Eudolium bairdii (Verrill & Smith, 1881) Height 50mm, Width 25mm Marine Atlantic, Mediterranean and Indo-West Pacific, 17-823 metres (deepest alive 560 metres). Bay of Plenty, 380-420 metres A |
Eudolium crosseanum (Monerosato, 1869) Height 60mm, Width 45mm Marine Indo-West Pacific, from South Africa to Japan, Hawaii and northern New Zealand. Off Northland, Bay of Plenty, 137-580m (deepest alive 390m) A |
Malea pomum (Linnaeus, 1758) Height 70mm Marine Kermadec Islands, and occasionally washed up in the Far North KA |
Tonna cumingii (Reeve, 1849) Height 90mm, Width 65mm Marine, The species currently classified as Tonna cumingii in New Zealand could possibly be a new/different species or even more than one species. Until further research has been published, the current name of Tonna cumingii is used here East Coast Northland A |
Tonna dolium (Lamarck, 1822) Height 110mm, Width 95mm Marine Indo-Pacific, Indian Ocean, Indonesia, Japa, Philippines, Fiji and northern part of North Island A |
Tonna melanostoma (Jay, 1839) Height 180mm, Width 145mm Marine, Distinguished by dark-brown spreading parietal callus Hawaiian Islands to Tonga, Society Islands, Melanesia and Northland east coast KA |
Tonna perdix (Linnaeus, 1758) Height 225mm Marine Indo-Western Pacific, Kermadec Islands and Northland KA |
Tonna tankervillii (Hanley, 1860) Height 250mm, Width 210mm Common Cask or Tun Shell, Marine, Characterised by a deep canaliculate suture Northland to Hawkes Bay and Mahia Peninsula. Washups on sandy beaches and alive below low tide AC |
Tonna tetracotula Hedley, 1919 Height 200mm, Width 150mm Marine Outer Hauraki Gulf to Bay of Plenty. Also Australia, Queensland to Victoria A |
Tonna zonata (Green, 1830) Height 200mm, Width 155mm Marine Nortern part of North Island, to western Bay of Plenty. Also Indian Ocean, Japan A |