Asthenothaerus maxwelli B.A. Marshall, 2002 Length 46mm Marine, Native - Endemic North, South, Stewart, Auckland, Antipodes and Chatham Islands, 0-293 metres ACFMAn |
Barythaerus biconvexus (Powell, 1927) Width 2.9mm, Height 2mm Marine, Native - Endemic Southern South Island and Stewart Island. From approx. 20-180 metres F |
Barythaerus cuneatus (Powell, 1937) Width 5.5mm, Height 3.7mm Marine, Native - Endemic Middlesex and King Banks, Three Kings Islands and off Cape Reinga. From approx. 50-800 metres A |
Parvithracia ampla B.A. Marshall, 2002 Width 3mm, Height 2.5mm Marine, Native - Endemic Off Three Kings Islands, North, South Islands and Chatham Rise. Trawled around 35-1000 metres ACFM |
Parvithracia fragilissima B.A. Marshall, 2002 Length 7.9mm Marine, Native - Endemic Challenger Plateau and south-eastern South Island. Approx. 420-1390 metres CF |
Parvithracia melchior B.A. Marshall, 2002 Length 11.5mm Marine, Native - Non-endemic Middlesex Bank, Three Kings Islands and off Cape Reinga. Approx 90-800 metres. Also off Norfolk Island A |
Parvithracia suteri (Finlay, 1927) Width 5mm, Height 4.8mm Marine, Native - Endemic North, South, Stewart and Auckland Islands and Chatham Rise. Trawled in around 140-475 metres ACF |
Thracia meridionalis E.A. Smith, 1885 Marine, Native - Non-endemic Curcum-Antarctic, South-eastern South Island F |
Thracia vegrandis Marshall & Murdoch, 1919 Width 25mm, Height 17mm Marine, Recent, Fossil, Native - Endemic North, South, Auckland, Campbell, Antipodes and Chatham Islands. Dredged from around 10 to over 50 metres ACFMAnR.Fo. |
Thracia vitrea (Hutton, 1873) Width 25mm, Height 17mm Marine, Native - Endemic North-eastern and south-western North Island, northern and eastern South Island, and Stewart Island. Dredged around 15-140 metres ACF |
Trigonothracia mimica B.A. Marshall, 2002 Width 4mm, Height 4mm Marine, Native - Endemic Northern North Island, southern South Island and Chatham Islands ACFM |