photo
traversi (Powell, 1930) L.N. photo
traversi florida (Powell, 1946) L.N. photo
traversi koputaroa (Powell, 1946) L.N. photo
traversi latizona (Powell, 1949) L.N. photo
traversi otakia (Powell, 1946) L.N. photo
traversi tarauaensis (Powell, 1938) =tararuaensis Powell L.N. photo
Prolesophanta Iredale, 1933 (Helix dyeri Petterd, 1879) =Tasmadelos Iredale, 1938
sp. aff. dyeri (Petterd, 1879) L.
Rhytida Albers, 1860 (Helix greenwoodi Gray, 1850) =Eurhytida Möllendorff, 1902, =Helix (Rhytida) Albers, 1860, =Rhytida (Eurhytida) Möllendorff, 1902
australis Hutton, 1882 L.R.Sf. photo
citrina Hutton, 1882 L.S. photo
greenwoodi (Gray, 1950) =gunnii L. Pfeiffer, =spelaea Powell L.N.R.Sf. photo
greenwoodi webbi Powell, 1949 L.S. photo
meesoni Suter, 1891 L.S. photo
oconnori Powell, 1946 =hadfieldi Powell L.S.R.Sf. photo
otagoensis Powell, 1930 L.S. photo
patula Hutton, 1882 L.S. photo
perampla (Powell, 1946) L.S. photo
stephenensis Powell, 1930 L.S. photo
Rhytidarex Powell, 1948 (Rhytida (R.) johnsoni Powell, 1948) =Rhytida (Rhytidarex) Powell, 1948
buddlei (Powell, 1948) L.R.Sf. photo
johnsoni (Powell, 1948) L. photo
Schizoglossa Hedley, 1892 (Daudebardia novoseelandica L. Pfeiffer, 1861)
gigantea Powell, 1930 L.N.R.Sf. photo
major Powell, 1938 L.N. photo
novoseelandica (L. Pfeiffer, 1862) L.N. photo
worthyae Powell, 1949 L.N. photo
Wainuia Powell, 1930 (Daudebardia novoseelandica L. Pfeiffer, 1861)
clarki (Powell, 1936) L.N. photo
edwardi (Suter, 1899) =fallai Powell L.S. photo
nasuta (Powell, 1946) L.S. photo
urnula (Reeve, 1854) =yaldwyni Dell L.N.Sf. photo
Athoracophoroidea P. Fischer, 1883
Athoracophorus Gould, 1852 (Limax bitentaculatus Quoy & Gaimard, 1832) =Conophora Suter, 1913, =Janella Gray, 1850, =Neojanella Cockerell, 1891, =Vomanus Iredale, 1915, =Vomanus Iredale, 1915
bitentaculatus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1832) =rufovenosus Suter L.N.S. photo
maculosus Burton, 1963 L.S.
papillatus (Hutton, 1879) =papillata Hutton L.N.S. photo
suteri Burton, 1963 L.N.S.
Palliopodex Burton, 1963 (Athoracophorus verrucosus Simroth, 1889)
verrucosus (Simroth, 1889) =nigricans Simroth L.
Pseudaneitea Cockerell, 1891 (Janella papillata Hutton, 1879) =Amphiconophora Suter, 1909, =Amphikonophora Suter, 1897, =Athoracophorus (Amphikonophora) Suter, 1897, =Athoracophorus (Pseudaneitea) Cockerell, 1891, =Reflectopallium Burton, 1963
aspera Burton, 1963 L.S.
campbellensis Burton, 1963 L.
delli (Burton, 1963) L.S.
dendyi (Suter, 1897) L.S.
gigantea Suter, 1909 =giganteus Suter L.S.
grana Burton, 1983 L.S.
gravisulca Burton, 1963 L.S.
huttoni (Suter, 1909) L.
johnsi Burton, 1963 L.S.
leva Burton, 1977 L.S.
maculata Burton, 1963 L.S.
marmorata (Simroth, 1889) =marmoratus Simroth, =martensi Suter L.
multistriata Burton, 1963 L.S.
nodosa Burton, 1977 L.S.
pallida Climo, 1973 L.
powelli Burton, 1963 L.S.
pseudophyllum Burton, 1963 =papillatum Burton L.S.
ramsayi Climo, 1973 L.
schauinslandi (Plate, 1897) L.S.
simrothi (Suter, 1896) L.S.
sorenseni Powell, 1955 L.
