Phenacohelix aurea Goulstone, 2001 Land, Endemic North Island. Kaitaia to West Auckland and down the west coast to south of Waikato Heads L.N.E. |
Phenacohelix brooki Goulstone, 2001 Land, Endemic North Island, Northland east coast from Doubtless Bay to Bay of Islands L.N.E. |
Phenacohelix mahlfeldae Goulstone, 2001 Land, Endemic South Otago, Southland and Stewart Island L.S.E. |
Phenacohelix pilula (Reeve, 1852) Width 4.5mm, Height 3.5mm Land, Endemic North and South Island L.N.S.E. |
Phenacohelix ponsonbyi (Suter, 1897) Width 6mm, Height 4mm Land, Endemic North Island. Auckland to East Cape and Wanganui L.N.E. |