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Species List for Family: Pectinidae
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Mollusca (Phylum) > Bivalvia (Class) > Pteriomorphia (Subclass) > Pectinida (Order) > Pectinoidea (Superfamily) > Pectinidae (Family)
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  • Family: Pectinidae

  • Ciclopecten fluctuatus (Bavay, 1905)
    Height 5.45mm
    Marine, Native - Non-endemic
    Andaman Sea, Indonesia, Vanuatu, Loyalty Islands, and Kermadec Ridge, 225-566 metres
  • Delectopecten fosterianus (Powell, 1933)
    Height 19mm, Width 18mm
    Marine, Native - Non-endemic
    West Norfolk Ridge, Three Kings Rise, E of North Cape, Kermadec Ridge, western and south-eastern North Island, north-eastern and western South Island, Challenger Plateau, Auckland Islands and Chatham Rise. Trawled from approx. 350-1550 metres
  • Hyalopecten hadalis (Knudsen, 1970)
    Height 13.2mm
    Marine, Native - Non-endemic
    Off Lord Howe Island, Kermadec Trench and Hikurangi Trench, from approx. 1800-6700 metres
  • Sinepecten segonzaci Schein, 2006
    Marine, Native - Non-endemic
    Kermadec Ridge
  • Mesopeplum convexum (Quoy & Gaimard, 1835)
    Width 55mm, Height 50mm
    Marine, Native - Endemic
    Middlesex and King Banks, Three Kings Islands, off Cape Reinga, north-eastern and south-western North Island, northern and southern South Island, Stewart, Snares and Chatham Islands and Mernoo Bank. Dredged to over 250 metes
  • Pseudamussium challengeri (E.A. Smith, 1891)
    Height 8.1mm
    Marine, Native - Non-endemic
    Northern North Island and Challenger Plateau, 570-1029 metres. Also South eastern Australia, Tasman Sea
  • Annachlamys iredalei (Powell, 1958)
    Marine, Native - Non-endemic
    Coral Sea, New Caledonia, Lord Howe Island, Norfolk Island, and Kermadec Islands, 15-183 metres
  • Pecten novaezelandiae Reeve, 1852
    Width 175mm, Height 150mm
    Queen Scallop, Marine, Native - Endemic
    King Bank, Three Kings Islands, North Island, northern and southern South Island, Stewart and Chatham Islands, and Mernoo Bank
  • Pecten raoulensis Powell, 1958
    Marine, Native - Endemic
    Raoul and Curtis Islands, Kermadec Islands, from approx. 30-150 metres
  • Austrochlamys natans walosseki Jonkers, 2003
    Height 108mm
    Marine, Native - Non-endemic
    South-eastern South America and off Auckland Islands, southern New Zealand, 125-960 metres
  • Cryptopecten bullatus (Dautzenberg & Bavay, 1912)
    Height 30mm
    Marine, Native - Non-endemic
    SW Indian Ocean, SE Africa, Japan, E China Sea, Philippines, Indonesia, E Australia, New Caledonia, Vanuatu, Hawaiian Islands, Lord Howe Island, Norfolk Ridge, and Kermadec Islands, 64-608 metres
  • Mimachlamys sanguinea (Linnaeus, 1758)
    Red Sea, Indo-West Pacific, Norfolk Island, and Kermadec Islands, NZ Far North
  • Pascahinnites coruscans (Hinds, 1845)
    Height 21mm
    Marine, Native - Non-endemic
    Tropical and subtropical Indo-West Pacific, Kermadec Islands, 0-50 metres
  • Scaeochlamys livida (Lamarck, 1819)
    Height 70mm
    Marine, Non-indigenous
    Australia. Occasional records from northern NZ
  • Talochlamys dichroa (Suter, 1909)
    Height 48mm, Width 46mm
    Marine, Native - Endemic
    Wanganella, Middlesex and King Banks, Three Kings Islands, off Cape Reinga, Ranfurly Bank, eastern South Island, Stewart, Snares, Campbell and Chatham Islands and Mernoo Bank. In cod stomachs and trawled around 50-800 metres
  • Talochlamys gemmulata (Reeve, 1853)
    Height 73mm, Width 68mm
    Marine, Native - Endemic
    King Bank, Three Kings, North, South, Stewart, Snares and Chatham Islands, and Mernoo Bank. Trawled around 20-300 metres
  • Talochlamys zelandiae (Gray, 1843)
    Height 58mm, Width 55mm
    Fan Shell, Marine, Native - Endemic
    Three Kings, North, South, Stewart, Snares, Auckland and Chatham Islands, and Mernoo Bank. From low tide under rocks to over 500 metres. Often encased in sponge
  • Veprichlamys kiwaensis Powell, 1933
    Height 30mm, Width 27mm
    Marine, Native - Non-endemic
    Southern New Caledonia, and NZ. Wanganella Bank, Three Kings, North, South, Auckland and Campbell Islands and Chatham Rise, 263-1130 metres
  • Zygochlamys delicatula (Hutton, 1873)
    Width 60mm, Height 60mm
    Marine, Native - Non-endemic
    Three Kings Islands (old shells), Cook Strait, eastern South Island, Stewart, Snares, Auckland, Campbell, Antipodes and Bounty Islands, Pukaki Rise, Chatham Rise and Macquarie Island
Key to Geographical Ranges
NZ Map showing Geographical Ranges
The symbols K.A.C.F.M.An. are used to indicate the geographical range of the species. They have been adopted to give an approximation of the range of each species within New Zealand.
Kermadec Islands
Aupourian - Kaipara Harbour, north around North Cape, encompassing the Three Kings Islands and south to East Cape
Cookian - Lower North Island and the northern part of the South Island
Forsterian - Otago, Fiordland and Stewart Island
Moriorian - Chatham Islands, Pitt Island
Antipodean - Subantarctic Islands of New Zealand
Fw =
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North Island
S =
South Island
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