Succinea Draparnaud, 1801 (Helix putris Linnaeus, 1758) =Austrosuccinea Iredale, 1937
archeyi Powell, 1933 L.N. photo
[unassigned] Helicina
Punctoidea Morse, 1864
CHAROPIDAE Hutton, 1884
Aeschrodomus Pilsbry, 1892 (Helix stipulata Reeve, 1852) =Thera Hutton, 1883
stipulata (Reeve, 1852) =alpha L. Pfeiffer L.N.S. photo
Cavellia Iredale, 1915 (Helix biconcava L. Pfeiffer, 1853)
anguicula (Reeve, 1852) =anguiculus Reeve L.N. photo
biconcava (L. Pfeiffer, 1853) =infecta of authors L.N.S. photo
brouni (Suter, 1891) =eremita Suter L.N.S. photo
buccinella (Reeve, 1852) =alpestris Suter, =gamma L. Pfeiffer, =sylvia Hutton L.N.S. photo
colensoi (Suter, 1890) =minor Suter L.N.S. photo
delli (Climo, 1969) L. photo
irregularis (Suter, 1890) =variecostata Suter L.N.S. photo
marstoni (Climo, 1969) L.S. photo
marsupialis (Powell, 1941) L.S. photo
mutabilis (Suter, 1891) L.S. photo
reeftonensis (Suter, 1892) L.S. photo
roseveari (Suter, 1896) L.N. photo
serpentinula (Suter, 1891) L.N.S. photo
sterkiana (Suter, 1891) =major Suter, =otagoensis Suter L.S. photo
subinfecta (Suter, 1899) L.S. photo
sylvia (Hutton, 1883) =mutabilis Suter L.S. photo
tapirina (Hutton, 1883) L.S. photo
Cavellioropa Dell, 1952 (Diplomphalus subantialba Suter, 1890) =Geminoropa (Cavellioropa) Dell, 1952
cookiana (Dell, 1952) L.N.S. photo
huttoni (Suter, 1890) L.N. photo
microrhina (Suter, 1909) L.N.S. photo
moussoni (Suter, 1890) =oconnori Dell, =spelaea Powell L.N.S. photo
subantialba (Suter, 1909) L.N.S. photo
Charopa Albers, 1860 (Zonites coma Gray, 1843) =Endodonta (Charopa) Albers, 1860, =Helix (Charopa) Martens, 1860, =Patula (Charopa) E. von Martens, 1860, =Simplicaria Mousson, 1890
bianca (Hutton, 1883) L.N.S. photo
coma (Gray, 1843) =globosa Suter, =multicostata R. Murdoch L.N.S. photo
longstaffae Suter, 1913 L.S. photo
macgillivrayana Iredale, 1913 L.
montivaga Suter, 1894 L.N.S. photo
pseudocoma Suter, 1894 L.S. photo
Chaureopa Climo, 1985 (C. depressa Climo, 1985)
depressa Climo, 1985 L.N. photo
hazelwoodi Climo, 1985 L.N. photo
microumbilicata Climo, 1985 L.N. photo
mossi (R. Murdoch, 1897) L.N.S. photo
planulata (Hutton, 1883) L.N.
roscoei Climo, 1985 L.N. photo
rustica (Suter, 1894) =rusticus Suter L.N. photo
subdepressa Climo, 1985 L.N. photo
titirangiensis (Suter, 1896) =ochra Webster L.N. photo
Climocella Goulstone, 1996 (Patula maculata Suter, 1890)
akarana Goulstone, 1996 L.N. photo
barkeri Goulstone, 1997 L.N. photo
cavelliaformis Goulstone, 1996 L.N. photo
haurakiensis Goulstone, 1996 L.N. photo
hukutaia Goulstone & Mayhill, 1998 L.N. photo
intermedia Goulstone, 1997 L.N. photo
isolata Goulstone, 1997 L.N. photo
kaitaka Goulstone, 1996 L.N. photo
kenepuruensis (Suter, 1909) =eta of authors L.S. photo
maculata (Suter, 1890) =eta of authors L.N.S. photo
manawatawhia (Powell, 1935) L.N. photo
mayhillae Goulstone, 1997 L.N. photo
prestoni (Sykes, 1895) L.N.S. photo
puhore Goulstone & Mayhill, 1998 L.N. photo
pukanui Goulstone & Brook, 1999 L. photo
rata Goulstone, 1996 L.N. photo
reinga Goulstone, 1997 L.N. photo
runga Goulstone, 1997 L.N. photo
