Adipicola osseocola (Dell, 1987) Length 24mm, Height 10mm Marine, Native - Endemic Chatham Rise and south-eastern South Island. On whale skulls, approx. 550-900 metres M |
Bathymodiolus manusensis Hashimoto & Furuta, 2007 Vent Mussel, Marine Kermadec Ridge, SSW of Tonga, Monowai Caldera, 1143 metres K |
Benthomodiolus lignocola Dell, 1987 Marine, Native - Endemic North Island and Chatham Rise. On bored logs ACM |
Gigantidas gladius B.A. Marshall, 2003 Length 316mm, Height 54mm Giant Vent Mussel, Marine, Native - Endemic Submarine volcanoes, Kermadec Ridge and south-eastern North Island, 216-755 metres K |
Gigantidas tangaroa (Cosel & Marshall, 2003) Length 200mm Marine, Native - Endemic South-eastern North Island, from active submarine volcanoes around 800-1200 metres. Off Cape Turnagain C |
Idas japonicus (Habe, 1976) Marine, Native - Non-endemic Southwest Pacific, benthic. Bay of Plenty, NZ |
Idas washingtonius (F.R. Bernard, 1978) Marine, Native - Non-endemic Southwest Pacific, benthic. North and South Islands and Chatham Rise ACM |
Terua arcuatilis (Dell, 1995) Length 30mm, Height 8mm Marine, Native - Endemic Challenger Plateau, Chatham Rise and N of Auckland Islands. On whale bone from approx. 350-1200 metres CMAn |
Vulcanidas insolatus B.A. Marshall, 2010 Length 178mm, Width 92mm Marine, Native - Endemic, Near active volcanic venting sites Kermadec Ridge. Macauley Caldera and Giggenback volcano, approx. 150-500 metres K |