Adacnarca harrisonae (Powell, 1927) Length 1.5mm, Height 1.1mm Marine, Native - Endemic South-western South Island FAn |
Adacnarca minuta (E.A. Smith, 1898) Marine, Native - Endemic Southern North Island, and South, Stewart, Snares, Auckland, Campbell, Antipodes, Bounty and Chatham Islands, Pukaki Rise, Mernoo Bank and Chatham Rise CFMAn |
Adacnarca ornata (Crozier, 1966) Length 1.8mm, Height 2mm Marine, Native - Endemic Middlesex Bank and N of Three Kings Islands, trawled in 800 metres A |
Adacnarca pileopsis (Powell, 1927) Length 1.3mm, Height 0.8mm Marine, Native - Endemic South-western South Island F |
Adacnarca trapezina (F. Bernard, 1897) Length 1.5mm, Height 1.1mm Marine, Native - Endemic South-eastern South Island and Stewart Island CFAn |
Aupouria parvula Powell, 1937 Width 1.6mm, Height 1.5mm Marine, Native - Endemic Middlesex Bank, Three Kings Islands, off Cape Reinga, off Spirits Bay, and Bay of Islands. Trawled in about 260 metres A |
Cosa costata (F. Bernard, 1896) Width 2.5mm, Height 3.2mm Marine, Native - Endemic South, Stewart, Snares, Auckland, Campbell, Antipodes, Bounty and Chatham Islands, Mernoo Bank and Pukaki Rise. Shallow water to about 180 metres CFMAn |
Cosa dispar Powell, 1937 Marine, Native - Endemic Middlesex and King Banks, Three Kings Islands and off Cape Reinga A |
Cosa filholi (F. Bernard, 1897) Width 2.6mm, Height 3.3mm Marine, Native - Endemic South-western North Island, South, Stewart, Snares and Chatham Islands CFMAn |
Cosa laevicostata Powell, 1933 Width 1.8mm, Height 2.3mm Marine, Native - Endemic Three Kings Islands, off Cape Reinga, Spirits and Tom Bowling Bays, and Ranfurly Bank A |
Cosa serratocostata Powell, 1933 Height 2.8mm, Width 2.3mm Marine, Native - Endemic Three Kings Islands and northern North Island as far south as Bay of Islands A |
Cratis delicatula Powell, 1937 Height 3mm, Width 2.4mm Marine, Native - Endemic Middlesex and King Banks, Three Kings Islands, off Cape Reinga and north-eastern North Island as far south-east as East Cape A |
Cratis retiaria Powell, 1937 Width 2.5mm, Height 3mm Marine, Native - Endemic Middlesex and King Banks, Three Kings Islands and NW of Cape Reinga A |
Lissarca aucklandica E.A. Smith, 1902 Length 5mm, Height 3.8mm Marine, Native - Endemic Auckland, Campbell and Bounty Islands An |
Lissarca benthicola (Dell, 1956) Height 6.7mm, Length 4.8mm Marine, Native - Endemic Eastern South Island and western Chatham Rise F |
Lissarca exilis Suter, 1913 Length 3.2mm, Height 2.2mm Marine, Native - Endemic South-western South Island, Stewart and Snares Islands FAn |
Lissarca stationis Fleming, 1948 Length 1.6mm, Height 1.3mm Marine, Native - Endemic South Island. Fiordland F |
Lissarca stewartiana Powell, 1935 Length 2.1mm, Height 1.5mm Marine, Native - Endemic Stewart Island. In shell sand F |
Philobrya acutangula (Powell, 1935) Height 4.9mm, Width 4.1mm Marine, Native - Endemic Three Kings Islands AC |
Philobrya hamiltoni (Hedley, 1916) Height 6mm, Width 4.5mm Marine, Native - Endemic Macquarie Island, below low tide An |
Philobrya meleagrina (F. Bernard, 1896) Width 2.5mm, Height 2.5mm Marine, Native - Endemic Southern South Island, Stewart, Snares, Auckland, Antipodes and Chatham Islands FMAn |
Philobrya modiolus Suter, 1913 Width 3mm, Height 3mm Marine, Native - Endemic South, Stewart, Snares, Antipodes, Bounty and Chatham Islands MAn |
Philobrya munita (Finlay, 1930) Height 4.2mm, Width 3.2mm Marine, Native - Endemic Spirits Bay and north-eastern North Island as far south as Mahia Peninsula AC |
Philobrya pinctada (Finlay, 1930) Height 5.6mm, Width 4.2mm Marine, Native - Endemic King Bank, Three Kings Islands, eastern North Island, Cook Strait, and eastern South Island as far south as Otago Peninsula ACF |
Philobrya sculpturalis (Dell, 1956) Height 6mm, Width 4.4mm Marine, Native - Endemic Eastern South Island, Chatham Rise and Bounty Islands FMAn |
Verticipronus mytilus Hedley, 1904 Height 5.5mm, Width 3.5mm Marine, Native - Endemic Western North Island, South, Stewart, Snares, Auckland, Campbell, Antipodes and Bounty Islands CFMAn |