segregata (Suter, 1894) L.N. photo
triticum Goulstone & Mayhill, 1998 L.N.S. photo
waenga Goulstone, 1997 L.N. photo
pilsbryi (Suter, 1894) =arboricola Iredale, =parva Suter L.N.S. photo
Discocharopa Iredale, 1913 (Charopa exquisita Iredale, 1913) =Charopa (Discocharopa) Iredale, 1913
aperta (Möllendorff, 1888) =concinna Hedley, =exquisita Iredale, =microdiscus van Benthem Jutting, =planorbulina Tate L. photo
Egestula Iredale, 1915 (Helix egesta Gray, 1850) =Charopa (Egestula) Iredale, 1915
bicolor (Climo, 1973) L. photo
egesta (Gray, 1850) L.N. photo
gaza (Suter, 1909) L. photo
microgaza (Climo, 1973) L. photo
pandora Gardner, 1967 L.N. photo
Fectola Iredale, 1915 (Helix infecta Reeve, 1852)
charopiformis (Gardner, 1967) L.N. photo
infecta (Reeve, 1852) =timandra Hutton, =zeta L. Pfeiffer L.N. photo
jamiesoni Climo, 1978 L.S. photo
jessica (Hutton, 1883) L.S. photo
melchior Goulstone & Brook, 1999 L. photo
mira (Webster, 1908) L.N. photo
paytoni (Climo, 1970) L.S. photo
tau (L. Pfeiffer, 1861) =trilamellata Climo L.N.S. photo
unidentata Climo, 1978 L.N. photo
varicosa Reeve, 1852 =iredalia Webster L.S. photo
Geminoropa Kershaw, 1955 (Helix antialba Petterd, 1879) =Geminoropa Iredale, 1933
vortex (R. Murdoch, 1897) L.N.S. photo
Gerontia Hutton, 1883 (G. pantherina Hutton, 1882)
pantherina Hutton, 1882 L.S. photo
Kermodon Iredale, 1945 (Ptychodon royanus Iredale, 1913)
royanum (Iredale, 1913) =royanus Iredale L.
Mocella Iredale, 1915 (Helix corniculum Reeve, 1852) =Charopa (Mocella) Iredale, 1915
elliottae (Climo, 1969) L.S.Sf. photo
eta (L. Pfeiffer, 1853) =cogitata Iredale, =corniculum Reeve, =caputspinulae of authors L.N.S. photo
minuta (Bandel, Gründel & Maxwell, 2000) L.S. photo
rakiura (Powell, 1939) L.S. photo
spelaea (Climo, 1971) =spelaeus Climo L.S.Sf. photo
Paracharopa Climo, 1983 (Endodonta chrysaugeia Webster, 1904)
chrysaugeia (Webster, 1904) L.N.S. photo
delicatula Climo, 1983 L.N. photo
fuscosa (Suter, 1894) L.N. photo
goulstonei Climo, 1983 L.N. photo
rimu Climo, 1985 L.S. photo
Phenacharopa Pilsbry, 1853 (Pupa novoseelandica L. Pfeiffer, 1853) =Endodonta (Phenacharopa) Pilsbry, 1893, =Tesseraria O. Boettger, 1881 (Not Haeckel, 1880)
novoseelandica (Küster, 1852) L.N. photo
pseudanguicula (Iredale, 1913) L.N.S. photo
Pseudegestula Dell, 1954 (Endodonta transenna Suter, 1904) =Charopa (Pseudegestula) Dell, 1954
brookesi (Dell, 1954) L.S. photo
transenna (Suter, 1904) L.N. photo
worleyi (Powell, 1928) L.S. photo
Pulchridomus Climo, 1980 (Helix barbatula Reeve, 1852)
barbatula (Reeve, 1852) =beta L. Pfeiffer L.N.S. photo
Suteria Pilsbry, 1892 (Helix ide Gray, 1850) =Gerontia (Suteria) Pilsbry, 1892, =Patulopsis Suter, 1892
ide (Gray, 1850) L.N.S. photo
raricostata Cumber, 1962 L.N. photo
Therasiella Powell, 1948 (Nanina celinde Gray, 1850)
celinde (Gray, 1850) =fatua L. Pfeiffer L.N. photo
elevata Cumber, 1967 L.N. photo
neozelanica Cumber, 1967 L.N.S. photo
pectinifera (Powell, 1935) L. photo
serrata Cumber, 1967 L.N. photo
tamora (Hutton, 1883) L.N. photo
Calymna Hutton, 1883 (Amphidoxa costulata Hutton, 1882) =Flammocharopa Climo, 1970
