Crassula aequilatera (Deshayes, 1854) Width 75mm, Height 55mm Diamond Surf Clam, Triangle Shell, Marine, Endemic North, South and Stewart Island. In shallow water off sandy beaches ACFE. |
Cyclomactra ovata (Gray, 1843) Width 80mm, Height 62mm Marine, Endemic North, South and Chatham Islands. Buried deeply in soft mud ACFME. |
Cyclomactra tristis (Reeve, 1854) Width 60mm, Height 55mm Marine, Endemic, Buried in mud at low tide North and South Islands ACFE. |
Mactra ordinaria E.A. Smith, 1898 Width 19mm, Height 12mm Marine, Endemic, Sculpture of very fine and dense concentric lirations, slightly stronger at the sides. Distinguished from juvenile discors by the lack of a posterior ridge North Island and northern half of South Island. In mud in shallow water ACE. |
Oxyperas elongatum (Quoy & Gaimard, 1835) Length 111mm, Width 65mm Long Trough Shell, Marine, Endemic North, South, Stewart and Chatham Islands. Shallow water to over 120 metres ACFME. |
Scalpomactra scalpellum (Reeve, 1854) Length 34mm, Height 20mm Marine, Endemic North, South, Stewart and Chatham Islands ACFE. |
Spisula discors Gray, 1873 Width 90mm, Height 80mm, Thickness 45mm Large Trough Shell, Marine, Endemic, Darker, more inflated than Mactra murchisoni. Colour white under a dark brown periostracum North, South and Stewart Island ACFE. |
Spisula murchisoni Deshayes, 1854 Width 98mm, Height 80mm Marine, Endemic, Wider, less inflated than Mactra discors. More laterally ovate, inequilateral, has transverse plications on the lateral teeth, and the periostracum is always pale straw colour North, South and Stewart Island. On exposed sandy beaches ACFE. |