Cyamiomactra problematica F. Bernard, 1897 Width 4.5mm, Height 3mm Marine, Native - Endemic Southern South Island, and Stewart, Snares, Auckland, Campbell and Bounty Islands FMAn |
Kidderia acrobeles (Suter, 1913) Width 4mm, Height 3mm Marine, Native - Endemic Stewart, Snares and Antipodes Islands FAn |
Kidderia aupouria Powell, 1933 Width 2.7mm, Height 1.7mm Marine, Native - Endemic North-eastern North Island as far south as Great Barrier Island A |
Kidderia bicolor (Martens, 1885) Width 5mm, Height 3.7mm Marine, Native - Endemic Macquarie Islands. Also South Georgia, Kerguelen and Heard Islands. Intertidal under stones and among seaweed An |
Kidderia campbellica Odhner, 1924 Length 7mm, Height 4.5mm Marine, Native - Endemic Auckland, Campbell and Bounty Islands An |
Kidderia costata Odhner, 1924 Length 7mm, Height 4mm Marine, Native - Endemic Auckland Islands, Campbell and Antipodes Islands An |
Kidderia fiordlandica Fleming, 1948 Length 2.3mm, Height 1.5mm Marine, Recent, Fossil, Native - Endemic South-western South Island (Fiordland), Stewart Island and Chatham Islands FMR.Fo. |
Kidderia marshalli Fleming, 1948 Length 4.5mm, Height 2.7mm Marine, Native - Endemic South-western South Island (Fiordland), Stewart Island and Auckland Islands FAn |
Kidderia subquadrata (Pelseneer, 1903) Width 3.5mm, Height 2mm Marine Macquarie Island. Attached to algae in rock pools An |
Legrandina aucklandica Powell, 1933 Width 2mm, Height 1.7mm Marine, Native - Endemic Auckland Islands. Shallow sublittoral An |
Legrandina harrisonae Powell, 1935 Width 1.7mm, Height 1.5mm Marine, Native - Endemic Far southern South Island and Stewart Island F |
Legrandina turneri Powell, 1939 Width 2.8mm, Height 2.4mm Marine, Native - Endemic Otago Harbour and Stewart Island F |
Perrierina georgiana Fleming, 1948 Width 1.4mm, Height 1.3mm Marine, Recent, Fossil, Native - Endemic South-western South Island, Stewart Island, Chatham Islands and Mernoo Bank FMR.Fo. |
Perrierina insulana Powell, 1933 Width 1.9mm, Height 1.6mm Marine, Native - Endemic Stewart and Chatham Islands FM |
Perrierina mestayerae Powell, 1933 Width 2mm, Height 1.5mm Marine, Native - Endemic Snares Islands and off Otago Peninsula FAn |
Perrierina perstriata Fleming, 1948 Width 2.6mm, Height 2.1mm Marine, Native - Endemic South-western South Island (Fiordland) F |
Perrierina substriata Powell, 1935 Width 2.7mm, Height 2.2mm Marine, Native - Endemic Three Kings Islands. In fish stomachs A |
Perrierina taxodonta F. Bernard, 1897 Width 3.5mm, Height 2.5mm Marine, Native - Endemic Southern South Island as far north as Doubtful Sound, and Stewart Island F |