accelerata (Climo, 1970) L.N. photo
costulata (Hutton, 1883) L.N. photo
montana (Suter, 1891) L.S. photo
Flammoconcha Dell, 1952 (Helicarion cumberi Powell, 1941)
compressivoluta (Reeve, 1852) =omega L. Pfeiffer L.N. photo
cumberi (Powell, 1941) L.S. photo
stewartensis Dell, 1952 L. photo
Flammulina Martens, 1873 (Vitrina zebra Le Guillou, 1842) =Amphidoxa (Calymna) Hutton, 1883, =Flammulina (Calymna) Hutton, 1883
albozonata Gardner, 1969 L.N. photo
chiron (Gray, 1850) L.N. photo
cornea (Hutton, 1882) L.N. photo
crebriflammea (Reeve, 1852) =crebriflammis L. Pfeiffer L.N.S. photo
feredayi (Suter, 1891) L.N.S. photo
feredayi glacialis (Suter, 1891) L.S. photo
jacquenetta (Hutton, 1883) L.S. photo
lateaperta Dell, 1955 L.S. photo
olivacea (Suter, 1892) L.N. photo
perdita (Hutton, 1883) L.N.S. photo
tepakiensis Gardner, 1977 L.N. photo
zebra (Le Guillou, 1842) =flammigera L. Pfeiffer, =multilimbata Hombron & Jacquinot, =phlogophora L. Pfeiffer L.N.S. photo
Montaropa Climo, 1984 (M. macsweeneyi Climo, 1984)
macsweeneyi Climo, 1984 L.S. photo
Protoflammulina Climo, 1971 (P. johnsi Climo, 1971)
johnsi Climo, 1971 L. photo
Maoriconcha Dell, 1952 (Helicarion oconnori Powell, 1941) =Otoconcha (Maoriconcha) Dell, 1952
fiordlandica Dell, 1952 L.S. photo
oconnori (Powell, 1941) L.S. photo
roscoei (Climo, 1971) L.N. photo
Otoconcha Hutton, 1883 (Vitrina dimidiata L. Pfeiffer, 1853)
dimidiata (L. Pfeiffer, 1853) L.N.S. photo
Allodiscus Pilsbry, 1892 (Helix venulatus L. Pfeiffer, 1857) =Flammulina (Allodiscus) Pilsbry, 1892, =Gerontia (Allodiscus) Pilsbry, 1892, =Psyra Hutton, 1883
absidatus Marshall & Barker, 2008 L.S. photo
adriana (Hutton, 1883) =smithi Suter L.S. photo
aurora Marshall & Barker, 2008 L.S. photo
austrodimorphus Dell, 1955 L.S. photo
basiliratus Gardner, 1967 L.N. photo
brooki Marshall & Barker, 2008 L.N. photo
camelinus Marshall & Barker, 2008 L.N. photo
cassandra (Hutton, 1883) L. photo
chion (Sykes, 1896) L.N.S. photo
climoi Marshall & Barker, 2008 L.S. photo
cooperi (Suter, 1907) L.N. photo
cryptobidens (Suter, 1891) L.S. photo
dimorphus (L. Pfeiffer, 1852) =dimorpha Reeve, =dimorpha L. Pfeiffer L.N. photo
ergodes Marshall & Barker, 2008 L.S. photo
erua Marshall & Barker, 2008 L.N. photo
fallax Powell, 1952 L.N. photo
godeti (Suter, 1891) L.S. photo
goulstonei Marshall & Barker, 2008 L.N. photo
hazelwoodi Marshall & Barker, 2008 L.N. photo
kakano Marshall & Barker, 2008 L.N.S. photo
laganus Marshall & Barker, 2008 L.S. photo
mahlfeldae Marshall & Barker, 2008 L.N. photo
mirificus Marshall & Barker, 2008 L.S. photo
morioria Marshall & Barker, 2008 L. photo
negiae Marshall & Barker, 2008 L.S. photo
nematophorus (Reeve, 1854) =conopeus Marshall & Barker, =nematophora Reeve, =nematophora L. Pfeiffer L.N. photo
occidaneus Marshall & Barker, 2008 L.S. photo
pallidus Marshall & Barker, 2008 L.N.S. photo
patulus Marshall & Barker, 2008 L.S. photo
pumilus Marshall & Barker, 2008 L.N. photo
punakaiki Marshall & Barker, 2008 L.S. photo
pygmaeus Marshall & Barker, 2008 L. photo
southlandicus Marshall & Barker, 2008 L.S.
