Catillopecten murrayi (E.A. Smith, 1885) Height 14.5mm Marine Coral Sea and Lord Howe Rise, 2561-2930 metres A |
Catillopecten tasmani Dijkstra & Marshall, 2008 Height 10mm Marine, Native - Endemic Western slope of Challenger Plateau and Bounty Trough, taken alive at 1373-1676 metres from foraminiferal ooze CF |
Cyclopecten fluctuosus Dijkstra & Marshall, 2008 Height 6.5mm Marine, Native - Endemic Challenger Plateau, 1373-2154 metres F |
Cyclopecten horridus Dijkstra, 1995 Height 6mm Marine, Native - Non-endemic New Caledonia, Loyalty Islands, and Kermadec Ridge K |
Cyclopecten kapalae Dijkstra, 1990 Height 3.6mm Marine, Native - Non-endemic Kermadec Ridge, North Island and Chatham Rise, 512-1573 metres. Also Southeastern Australia, Kermadec Islands, Lord Howe Rise, Norfolk Ridge KACM |
Cyclopecten kermadecensis (E.A. Smith, 1885) Height 7.5mm Marine, Native - Endemic Kermadec Ridge, 1097-1225 metres K |
Cyclopecten powelli Dell, 1956 Height 7.5mm, Width 7mm Marine, Native - Endemic Challenger Plateau and off western South Island, trawled in approx. 500-1450 metres C |
Cyclopecten secundus (Finlay, 1927) Width 5mm, Height 4mm Marine, Native - Endemic Middlesex and King banks, Three Kings Islands, off Whangaroa, and Ranfurly Bank, from approx. 20-800 metres A |
Cyclopecten textus Dijkstra & Marshall, 2008 Height 12.5mm Marine, Native - Endemic Lord Howe Rise, 2928-2930 metres A |
Parvamussium cancellorum Dijkstra & Marshall, 2008 Width 7mm Marine, Native - Endemic Southern Norfolk Ridge and West Norfolk Ridge, from approx. 450-750 metres A |
Parvamussium thetidis (Hedley, 1902) Height 7.6mm Marine, Native - Non-endemic Kermadec Ridge. Also south-eastern Africa, Andaman Islands, Indonesian Archipelago, Wallis and Futuna, Vanuatu, New Caledonia, Australia and Lord Howe Rise K |
Parvamussium maorium (Dell, 1956) Height 13mm, Width 12mm Marine, Native - Non-endemic North and South Island, Chatham Rise. Trawled 168 to over 1300 metres ACFMAn |
Parvamussium retiolum Dijkstra, 1995 Height 13mm Marine West Norfolk Ridge, Three Kings Rise and northern New Zealand, approx. 300-1000 metres. Also Chesterfield Reefs (Coral Sea), New Caledonia, Wallis and Futuna, and Vanuatu KAC |
Parvamussium squalidulum Dijkstra, 1995 Height 7.8mm Marine, Native - Non-endemic Kermadec Ridge, 145-300 metres. Also Queensland, Western Australia, Coral Sea, Loyalty Islands, Vanuatu and Wallis and Futuna K |
Parvamussium vesiculatum Dijkstra, 1995 Height 7.6mm Marine, Native - Non-endemic West Norfolk Ridge, southern Kermadec Ridge, and northern New Zealand, from approx. 450-800 metres. Also Eastern Indonesia, New Caledonia, Loyalty Islands, Norfolk Ridge, Wallis and Futuna, Vanuatu KA |
Propeamussium investigatoris (E.A.Smith, 1906) Height 13mm Marine, Native - Non-endemic Kermadec Ridge and north-eastern North Island KA |
Propeamussium meridionale (E.A. Smith, 1885) Height 9mm Marine, Native - Non-endemic New Zealand, Southern Ocean, Southern Indian Ocean, Indonesia, New Caledonia, Wallis and Futuna, Vanuatu, Lord Howe Rise, and Norfolk Ridge. West Norfolk Ridge, Kermadec Ridge, Three Kings Rise, Tasman Basin and Bounty Trough. Living at 619-5440 metres KACFAn |
Propeamussium sibogai (Dautzenberg & Bavay, 1904) Height 60mm Marine, Native - Non-endemic Colville Ridge, and Kermadec Islands, approx. 300-700 metres. Also South Africa, Japan, Philippines, Indonesia, New Caledonia, Vanuatu K |
Sinepecten segonzaci Schein, 2006 Height 24mm Marine Manus back-arc basin, Papua-New Guniea, and Brothers volcano, southern Kermadec Ridge K |