Divariscintilla maoria Powell, 1932 Width 7mm, Height 4mm Marine, Native - Endemic, Low tide, attached to walls of burrows of mantis shrimp Heterosquilla tricarinata. South-eastern North Island as far south as Motuhora Island. Intertidal AC |
Scintilla stevensoni Powell, 1932 Width 7mm, Height 4mm Marine, Native - Endemic Kermadec Islands, and north-eastern North Island as far south as Great Barrier Island. Under stones and in rock crevices at and below low tide KA |
Scintillona zelandica (Odhner, 1924) Width 6mm, Height 4mm Marine, Native - Endemic North-eastern and southern North Island, northern, eastern and south-western South Island, and Stewart and Auckland Islands. Attached to holothurian, Trochodonta dendyi ACFAn |