spiritus Powell, 1952 L.N. photo
tataensis (Climo, 1971) L.S. photo
tawhiti Marshall & Barker, 2008 L.An. photo
tessellatus Powell, 1941 L.N.S. photo
tongariro Marshall & Barker, 2008 L.N. photo
tullia (Gray, 1850) L.N.S. photo
turbotti Powell, 1948 L. photo
undulatus Marshall & Barker, 2008 L.S. photo
urquharti Suter, 1894 =alloia Webster L.N. photo
venulatus (L. Pfeiffer, 1857) =venulata L. Pfeiffer L.N. photo
wairarapa Marshall & Barker, 2008 L.N. photo
wairoaensis Suter, 1894 L.S. photo
wairua Marshall & Barker, 2008 L.N. photo
waitomo Marshall & Barker, 2008 L.N. photo
waitutu Marshall & Barker, 2008 L.S. photo
worthyi Marshall & Barker, 2008 L.S. photo
yaldwyni Marshall & Barker, 2008 L. photo
Canallodiscus Marshall & Barker, 2008 (Phelussa elliottae Gardner, 1968)
elliottae (Gardner, 1968) L.S. photo
fectoloides (Dell, 1955) L.S. photo
karamea Marshall & Barker, 2008 L.S. photo
Costallodiscus Marshall & Barker, 2008 (C. kaikoura Marshall & Barker, 2008)
kaikoura Marshall & Barker, 2008 L.S. photo
parrishi Marshall & Barker, 2008 L.N. photo
pegasus Marshall & Barker, 2008 L. photo
Granallodiscus Marshall & Barker, 2008 (G. mayhillae Marshall & Barker, 2008)
abaxoides Marshall & Barker, 2008 L.N.S. photo
granum (L. Pfeiffer, 1857) =miranda Hutton L.N.S. photo
mayhillae Marshall & Barker, 2008 L.N.S. photo
Hirsutodiscus Climo, 1971 (Allodiscus (H.) rakiura Climo, 1971) =Allodiscus (Hirsutodiscus) Climo, 1971
rakiura (Climo, 1971) L. photo
Neophenacohelix Cumber, 1961 (Phenacohelix (N.) giveni Cumber, 1961) =Flammulina (Neophenacohelix) Cumber, 1961, =Phenacohelix (Neophenacohelix) Cumber, 1961
giveni Cumber, 1961 =collyrula Reeve, =kappa L. Pfeiffer L.N. photo
perplexa (R. Murdoch, 1897) L.N. photo
tholoides (Suter, 1907) L.N. photo
ziczac (Gould, 1846) =portia Gray, =ziczag of authors L.N. photo
Phenacohelix Suter, 1892 (Flammulina ponsonbyi Suter, 1897) =Flammulina (Phenacohelix) Suter, 1892
aurea Goulstone, 2001 L.N. photo
brooki Goulstone, 2001 L.N. photo
hakarimata Goulstone, 2001 L.N. photo
mahlfeldae Goulstone, 2001 L.S. photo
pilula (Reeve, 1852) =chordata L. Pfeiffer, =iota L. Pfeiffer, =leptalea Suter, =unicolor Suter L.N.S. photo
ponsonbyi (Suter, 1897) L.N. photo
Pseudallodiscus Climo, 1971 (P. ponderi Climo, 1971)
ponderi Climo, 1971 L.N. photo
Ranfurlya Suter, 1903 (R. constanceae Suter, 1903)
constanceae Suter, 1903 L. photo
Alsolemia Climo, 1981 (Endodonta monoplax Suter, 1913) =Ptychodon (Solemia) Climo, 1978, =Solemia Climo, 1978
cresswelli (Climo, 1978) L.S. photo
monoplax (Suter, 1913) =delicatula Climo, =hiarara Dell, =takahea Dell L.S. photo
Damonita Climo, 1981 (D. geminoropiformis Climo, 1981)
geminoropiformis Climo, 1981 L.S. photo
Huonodon Iredale, 1945 (Ptychodon pseutes Iredale, 1913) =Mylesia Climo, 1978
aorangi (Suter, 1890) L.N.S. photo
gadus (Dell, 1954) =obscurus Dell L.S. photo
hectori (Suter, 1890) =amandus Iredale, =fiordlandica Dell, =hunuaensis Suter, =magdalenae Ancey, =pseutes Iredale L.N.S. photo
microundulatum (Suter, 1890) =aorangi Suter, =microundulata Suter L.N.S. photo
pseudoleiodon (Suter, 1890) =pseudoleioda Suter, =tullia Gray, =ureweraensis Suter L.N.S. photo
