Cyclochlamys aupouria (Powell, 1937) Width 4mm Marine, Native - Endemic Three Kings Islands, and north-eastern North Island as far south-east as Ranfurly Bank, 79-805 metres A |
Cyclochlamys austrina Dijkstra & Marshall, 2008 Width 2.4mm Marine, Native - Endemic South-western South Island (Fiordland) and Antipodes Islands, from approx. 110-420 metres FAn |
Cyclochlamys bacata Dijkstra & Marshall, 2008 Height 1.9mm Marine, Native - Endemic Wanganella Bank, West Norfolk Ridge, from approx. 110-430 metres A |
Cyclochlamys delli Dijkstra & Marshall, 2008 Width 5mm, Height 3.6mm Marine, Native - Endemic Eastern and south-western South Island and Chatham Rise, from muddy substrata, approx. 120-1006 metres CFM |
Cyclochlamys irregularis Dijkstra & Marshall, 2008 Width 3mm, Height 1.8mm Marine, Native - Endemic Middlesex Bank, Three Kings Islands, and north-eastern North Island as far south as Poor Knights Islands, from approx. 20-800 metres A |
Cyclochlamys lemchei (Powell, 1958) Width 6.2mm Marine, Native - Non-endemic Kermadec Islands, 27-420 metres. And Western Pacific K |
Cyclochlamys mestayerae Dell, 1956 Width 2.9mm, Height 2.4mm Marine, Native - Endemic Northern Three Kings Rise, Middlesex Bank, Three Kings Islands, northern North Island and off north-western South Island. Trawled in approx. 70-620 metres AC |
Cyclochlamys munida Dijkstra & Marshall, 2008 Width 2.15mm Marine, Native - Endemic Bradshaw Sound and Thompson Sound, south-western South Island, 340-415 metres F |
Cyclochlamys pileolus Dijkstra & Marshall, 2008 Height 1.5mm, Width 1.4mm Marine, Native - Endemic South-eastern South Island, Foveaux Strait, and Stewart, Auckland and Bounty Islands, 18-91 metres. The Kermadec record probably dates from a late glacial maximum KFAn |
Cyclochlamys transenna (Suter, 1913) Width 3.4mm, Height 3mm Marine, Native - Endemic North-eastern North Island (Aldermen Islands and Ranfurly Bank), and South, Stewart, Snares, Auckland, Bounty, Antipodes and Chatham Islands ACFMAn |
Cyclochlamys wanganellica Dijkstra & Marshall, 2008 Width 2.5mm Marine, Native - Endemic Wanganella Bank summit, West Norfolk Ridge, taken alive at 113-133 metres from rhodolith gravel A |