Axymene aucklandicus (E.A. Smith, 1902) Height 13mm, Width 6.5mm Marine, Native - Endemic Cook Strait to Stewart Island. Snares, Bounty, Campbell and Auckland Islands CFAn |
Comptella costata B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2022 Marine, Native - Endemic Middlesex Bank and Three Kings Islands, 15-508 metres A |
Comptella cresswelli B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2022 Height 5.05mm, Width 2.45mm Marine, Recent, Fossil, Native - Endemic Late Pleistocene (Haweran) and Holocene. Southern South Island, Stewart, Snares, Auckland, Antipodes and Bounty Islands, 0-220 metres; taken alive at 26-80 metres from bryozoan/shell substrata FAnR.Fo. |
Comptella curta (R. Murdoch, 1905) Height 7mm, Width 3mm Marine, Native - Endemic South Island. Off Taiaroa Head, Otago, to Stewart Island. Snares, Campbell and Auckland Islands FAn |
Comptella kaikoura B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2022 Height 7.7mm Marine, Native - Endemic North-eastern South Island, living at 400 metres C |
Comptella munida B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2022 Marine, Native - Endemic Off south-eastern South Island, 150-343 metres (shells) F |
Comptella paulini B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2022 Height 5.60mm Marine, Native - Endemic Fiordland, south-western South Island, 13-415 metres (shells) F |
Comptella pygmaea B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2022 Height 4.10mm Marine, Native - Endemic South-western South Island, 13-415 metres (shells) F |
Enixotrophon carduelis (R.B. Watson, 1882) Height 40mm, Width 25mm Marine New South Wales, southern Lord Howe Rise, West Norfolk Ridge, Kermadec Ridge, and off north-eastern North Island, 320-1216 metres KAC |
Enixotrophon eos (B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2011) Height 45mm, Width 23mm Marine, Native - Endemic South-eastern North Island, south-eastern South Island and Chatham Rise, 1100-2130 metres CFM |
Enixotrophon eumorphus B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2011 Height 24.6mm Marine Macquarie Ridge, 460-470 metres An |
Enixotrophon hastulus (B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2011) Height 53.4mm Marine, Native - Endemic Chatham Rise, 1000-1010 metres M |
Enixotrophon latus (B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2011) Height 55mm, Width 32mm Marine Eastern Australia, Lord Howe Rise, Kermadec Ridge, Chatham Rise, and off North Island and north-eastern and western South Island, 384-1395 meters KACFM |
Enixotrophon macquariensis (Powell, 1957) Height 22mm, Width 10.5mm Marine, Native - Endemic Macquarie Ridge, 69-810 metres An |
Enixotrophon maxwelli (B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2011) Height 53mm, Width 22mm Marine, Native - Endemic West Norfolk Ridge, W of Cape Reinga, Challenger Plateau, off North and South Islands, Chatham Rise, Bounty Trough, 867-2677 metres CFM |
Enixotrophon obtusus (B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2011) Height 29mm Marine Fiji, West Norfolk Ridge, Southern Norfolk Ridge, Three Kings Rise, Kermadec Ridge, and off northern and eastern North Island, 741-1385 metres KAC |
Enixotrophon occiduus (B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2011) Height 26mm, Width 11mm Marine, Native - Endemic West Norfolk Ridge, 950-987 metres A |
Enixotrophon pumilus B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2022 Height 9.9mm Marine, Native - Endemic West Norfolk Ridge, W of Cape Reinga, 785-800 metres A |
Enixotrophon pygmaeus (B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2011) Height 13mm Marine Lord Howe Rise and Challenger Plateau, 1029-1186 metres C |
Enixotrophon tangaroa (B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2011) Height 37mm Marine, Native - Endemic North-eastern South Island and Chatham Rise, 880-2155 metres CM |
Enixotrophon venustus (B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2011) Height 55mm, Width 21mm Marine Tasmania, West Norfolk Ridge S of Norfolk Island, Kermadec Ridge, and off northern and eastern North Island, Hikurangi Trench and Chatham Rise, 850-1239 metres KACMAn |
Enixotrophon veronicae (Pastorino, 1999) Height 52mm, Width 22mm Marine Southern Chile, Strait of Magellan, South Georgia, Tasmania and Bollons Plateau, southern New Zealand, 298-1281 metres An |
Lamellitrophon carinatus B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2022 Height 5.9mm Marine, Native - Endemic King Bank, Three Kings Islands, off Cape Reinga and off White Island, 15-805 metres, living at 15-23 metres A |
Lamellitrophon huttonii (Murdoch, 1900) Height 16mm, Width 7mm Marine, Native - Endemic North, South and Stewart Island ACF |
Lamellitrophon tangaroa B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2022 Height 6.4mm Marine, Native - Endemic Middlesex Bank, Three Kings Islands, and north-eastern North Island, from Spirits Bay to as far south as Ranfurly Bank, 16-143 metres, living at 50-56 metres A |