Loisthodon Climo, 1989 (Endodonta benhami Suter, 1909)
benhami (Suter, 1909) L. photo
Mitodon Climo, 1989 (Helix wairarapa Suter, 1890)
suteri (Murdoch & Finlay, 1923) L.S. photo
wairarapa (Suter, 1890) =chiltoni Suter, =minuta Suter L.N.S. photo
Ptychodon Ancey, 1888 (Strobila leiodon Hutton, 1882) =Charopa (Ptychodon) Ancey, 1888, =Endodonta (Ptychodon) Ancey, 1888, =Huttonella Suter, 1890, =Maoriana Suter, 1891
blacki Dell, 1955 L.S. photo
leiodon (Hutton, 1882) =leioda Hutton L.S. photo
protoleiodon Climo, 1978 L.S. photo
roscoei Climo, 1978 L.S. photo
Rotadiscus Pilsbry, 1926 (Helix hermanni L. Pfeiffer, 1866) =Ptychodon (Alsolemia) Climo, 1981, =Unilamellatus Weyrauch, 1965
insularis (Climo, 1978) L.S. photo
jamiesoni (Climo, 1978) L.S. photo
protoinsularis Climo, 1989 L.S. photo
smithae (Dell, 1954) L. photo
takakaensis (Climo, 1981) L.S. photo
Zelandiscus Climo, 1989 (Ptychodon (Solemia) elevata Climo, 1978)
elevatus (Climo, 1978) =elevata Climo L.S. photo
worthyi Climo, 1989 L.S. photo
Phacussa Hutton, 1883 (Zonites helmsi Hutton, 1882) =Flammulina (Phacussa) Hutton, 1883, =Phelussa Iredale, 1915
fulminata (Hutton, 1882) =cassandra Hutton L. photo
fulminata costata Suter, 1899 L.S. photo
helmsi (Hutton, 1882) =helmsii Hutton, =maculata Hutton L.S. photo
henryi (Suter, 1899) L.S. photo
hypopolea (Reeve, 1852) =hypopolia L. Pfeiffer L.S. photo
lucetta (Hutton, 1884) =stokesi E.A. Smith L.N.S. photo
oconnori (Powell, 1941) L.S. photo
prousei (Powell, 1952) L.S. photo
stewartensis (David, 1934) L.S. photo
Serpho Hutton, 1904 (Nanina kivi Gray, 1843) =Carthaea Hutton, 1883
kivi (Gray, 1843) =irradiata Gould, =radiaria L. Pfeiffer L.N. photo
matthewsi Suter, 1909 L.N. photo
Thalassohelix Pilsbry, 1892 (Helix zelandiae Gray, 1843) =Flammulina (Thalassohelix) Pilsbry, 1892, =Gerontia (Thalassohelix) Pilsbry, 1892
antipoda (Hombron & Jacquinot, 1841) =aucklandica Le Guillou L.
chathamensis (Suter, 1909) L. photo
igniflua (Reeve, 1852) =lambda L. Pfeiffer L.S. photo
laingi (Suter, 1905) L.S. photo
zelandiae (Gray, 1843) =neozelanica Hutton L.N.S. photo
Therasia Hutton, 1883 (T. thaisa Hutton, 1883)
decidua (L. Pfeiffer, 1857) L.N.S.
ophelia (L. Pfeiffer, 1855) L.N.S.
propinqua (Hutton, 1882) L.N.S.
thaisa Hutton, 1883 L.S. photo
traversi (E.A. Smith, 1884) =A. E.A. Smith, =pallidula Suter L.N.S. photo
valeria Hutton, 1883 L.S. photo
Thermia Hutton, 1904 (Pyrrha cressida (Hutton, 1883)) =Flammulina (Pyrrha) Hutton, 1883, =Pyrrha Hutton, 1883
cressida (Hutton, 1883) L.S. photo
subincarnata (Suter, 1894) L.N. photo
virescens (Suter, 1899) L.S. photo
Lucilla R.T. Lowe, 1852 (Helix scintilla R.T. Lowe, 1852) =Hebetodiscus H.B. Baker, 1929, =Hydrophrea Climo, 1974
singleyana (Pilsbry, 1889) =academia Climo, =laeviuscula Sterki, =singleyanus Pilsbry, =texana Sterki L.N.S. photo
Kokikora Climo & Goulstone, 1995 (K. angulata Climo & Goulstone, 1995)
angulata Climo & Goulstone, 1995 ='Paralaoma' n.sp. 38 , =Punctid n.sp. 38 L.N.S. photo
mimiwhangata Climo & Goulstone, 1995 L.N. photo
Kokopapa Climo & Mahlfeld, 2011 (K. unispathulata Climo & Mahlfeld, 2011)
bispathulata Climo & Mahlfeld, 2011 =Punctid sp. 52 , =regularis of authors not Pfeiffer L.S.
matarua Climo & Mahlfeld, 2011 =Punctid sp. 54 L.S. photo
milleneri Climo & Mahlfeld, 2011 =Punctid sp. 53 L.S. photo
mokihinui Climo & Mahlfeld, 2011 =Punctid sp. 55 L.S. photo
rapahoe Climo & Mahlfeld, 2011 L.S. photo
unispathulata Climo & Mahlfeld, 2011 =Punctid n.sp. 50 L.N.S. photo
Laoma Gray, 1850 (Bulimus leimonias Gray, 1850) =Bulimus (Laoma) Gray, 1850
ciliata Suter, 1894 L.N. photo
labyrinthica Powell, 1948 L. photo
leimonias (Gray, 1850) L.N. photo
mariae (Gray, 1843) =conella L. Pfeiffer, =umbraculum L. Pfeiffer L.N. photo
mariae aupouria Cumber, 1967 L.N. photo
marina (Hutton, 1883) L.N.S. photo
minuta Climo, 1971 L.N. photo
nerissa (Hutton, 1883) L.N.S. photo
ordishi Climo, 2019 =Punctidae sp. 144 L.N. photo
Laomarex Powell, 1948 (L. sericea Powell, 1948)
minuta (Gardner, 1967) L.N. photo
regia (Gardner, 1968) L. photo
sericea Powell, 1948 L. photo
Obanella Dell, 1952 (Egestula spectabilis Powell, 1928)
allanae Dell, 1952 L.S. photo
rimutaka Dell, 1952 L.N. photo
spectabilis (Powell, 1928) L.N.S. photo
Paralaoma Iredale, 1913 (P. raoulensis Iredale, 1913) =Fectola (Subfectola) Powell, 1939, =Pleuropunctum Germain, 1928, =Punctum (Toltecia) Pilsbry, 1926, =Subfectola Powell, 1939, =Toltecia Pilsbry, 1926
allochroida (Suter, 1890) L.N.S. photo
ambigua Iredale, 1913 L.
buddlei Powell, 1951 L. photo
lateumbilicata (Suter, 1890) L.N.S. photo
manawatawhia Goulstone & Brook, 1999 L. photo
miserabilis (Iredale, 1913) L.K.N. photo
pagoda Climo, 1973 L. photo
raki Goulstone & Brook, 1999 =lateumbilicata Powell, not Suter L. photo
raricostata (Suter, 1890) L.N.S. photo
regia Powell, 1948 L.
sericata (Suter, 1890) L.N.S. photo
serratocostata Webster, 1906 L.N.S. photo
servilis (Shuttleworth, 1852) =caputspinulae Reeve, =pumila Hutton, =raoulensis Iredale L.K.N.S. photo
thomsoni (Suter, 1917) L.S.Fo. photo
turbotti Powell, 1948 L.
Pasmaditta Kershaw & B.J. Smith, 1986 (Helix jungermanniae Petterd, 1879)
jungermanniae (Petterd, 1879) L.N.S.
Phrixgnathus Hutton, 1883 (P. marginatus Hutton, 1882) =Laoma (Phrixgnathus) Hutton, 1882
acanthinulopsis Suter, 1891 L.S. photo
alfredi (Suter, 1909) L.N. photo
ariel Hutton, 1883 L.N.S. photo
blacki Powell, 1951 L. photo
brunneus Climo & Goulstone, 1993 L.N. photo
celia Hutton, 1883 =alboviridis Suter, =fatua sensu Hutton, =liratula Suter, =pygmaea Suter L.N.S. photo
cheesemani Suter, 1894 L.N. photo
clathratus (Gardner, 1972) =clathrata Gardner L.N. photo
cognatus (Suter, 1909) =cognata Suter L. photo
compressus (Suter, 1909) =compressa Suter L.N.