Lamellitrophon teres (Finlay, 1930) Height 6mm, Width 3.3mm Marine, Native - Endemic South Island, off Taiaroa Head, Otago, 90 metres F |
Lamellitrophon traversi (Hutton, 1873) Height 22mm, Width 10mm Marine, Native - Endemic North, South, Stewart and Chatham Islands, littoral to shallow subtidal. More common in north ACFM |
Lenitrophon convexus (Suter, 1909) Height 12.4mm, Width 4.5mm Marine, Native - Endemic Southern South Island. Stewart, Snares and Chatham Islands FMAn |
Paratrophon cheesemani (Hutton, 1882) Height 19mm, Width 11mm Marine, Native - Endemic North Island west coast, from Ninety Mile Beach to Kawhia AC |
Paratrophon cheesemani exsculptus Powell, 1933 Height 23mm, Width 13mm Marine, Native - Endemic West Coast North and South Islands from Port Waikato to Jackson Bay, south of Haast CF |
Paratrophon patens (Hombron & Jacquinot, 1854) Height 29mm, Width 17mm Marine, Native - Endemic, Lamellose within the grooves South Island and Stewart Island. On exposed rocky shores CF |
Paratrophon quoyi (Reeve, 1846) Height 35mm, Width 18mm Marine, Native - Endemic North Island. From low tide, often around Corallina seaweed AC |
Poirieria kopua Dell, 1956 Height 21mm, Width 15mm Marine, Native - Endemic Off Bay of Plenty southwards and Chatham Rise. Trawled around 500-1000 metres CFM |
Poirieria syrinx B.A. Marshall & Houart, 1995 Height 26mm, Width 24mm Marine, Native - Endemic Northland to Bay of Plenty, and Cook Strait, 482-786 metres on mud AC |
Poirieria zelandica (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833) Width 88mm, Height 79mm Spiny Murex, Marine, Native - Endemic Three Kings Islands to Stewart Island, Challenger Plateau and Chatham Islands, 0-540 metres ACFM |
Terefundus coronatus (Dell, 1956) Height 5.5mm, Width 2.2mm Marine, Native - Endemic South Island. Off Mernoo Bank to Chatham Islands CM |
Terefundus crispulatus (Suter, 1908) Height 4mm, Width 1.9mm Marine, Native - Endemic Lower South Island. Stewart Chathams and Snares Islands FMAn |
Terefundus cuvierensis (Mestayer, 1919) Height 4.5mm, Width 2mm Marine, Native - Endemic Northland to Bay of Plenty, trawled A |
Terefundus goniocorella B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2022 Height 8.8mm Marine, Native - Endemic Off Kaikoura, north-eastern South Island, 400 metres C |
Terefundus grebneffi B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2022 Height 7.6mm Marine, Native - Endemic Eastern South Island, 421-530 metres, living at 476-485 metres CF |
Terefundus gregarius B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2022 Height 9.5mm Marine, Native - Endemic Eastern South Island, 128-555 metres, living at 293-476 metres CF |
Terefundus mernoo B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2022 Height 4.5mm Marine, Native - Endemic Mernoo Bank, western Chatham Rise, living at 320-419 metres C |
Terefundus nitens B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2022 Height 5.5mm Marine, Native - Endemic Off The Aldermen Islands and off Mayor Island, north-eastern North Island, 348-443 metres, living at 443-527 metres A |
Terefundus quadricinctus (Suter, 1908) Height 4.4mm, Width 2.1mm Marine, Recent, Fossil, Native - Endemic South Island, from Otago south, and Snares Islands FAnR.Fo. |
Terefundus sepulcralis B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2022 Height 6.85mm Marine, Native - Endemic Graveyard Seamount complex, Chatham Rise, 800-990 metres C |
Terefundus unicarinatus Dell, 1956 Height 4.3mm, Width 2.3mm Marine, Native - Endemic Off Chatham Islands M |
Terefundus venustus B.A. Marshall & Houart, 2022 Marine, Native - Endemic Off Otago Peninsula, South-eastern South Island, living at 340-620 metres F |
Xymene plebeius (Hutton, 1873) Height 22mm, Width 11mm Marine, Native - Endemic, In harbours and estuaries North, South and Stewart Island ACF |
Xymene pumilus (Suter, 1909) Height 30mm, Width 15mm Marine, Native - Endemic From Cape Campbell to Stewart Island, and Auckland Islands. Sublittoral to about 550 metres CFAn |
Xymenella pusilla (Suter, 1907) Height 10mm, Width 5mm Marine, Native - Endemic North Island and east coast of South Island to Stewart Island ACF |
Zeatrophon ambiguus (Philippi, 1844) Height 64mm, Width 38mm Marine, Native - Endemic North, South, Stewart and Chatham Islands. From low tide to about 50 fathoms ACFM |
Zeatrophon mortenseni (Odhner, 1924) Height 15mm, Width 6.5mm Marine, Native - Endemic Off Auckland Islands, intertidal to about 10 metres An |
Zeatrophon mortenseni caudatinus (Finlay, 1930) Height 23mm, Width 10mm Marine, Native - Endemic Northland to Stewart Island and Chatham Islands. From 20-200 metres ACFM |
Zeatrophon pulcherrimus Finlay, 1930 Height 18mm, Width 7mm Marine, Native - Endemic North, South, Stewart and Chatham Islands. From 15-600 metres ACFM |