conella (L. Pfeiffer, 1861) L.N. photo
douglasi Climo & Goulstone, 1993 =francesci Webster L.N. photo
erigone (Gray, 1850) =heldiana L. Pfeiffer L.N. photo
fatuus (L. Pfeiffer, 1857) L.N.
filicostus (Suter, 1907) =filicosta Suter L.N. photo
flemingi Dell, 1950 L. photo
flemingi stewartensis Dell, 1954 =major Suter L. photo
forsteri Dell, 1952 L.S. photo
fulguratus (Suter, 1909) =fulgurata Suter L.N. photo
glabriusculus (Reeve, 1852) =glabriuscula L. Pfeiffer, =glabriuscula Reeve L.N.S. photo
gracilis (Suter, 1913) L.S. photo
haasti Hutton, 1883 L.S. photo
hamiltoni (Suter, 1896) L. photo
laqueus Dell, 1950 L. photo
larochei (Powell, 1928) L.N. photo
levis (Suter, 1913) L.N. photo
liratulus (Suter, 1909) L.S. photo
lucidus (Suter, 1896) =lucida Suter L.N. photo
marginatus Hutton, 1882 L.S. photo
microreticulatus (Suter, 1890) =microreticulata Suter L.N.S. photo
moellendorffi (Suter, 1896) L.N. photo
murdochi Suter, 1894 L.N. photo
paralaomiformis (Climo, 1971) L.N. photo
phrynia Hutton, 1883 =oconnori Powell L.N.S. photo
pirongiaensis (Suter, 1894) L.N. photo
poecilosticta (L. Pfeiffer, 1853) =conicula Suter L.N. photo
powelli (Climo, 1971) L.N. photo
rakiura Dell, 1954 L.S. photo
rakiura solanderi Dell, 1954 L.S. photo
ruforadiatus (Gardner, 1972) =ruforadiata Gardner L.N. photo
sciadium (L. Pfeiffer, 1857) L.N. photo
sorenseni (Powell, 1955) L. photo
spiralis (Suter, 1896) L.S. photo
subariel Powell, 1948 L. photo
sublucidus (Suter, 1896) =sublucida Suter L.N. photo
titania Hutton, 1883 L.S.R.Fo. photo
trailli (Suter, 1909) L.N. photo
transitans Suter, 1892 L.N. photo
viridulus (Suter, 1909) =viridula Suter L.N.S. photo
viridulus caswelli Dell, 1955 L.S. photo
waipoua (Gardner, 1969) L.N. photo
Taguahelix Powell, 1955 (Thermia expeditionis Suter, 1909) =Laoma (Taguahelix) Powell, 1955, =Phrixgnathus (Taguahelix) Powell, 1955
antipodensis (Powell, 1955) L. photo
campbellica (Filhol, 1880) =expeditionis Suter L.
crispata Climo & Goulstone, 1993 =(Punctid n.sp. 17) L.N. photo
delicatula (Powell, 1955) =delicatulus Powell L. photo
elaiodes (Webster, 1904) L.N. photo
francesci (Webster, 1904) ='Paralaoma' n.sp.aff. 33 , =Punctid n.sp. 7 L.N. photo
hirsuta (Powell, 1955) =hirsutus Powell L. photo
subantarctica (Suter, 1909) L.S. photo
Testacelloidea Gray, 1840
Testacella Cuvier, 1800 (T. haliotidea Draparnaud, 1801) =Testacella (Testacella) Lamarck, 1801 accepted, alternate representation, =Testacella (Testacelloides) A. J. Wagner, 1914 accepted, alternate representation, =Testacellus Montfort, 1810
haliotidea Draparnaud, 1801 =anomala Torres Minquez, =barcinonensis Pollonera, =dubia Pollonera, =esserana Fagot, =europaea de Roissy, =galliae Oken, =subtrigona Pollonera L.N. photo
maugei Férussac, 1819 =haliotoides Lamarck, =vagans Hutton L.N.
Key to Geographical Ranges
NZ Map showing Geographical Ranges
The symbols K.A.C.F.M.An. are used to indicate the geographical range of the species. They have been adopted to give an approximation of the range of each species within New Zealand.
Kermadec Islands
Aupourian - Kaipara Harbour, north around North Cape, encompassing the Three Kings Islands and south to East Cape
Cookian - Lower North Island and the northern part of the South Island
Forsterian - Otago, Fiordland and Stewart Island
Moriorian - Chatham Islands, Pitt Island
Antipodean - Subantarctic Islands of New Zealand
Fw =
L =
N =
North Island
S =
South Island
R =
Sf =
Fo =